![Sam Johnson Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1757341403821301760/aFrYBcdE_x96.jpg)
Sam Johnson
Helping people get stronger.
Portland, OR
Joined October 2010
After 10+ years working in the trenches as a private strength coach/business owner working with athletes from middle school on up through the pros..Began fresh off active duty military in 2013 with free training for athletes to “prove” results & slowly increased pricing to reflect the true value that’s gained training with a professional strength coach. I’ve noticed a few things working with highly talented, average, and not so talented athletes regardless of sport, age or gender: Performance of athletes long term, regardless of talent, is dependent on their mindset within & outside of their time with their coaches/trainers.. Anyone can do the work in front of others. But is this work even done well or to our full focus & effort? Some are able to do it well, some not so well. Some can be shown, directed, and taught the proper form to perform and they want to improve so they focus and push themselves toward limits in all they do. Others will falter due to disliking discomfort so much that they’re not able to see value in the efforts required to improve. The juice is worth the squeeze for some, others not at all. Some athletes are focused most of the time, some sometimes, and some have to be convinced to lock in occasionally. Some pay attention to detail in every movement, others are simply going through the motions jokingly as if they’re ’too cool’ to sweat the small stuff.. Some pay attention, some don’t. Some care about nutrition, some don’t. Some care about stretching, rolling, and resting - some don’t. Some want to do whatever it takes, some don’t. Some are hungry for the simple shit they can do repeatedly that others won’t, some think it’s bullshit when given 3-5 things they can do on their own to improve their performance long term. It’s the athletes able to focus on their work and maintain a long term outlook most of the time that have long term success in sports and life. Success is simply accepting what the process requires and learning to take action regardless of how we feel in any given moment. Some get it, some never will. Some win, some lose. Some love truth, some hate to hear shit that doesn’t soothe their ear. Some need another coach to be their friend and hold their hand. Some don’t. The game remains the same, whether in sports or life.. Win or lose, focus & effort are really the only things in our control. Effort & focus = long term success. Never give up.
One of the greatest to ever play the game. Welcome our new Running Backs Coach, Marshall Faulk, to Colorado! #GoBuffs
RT @EricCressey: Sport-specific considerations are great - but only when athletes have a foundation of training experience. When working wi…
RT @ERoseboroughPDX: '23/'24 Varsity Series: Big Gains After Catch @FranklinFBpdx @adamgrimes22 @samjohnsonpdx @CoachHefNCSA
@IsaacWilkins @EdCosner This is 100% truth. Never met a 20 year old that was “too strong.” In fact, it’s actually the strongest ones that have ended up professional athletes making a living playing their sport. They had obvious talent but they’re also very strong.
RT @EdCosner: Strength fixes everything Strength will make you better at ALL SPORTS and in the ultimate sport called LIFE!! I know it sav…
@StrengthDebates Very difficult concept for many within various youth sports cultures to understand.