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Sanjeev Sabhlok



Economista. Fighting for liberty and reason. Opposed to febrile, hysterical, disproportionate, totalitarian policies for covid, climate change or anything else.

Joined February 2009
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Sanjeev Sabhlok
4 years
Have lodged my complaint to the International Criminal Court. Final version can be downloaded from here:
Sanjeev Sabhlok
4 hours
The more I look into the milk issue the more surprised I am at the COMPLETE BLANK OUT in modern literature (including Thomas McKeown's work) of the vast number of studies in the 19th century on the nutritional value of milk. Not just Curwen, almost any doctor who commented on milk in the 19th century KNEW OF ITS IMMENSE NUTRITIONAL VALUE - and that it saved lives. Also, they knew that milk that was bereft of butter (later found to be Vitamin A) DID NOT PROTECT children. It appear that "modern" doctors have made it a habit of IGNORING the work of doctors who came before them - as if everyone else before them was a fool. In this process, it is THEY who have been shown up as the QUACKS AND FOOLS - because they fail to connect the vast amounts of circumstantial and direct evidence that is available on a wide range of issues, if only they read older works. On virtually everything I've examined - quarantine, school closures, milk (and now vaccine effectiveness) - "modern" doctors are busy trying to reinvent the wheel. MY MESSAGE TO DOCTORS: READ OLD BOOKS! source: An 1851 report from USA
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Sanjeev Sabhlok
5 hours
While I've finished my milk-measles write-up for TOI, the book chapter on milk will contain vastly greater amounts of detail. I need to be 100% sure of my thesis and provide irrefragable proofs (I like this word that I learnt from Charles Maclean!) Here's what I've found - further proof that the average workers in USA even in 1890 COULD NOT AFFORD PURE MILK. Instead, they consumed still slop milk (made from "milk" produced by cows that were fed on "slops produced by beer and whiskey distilleries". This milk had NO Vitamin A, could not produce butter. Such "milk" was KILLING CHILDREN - also noted by an American doctor in 1938. It is surprising that milk is such a neglected topic in PH.
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Sanjeev Sabhlok
5 hours
While I've finished my milk-measles write-up for TOI, the book chapter on milk will contain vastly greater amounts of detail. I need to be 100% sure of my thesis and provide irrefragable proofs (I like this word that I learnt from Charles Maclean!) Here's what I've found - further proof that the average workers in USA even in 1890 COULD NOT AFFORD PURE MILK. Instead, they consumed still slop milk (made from "milk" produced by cows that were fed on "slops produced by beer and whiskey distilleries". This milk had NO Vitamin A, could not produce butter. Such "milk" was KILLING CHILDREN - also noted by an American doctor in 1938. It is surprising that milk is such a neglected topic in PH.
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Sanjeev Sabhlok
5 hours
Milk is one of the least studied topics in the literature, it appears. However, a study in 2010 confirmed that Curwen had found long ago: MILK EXTENDS HUMAN LIFE. I had given up milk a long time ago but now will re-start it. It is protective not just against respiratory disease but against a number of chronic diseases.
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Sanjeev Sabhlok
1 day
It appears that John Christian Curwen (1756 - 1828) was the first (or among the first) to identify that MILK DRAMATICALLY INCREASED LONGEVITY AND REDUCED CHILD MORTALITY. What is astonishing is that Edwin Chadwick and Southwood Smith missed this HUGE public health finding. This more than adequately confirms my milk theory of measles mortality reduction and I'll now finish that piece. source: [The actual book is available on Gale] cc. @AgBioWorld - It would be good to get in touch with a specialist in milk who has thoroughly studied the history and benefits of milk.
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Sanjeev Sabhlok
7 hours
Great stuff by Free Speech Union of Australia I've filled in my details to find out if I was censored by the e-Safety commissioner of Australia.
Sanjeev Sabhlok
7 hours
A note: I will keep updating the draft, so please refresh if you are downloading more than once (e.g. I've removed some typos and updated a few minutes ago).
Sanjeev Sabhlok
7 hours
Also some of the authors and promoters of the Lancet study with a request to check my initial write-up in the linked tweet. @AureliaFNguyen @KBadizad @naorbz @YoonieSim @Richard_PharmaG @lprivord @DrSethBerkley @OrinLevine @ViolaineMitchel @markjit Remember, I was the one who kept repeating (till very recently) that vaccines have saved a billion lives, so my change in mind is very recent. I'm still studying this issue and if you find obvious flaws in my critique, I'm happy to change my mind again. However, I've repeatedly asked The Lancet, CDC and WHO for their views on my evolving findings and they are entirely silent! Science can't advance through silence when someone asks a question.
Sanjeev Sabhlok
8 hours
REQUEST FOR COMMENT Here's a preliminary sketch of my next piece for my Times of India blog. In this I question the Lancet estimate of 154 million lives saved and ask the paper to be retracted. This has been knocked up in 30 minutes, so ignore typos, etc. I'm looking only for feedback on content. cc. @TheLancet @CDCgov @WHO @tarahaelle
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Sanjeev Sabhlok
9 hours
Don't listen to them, @elonmusk !!!! THE US SOFT POWER COMES THROUGH ITS IDEAS. As far as I was concerned, Ayn Rand was the soft power of USA - and later Mises. And the fact that almost everyone who has heard of it wants to go to the USA - known at one time as the land of opportunity. Instead, the USAID is DESTROYING the good work of USA, and funding CRIMINALS AND GANGSTERS in the Third World (and also England, viz the BBC). China can't compete with USA through its Belt and Road initiative. Shutting down USAID will be one of the best things for humanity. cc. @realDonaldTrump
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Sanjeev Sabhlok
18 hours
Now that I've finished my milk-measles write-up I'm going to work on a write-up on why the Lancet paper of 2024 is incorrect (and must be retracted). Since it will probably be my most important PH piece after my write-ups against quarantine, I'll share drafts for comment. (Btw, I have just discovered that not just the WHO and CDC, even Nature has been using that fraudulent paper to claim the "The Staggering Success of Vaccines") Basically, if that paper becomes widely accepted (as it seems to have been already) then we are going to live with yet another Big Lie for eternity.
Sanjeev Sabhlok
2 days
@TheLancet should be the first to be prosecuted for its fraudulent claim that vaccines under EPI have saved 154m lives. We know that this is pure nonsense since in the USA, there were no more than 500 deaths from measles before the vaccine came in, so the max that could have been saved (assuming almost entirely a vaccine effect) would be 500x50 = 25,000. We know that vaccines contributed a very tiny part of this since the trend line was sharply downward well before the vaccines came in. From this 25k they have extrapolated to 15 million lives saved for the Americas. That's pure nonsense. First, this 25k is too high. Second, the charts are clear - that there has been no acceleration in the decline of infant mortality rates in the Third World after the vaccines were introduced. Third, a comparison of the rates of decline in the Third World with the UK's rate of decline (well before vaccines) show that almost all the decline in the Third World has come from causes other than vaccines. I have repeated asked for this shonky piece of "research" to be retracted but no response. I believe the actual number will be far lower than 154m, probably around 2-5million. @RobertKennedyJr - for action. Note that CDC has been actively promoting this fraudulent "study". cc. @WHO @CDCgov
Sanjeev Sabhlok
20 hours
First part of the measles milk article. I’ve sent the second part as well, but they will probably publish it after a few days.
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Sanjeev Sabhlok
21 hours
@jengleruk @GirardotMarc Thanks. Excellent information.
Sanjeev Sabhlok
23 hours
The link between lockdowns, vast fiscal deficits and inflation is clear to many of us but the average Aussie just doesn't care. He thinks that lockdowns saved his life. We will get lockdowns again - that's guaranteed.
Philip Soos
4 days
Nominal wages adjusted for the Employee Cost of Living Index (CPI with interest payments) has suffered an even greater collapse. This is the most vicious instance of class war in the post-war era. Shame upon those who supported the Covid tyranny.
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Sanjeev Sabhlok
1 day
It appears that John Christian Curwen (1756 - 1828) was the first (or among the first) to identify that MILK DRAMATICALLY INCREASED LONGEVITY AND REDUCED CHILD MORTALITY. What is astonishing is that Edwin Chadwick and Southwood Smith missed this HUGE public health finding. This more than adequately confirms my milk theory of measles mortality reduction and I'll now finish that piece. source: [The actual book is available on Gale] cc. @AgBioWorld - It would be good to get in touch with a specialist in milk who has thoroughly studied the history and benefits of milk.
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Sanjeev Sabhlok
1 day
Milk was known as a health-giving product long before it became widely available in the early 20th century. Book of 1825: A Treatise on milk, as an article of the first necessity to the health and comfort of the community : a review of the different methods of production : and suggestions respecting the best means of improving its quality, reducing its price, and increasing its consumption. Published by J. Harding, 1825. The Making of the Modern World,
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