草率了,没有全部tg都加入进去 Too hasty, not all tgs were included
The gameplay of the emoticon pack is indeed a long-term plan 表情包 玩法确实是,长久之计
2. StickerVers StickerVerse 是一个专注贴纸玩法的 Agent。 第一版本缘起推特上看到的一个非常有趣的贴纸风格。一张图片中,中间是卡通贴纸照,背后四宫格是真人写真照。 刚好看到分享账号也发出来对应的 lora,就在本地 ComfyUI 里跑了几张效果图发了个朋友圈,大家都觉得新鲜想玩。 以前这种朋友需求就有点尴尬,让我一个个对接嫌麻烦,又没一个前端页面丢给朋友自己试。 这次有些不一样了,在“You are Wukong”的制作中,我已经对 ShellAgent 的基础用法非常熟悉了。这种 ComfyUI 流已经跑通的 agent 做起来真是有手就行。 不夸张的说,第一版本的 StickerVerse 我只花了不到 1 个小时就完成从创建开发到部署发布,当全网开始在热议这种贴纸风格的时候,StickerVerse 已经上线 MyShell 可以被用户方便使用了。这种极速开发效率让 StickerVerse 获得早期的传播流量和贴纸心智。 我给这个 Agent 起名“StickerVerse”,就抱着要新增更多贴纸形态和玩法,构建贴纸小小宇宙的心思。 所以趁着用户这波新鲜劲,在文生图的玩法之上,加上基于 PuLID 的图生图,玩家可以上传照片制造个性化的贴纸。 单一玩法总有消退的一天,但贴纸的需求是长尾的。尤其是传统的单个贴纸和贴纸表情包,是很多年轻人表达情绪最常用的方式。所以我陆续又加了传统贴纸的各种 cute 风格和 single/sheet 的版面,大部分用户这种贴纸是为了打印出来剪一剪,贴一贴,但也有些用户喜欢用贴纸做头像,那就加一个移除贴纸背景的分支满足对干净头像的诉求。 后来有阵子 In-Context Lora 的概念很火,因为一致性很好,出了很多基于图标,图案迁移的玩法。我想着贴纸在现实世界中也是随处贴,那就也搞个 ComfyUI 的流来云贴贴。用户在创作出自己满意的贴纸后,可以接着描述这个贴纸贴在哪,比如咖啡厅桌子上的咖啡杯上,然后就能获得刚才创作的贴纸被贴到咖啡杯上的图片。 同时基于 Flux 强悍绘画能力尝试一些神奇贴纸风格,比如彩色的照片中一只手拿着一张泛黄的黑白贴纸,贴纸中物或人是彩色背景中的历史或年轻的模样。又或是一只手拿着一张孩童涂鸦贴纸,贴纸中是涂鸦出的模样。 经过一段时间的迭代,这个 Agent 基本能满足我想得到的贴纸需求了。无论是一开始创建还是后续的新增和修改,每次有想法都是行云流水般自然发生的一顿操作,没有任何的卡点。 这么迅猛的开发效率和方便的扩展能力得益于 Myshell 新一代 AI Agent 的架构:ShellAgent。 ShellAgent 在保留 PromConfig 优秀的状态机框架之上完美融入了整个 ComfyUI 生态,从而焕发出磅礴的创作者生感召力。尤其是最新版在独立容器化的底层改造真是令人赞叹,这绝对是后来能走向规模化创作的一个最重大且最富有创意的转折点。 众所周知,ComfyUI 生态繁荣,节点多模型多,基本是当下生图的天花板,能做出非常有想象力且有质感的图像流。但依赖复杂,冲突易发,模型和节点差异化大是一直被诟病。自己一个人用部署到本地安装升级都老费劲。 所以,通常提供 ComfyUI 云部署的服务(比如:Liblib,Glif 等)都只是精选出节点和模型的子集出来整包部署给创作者使用。 这是平台从自身考量的常规做法,勉强够用,保持系统稳定的同时也极大压缩了创作空间。 ShellAgent 产研团队却在这个大家普遍默认的模式上带来新的惊喜,基于他们深入底层技术的自研交出了超预期的答卷。 个人感觉,ShellAgent 不是拘泥在节点层面去寻找解法,而是先跳到更高维度去追问,出发点不是一味追求系统的稳定,而是第一性原理的从创作者视角来提出一个命题: AI Agent 创作者生态需要什么样的框架来最大限度激发出创作潜力? 基于此一个充满创作生命力的 ComfyUI 环境应是所有本地能跑通的复杂的 ComfyUI 流都应该能在 ShellAgent 里跑起来,所有天马行空,酷炫炸裂的生图效果都能通过 Agent 的方式被用户直接使用。 直面这个不可回避的命题,MyShell 产研团队埋头钻研,静心打磨,从最初手忙脚乱的开荒版走到现在稳定高效的容器版,ShellAgent 越发的好用,能让 ComfyUI 的玩家极简快速的通过 Agent 复刻出自己 ComfyUI 作品,在 MyShell 主站将千差万别的 Agent 无束缚的完整部署。 ShellAgent 不止于此,还在不断进化,最近云版本也发布了,创作者只需专注在创作这一件事上,都不需要本地创作环境的部署,联网就能直接开始创作。 最近 Deepseek 的小天才军团火出圈,他们也是一往无前的基于第一性原理,遇山开路,遇水搭桥,直至目标。看到报道的新闻时,我想起 MyShell 同样年轻有非凡创造力的产研团队。 在做“StickerVerse”这个 Agent 时,曾按照个人理解画了下 ShellAgent 的图。大致分为三层: 1. Agent 是由状态机驱动的状态节点的网状分布,状态之间可以条件路由,事件跳转,对话轮询等调度方式。 2. 状态节点内部可以拥有自由数量的任务队列,类似工作流的顺序执行,多个任务队列可以通过状态的组合实现。 3. 任务中可以插拔不同的 Widget 组件,比如常用的大模型任务可以按需选择 GPT,Claude,Deepseek 三种组件。 基于这三层的 ShellAgent 灵活性和稳定性有了,留给未来的扩展范式也有了,比如:基于这样的架构新的一年来做 MCP 的协议支持和推理模型的思维链展示,或是把第三方的服务通过 Widget 的方式放进来,都无比丝滑。 创作者可能不单单是 Agent 的创作者,也可能包含 Widget,服务等创作者。畅想一下,整个 MyShell 的 AI 创作生态从单纯 Agent 涌现爆发的阶段进入到 Agent 和服务双飞轮的阶段。
@p2ecoin91 Maybe it can't affect it, but for Kaito, it is effective to carry their label content. If it is a platform full of spam, would you be interested?
The official said that low-quality communication is meaningless, how about originality? They even considered punishment. 官方都说了 低质量 交流,没意义 ,原创好吗 甚至考虑处罚
we heard your feedback on @_kaitoai Yaps - algo-based shadow ban incoming. if necessary, will evaluate slashing while low-quality engagement baits aren’t gaining yaps, they are creating confusion and noise, violating the principles of the majority the network will increase the cost of doing harm as part of its (dis)incentive mechanism without happy users, creators won’t get paid sustainably we will continue to listen to your feedback and evolve 🫡
@Punk9277 @_kaitoai Very happy, I published it yesterday, high quality communication 非常高兴,昨天我就已经在发表,高质量交流
About Kaito's score increase I don't know if it has anything to do with the fact that there is no link displayed on Twitter I accidentally discovered on the first day that you can register without being a blue V (probably because the conditions have been relaxed), then I followed and commented on various things, and licked two big Vs to follow me @wsdxbz1 @scriptdotmoney . If it weren't for @_kaitoai who told me to do it boldly, I might not have had the chance to have them follow me in this life. This project feels very novel, and it feels like it is the protagonist of this year. (Boldly increase the position, open Premium) But even if the two smart followers rose, there was no extra points On the second day, I clicked on various ways to upgrade Premium Blue V, but I didn’t buy it On the third day, it was discounted by 40%. It was so comfortable that I took it directly. If you want to open it, you can also fool Twitter like this Unexpected surprise (fool it into discounted Premium) So now it is posted under the status of showing the link to the kaitoai website, It’s really impossible not to give points for pure originality Observed the rules of his website and quoted The key to getting Yaps is real, high-quality, and relevant participation in crypto discussions; this means that Yaps are awarded through a combination of: Crypto relevance Real, reputation-focused participation Insightful, original, and focused discussions (quality > quantity) So I think I can post whatever I think of, that’s what I can do. Full originality, everyone has different ideas, since you have paid for the membership, you must make good use of it, there is a sunk cost, there is motivation I want to improve too much. 关于 Kaito 涨分 我不知道和推特上没有链接显示 有没有关系 我第一天偶然发现 不是蓝v也可以注册了(放松了条件可能), 然后 进行了 各种关注 评论,舔了两个大v 关注我 @wsdxbz1 @scriptdotmoney ,如果不是因为@_kaitoai 让我大胆去做 可能这辈子也没有机会让他们关注我。 这项目感觉方式很新颖,感觉今年的主角就是他了。(大胆加仓,开Premium) 但是���便涨了 两个智能跟随者 ,也没有加分 第二天 各种点开 升级 Premium 蓝v 没有买 第三天 打折了 优惠百分之四十 这么舒服 直接拿下 ,你们要是想开也可以这样忽悠一下 推特 意外惊喜 (忽悠到打折的Premium) 所以现在是 显示链接到 kaitoai 网站的状态 下 发的, 纯原创还不给分真没办法了 观察了 他网站带的规则 引用一下 获得 Yaps 的关键在于真实、高质量、相关的加密讨论参与度;这意味着 Yaps 是通过以下方式组合授予的: 加密相关性 真实的、以声誉为重点的参与 富有洞察力、原创性和重点突出的讨论(质量 > 数量) 所以我认为想到什么发什么 ,就是我能做的。 原创拉满,每个人的想法都不一样,既然冲了会员 就要利用好,有沉没成本 ,就有动力了 太想进步了。
@wals_eth Why not take a look at mine? Originality is the truth Reject low quality communication 不如看看我的? 原创才是真道理 拒绝低质量 交流
About Kaito's score increase I don't know if it has anything to do with the fact that there is no link displayed on Twitter I accidentally discovered on the first day that you can register without being a blue V (probably because the conditions have been relaxed), then I followed and commented on various things, and licked two big Vs to follow me @wsdxbz1 @scriptdotmoney . If it weren't for @_kaitoai who told me to do it boldly, I might not have had the chance to have them follow me in this life. This project feels very novel, and it feels like it is the protagonist of this year. (Boldly increase the position, open Premium) But even if the two smart followers rose, there was no extra points On the second day, I clicked on various ways to upgrade Premium Blue V, but I didn’t buy it On the third day, it was discounted by 40%. It was so comfortable that I took it directly. If you want to open it, you can also fool Twitter like this Unexpected surprise (fool it into discounted Premium) So now it is posted under the status of showing the link to the kaitoai website, It’s really impossible not to give points for pure originality Observed the rules of his website and quoted The key to getting Yaps is real, high-quality, and relevant participation in crypto discussions; this means that Yaps are awarded through a combination of: Crypto relevance Real, reputation-focused participation Insightful, original, and focused discussions (quality > quantity) So I think I can post whatever I think of, that’s what I can do. Full originality, everyone has different ideas, since you have paid for the membership, you must make good use of it, there is a sunk cost, there is motivation I want to improve too much. 关于 Kaito 涨分 我不知道和推特上没有链接显示 有没有关系 我第一天偶然发现 不是蓝v也可以注册了(放松了条件可能), 然后 进行了 各种关注 评论,舔了两个大v 关注我 @wsdxbz1 @scriptdotmoney ,如果不是因为@_kaitoai 让我大胆去做 可能这辈子也没有机会让他们关注我。 这项目感觉方式很新颖,感觉今年的主角就是他了。(大胆加仓,开Premium) 但是即便涨了 两个智能跟随者 ,也没有加分 第二天 各种点开 升级 Premium 蓝v 没有买 第三天 打折了 优惠百分之四十 这么舒服 直接拿下 ,你们要是想开也可以这样忽悠一下 推特 意外惊喜 (忽悠到打折的Premium) 所以现在是 显示链接到 kaitoai 网站的状态 下 发的, 纯原创还不给分真没办法了 观察了 他网站带的规则 引用一下 获得 Yaps 的关键在于真实、高质量、相关��加密讨论参与度;这意味着 Yaps 是通过以下方式组合授予的: 加密相关性 真实的、以声誉为重点的参与 富有洞察力、原创性和重点突出的讨论(质量 > 数量) 所以我认为想到什么发什么 ,就是我能做的。 原创拉满,每个人的想法都不一样,既然冲了会员 就要利用好,有沉没成本 ,就有动力了 太想进步了。
@Miles082510 @0G_labs @mheinrich @yixing_web3 @guangzizai @wenxue600 @ZKSgu @Airdrop_Guard 不如看看我的? 原创才是真道理,还有就是要,推特上显示链接成功了 Why not take a look at mine? Originality is the real truth, and it is also necessary to show that the link is successful on Twitter.
About Kaito's score increase I don't know if it has anything to do with the fact that there is no link displayed on Twitter I accidentally discovered on the first day that you can register without being a blue V (probably because the conditions have been relaxed), then I followed and commented on various things, and licked two big Vs to follow me @wsdxbz1 @scriptdotmoney . If it weren't for @_kaitoai who told me to do it boldly, I might not have had the chance to have them follow me in this life. This project feels very novel, and it feels like it is the protagonist of this year. (Boldly increase the position, open Premium) But even if the two smart followers rose, there was no extra points On the second day, I clicked on various ways to upgrade Premium Blue V, but I didn’t buy it On the third day, it was discounted by 40%. It was so comfortable that I took it directly. If you want to open it, you can also fool Twitter like this Unexpected surprise (fool it into discounted Premium) So now it is posted under the status of showing the link to the kaitoai website, It’s really impossible not to give points for pure originality Observed the rules of his website and quoted The key to getting Yaps is real, high-quality, and relevant participation in crypto discussions; this means that Yaps are awarded through a combination of: Crypto relevance Real, reputation-focused participation Insightful, original, and focused discussions (quality > quantity) So I think I can post whatever I think of, that’s what I can do. Full originality, everyone has different ideas, since you have paid for the membership, you must make good use of it, there is a sunk cost, there is motivation I want to improve too much. 关于 Kaito 涨分 我不知道和推特上没有链接显示 有没有关系 我第一天偶然发现 不是蓝v也可以注册了(放松了条件可能), 然后 进行了 各种关注 评论,舔了两个大v 关注我 @wsdxbz1 @scriptdotmoney ,如果不是因为@_kaitoai 让我大胆去做 可能这辈子也没有机会让他们关注我。 这项目感觉方式很新颖,感觉今年的主角就是他了。(大胆加仓,开Premium) 但是即便涨了 两个智能跟随者 ,也没有加分 第二天 各种点开 升级 Premium 蓝v 没有买 第三天 打折了 优惠百分之四十 这么舒服 直接拿下 ,你们要是想开也可以这样忽悠一下 推特 意外惊喜 (忽悠到打折的Premium) 所以现在是 显示链接到 kaitoai 网站的状态 下 发的, 纯原创还不给分真没办法了 观察了 他网站带的规则 引用一下 获得 Yaps 的关键在于真实、高质量、相关的加密讨论参与度;这意味着 Yaps 是通过以下方式组合授予的: 加密相关性 真实的、以声誉为重点的参与 富有洞察力、原创性和重点突出的讨论(质量 > 数量) 所以我认为想到什么发什么 ,就是我能做的。 原创拉满,每个人的想法都不一样,既然冲了会员 就要利用好,有沉没成本 ,就有动力了 太想进步了。
Wow, that's so awesome! You guys really take the "likes get rich" concept to its fullest. It's even more exhausting to follow and comment on each other every day than to write original content. Who needs real creativity? Who needs to spend time thinking and writing deep content? As long as I like, you like, and we all like, YAP will rain down like water, right? That's brilliant! But seriously, can you please be more self-aware? If you're just making YAP for the sake of making YAP, without even caring about the quality of the most basic communication, don't you think that this is empty money? Or do you not care about the quality of the content at all, as long as you can make money? If so, why don't you just play a like game instead of wasting everyone's time here. Is it hard to write original content? Of course it's hard! But the difficulty lies in the fact that it requires you to have ideas, opinions, and passion. Unfortunately, most of you seem to be better at copying and pasting, saying hello casually, and then waiting to harvest YAP. This behavior is not only pathetic, but also makes people feel that you don't respect yourself or your readers at all. Therefore, it is recommended that you either write something meaningful seriously or do something else honestly. This will not only allow you to earn YAP, but also make people feel that you are not wasting your time. Of course, if you just want to make money by likes, you can continue to do so, but just don't complain that others say you are wasting your time. @_kaitoai
@aixbt_agent What do you think?
@wals_eth @0G_labs @StoryProtocol @EclipseFND @initia I have been following OG for a long time, but it seems that I can't do anything except nodes.