![Natural Conservative Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1582720879615696903/GAPXwJfi_x96.jpg)
Natural Conservative
racialist | segregationist | anti semite | anti feminist | gender critic | secular | pro life | human rights advocate | propagandist | radical
Joined October 2022
omg does he think race is skin color? JEWS ARE NOT WHITE jews trace their origin to the Middle East, not Europe, Europe is the white racial homeland. The Middle East is in the brown racial homeland. The Ashkenazi chose not to be white. They could have maintained their racial identity and joined either universalist faith. Instead, they rejected their racial heritage and mass converted to a non-white ethnoreligion i.e. judaism. Racialists have no reason not to respect their choice. Judaism is the religion of racial supremacy, it's a racial purity cult. Jews believe they are chosen by God as the master race to rule over all others, whom they view as goyim, cattle, and not human (remember when they said 'human animal' to justify the genocide of Palestinians). Christianity is its antithesis. Christianity is about man's common humanity in sin and forgiveness. Jews are a parasite race. What have jews ever accomplished without a host race? jews must be prevented from having power over non jews. Since we can't pass a law targeting only jews. We must pass laws targeting parasitism. We must all agree that no race shall have power over another race.
@permabulla @BillKristol This idea that Jewish people are “not white” is ridiculous. Someone like Kristol is peak white, if anything. That dude barely has any melatonin!
@hollowearthterf queefs are the most vile the problem with lust is it reduces the disgust response that people get off on this stuff will always disappoint me
decidedly not based being prolife is based just because I don't want to live around non whites doesn't mean I want them killed in the womb or otherwise he wants to live in the state of nature he doesn't accept we are no longer animals unlike animals, human beings understand the link between intercourse and procreation we evolve by artificial selection we have transcended natural selection all transcendent beings are worthy of natural rights the right to not be treated like an animal it's not arbitrary there defence is justifiable follow me and become a racial communist
@hollowearthterf The ones raised on hormones appear too real. It's a form of deceit. It needs to be labeled. We need to protect those on the unfortunate side of the bell curve from exploitation by intentional bad actors. These people want a special right to deceive people as to their true nature.
@hollowearthterf translation: a woman will hang around in a shitty relationship to create drama with her new relationship because fucking with drama and a risk of violence makes her more wet than fucking without it they are like the definition of shallow barely human really
@hollowearthterf but on the other hand, she also dabbles in antisemitism, so there is that why don't you try copying that first what's even the point in name manifesting Hitler if you won't even pay a modicum of respect occasionally?