Day 5 of 5,000$/month or 170$/day YT Shorts channel starting from zero. Last vid didn't get pushed much and today's vid stats look bad already. Need to work on the hooks a little more I reckon. Excited for the vids to start getting more ! 😃
Day 4 of 5,000$/month or 170$/day YT Shorts channel starting from zero. Yesterday's video got pushed a little. Stats are decent but nothing exceptional. Slow start but part of the process.
Day 3 of 5,000$/month or 170$/day YT Shorts channel starting from zero. Second vid got good stats (101% AVD, 76% swipe) but didn't get pushed more (yet). Hopefully 10k/15k jail soon and then it's just a matter of putting-up great content every day until it hits ! 🫡
Day 2 of 5,000$/month or 170$/day YT Shorts channel starting from zero. First vid got pushed so no instant 0 view jail which is the most important. This is a brand new account if you're curious. Changed-up the video style a little, trying to nail down the format.