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LGBTQ brainwashed my daughters to believe a girl is just a https://t.co/fKZU7MFvqt they stole their sports & spaces. Now their evil turned my girls against me.THIS IS WAR!

Joined June 2023
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7 days
A LETTER OF ETERNAL THANKS TO DONALD TRUMP. @realDonaldTrump Mr. Trump I’m so euphoric looking at this picture and so tearfully thankful for you. I wish I could be more specific, of what this means to me but I can’t. So I will give broad strokes at least. I’m in the middle of litigation from courts in probate and district as well as multiple charges from the Department of Children and Families for not using fraudulent gender pronouns. This ultimately left to me loosing custody of my youngest daughter. I’m still mystified how protecting my daughter made me loose her. I’m trying to get my daughter back as the court unfairly stripped me of my custody because I refused to say boys can be girls in a lot of ways for years in a town more woke than drag queen story hour. If I got too specific it could ruin my chances of getting custody again as I have been fighting for years in the courts to get my child back home. So I will leave it there. It’s hard to admit this. Not only that if I write too much about this anguish in my life through persecution, threats, and slander it pulls me back into my panic attacks of shaking and convulsing I had for years. I never went to war but it feel like I did. Maybe this is what PTSD feels like. My daughter has not been in our home in almost two years. I’m surrounded by walls of photos of their smiling faces staring back at me and empty bedrooms I walk past every day. It’s hard to do that every day for years. It’s brutally haunting. Like their dead but their just miles away. It’s excruciating. Not only that both my daughters that once went to Sunday church every week now fully embrace the trans cult. They are not trans but are all in on supporting it. I also have been no trespassed from a very well know National gym for calling out the males in my daughter’s locker room. My older daughter had several males on high school sports team and I was no trespassed for two years from her school. I may not be allowed to even see her graduation. I could go on and on of my fight and misery to protect my daughter sports, spaces, and very future . Mr President I taught my daughters almost every skill they know as I stay at home dad for 15 years. I taught them to walk, read, brush their teeth, climb trees. swim, bike, throw a frisbee, drive, spell, fish, skate, stand up for themselves.. I could go on. Point is I miss them so much. This is photo of you sigining legislation to give back to my daughters what I lost most everything fighting for. It may have been a simple picture created in seconds to some but not me. It is a masterpiece created over years. When I see this photo I see Leonardo Da Vinci on his back painting the Sistine Chapel for countless month. It’s that breath taking an inspiring to me. Any parent who has been through what I have been through and some much worse knows exactly what I’m talking about. I see my daughters in these young girls euphoric faces as they surround you eternally grateful. @Riley_Gaines_ @sagesteele @paytonmcnabb_ and so many others I don’t know personally including their parents. But they are like family to me we have been in this fight for years. Like war we are a band of brothers and sisters. This photo is not just pixel on a screen but a painting with brush strokes of blood sweat and tears crafted relentlessly over years from parents, grandparents, son daughters, athletes, politicians…. YOU MADE THIS HAPPEN. A man I could not stand years ago Donald Trump is my hero and life saver. Only God could make this happen. If you are a parent like me who has personally watched your daughters sports and spaces ripped away from them for years and nobody say a word, or better yet attacked you in every way possible to prevent what you were born on this planet to do protect your children, then you know exactly what I feel. Thank you Donald Trump for this picture. It is worth a million words to me.
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8 hours
@LGBT_Courage @icons_women @heterodorx That’s cowardice and betrayal of women
19 hours
@alx I’ll be visiting them soon.
22 hours
I can’t recall one moment in the Bible where Jesus talked about the color of people’s skin. He talked about the condition of hearts. Democrats always try to pull identity into it to push their political agenda. Republicans too sometimes but in my town they use the church more as a social justice center than to get to know God.
22 hours
Thank you for exposing this: The book oh Titus talks about this. Not being silent about false teachers. My town is filled with churches like this. The Bible is very clear those who loose their life will gain it. Those keep their life will loose it. The world trying to twist the word of Gof to work for their own political and religious agenda.
22 hours
@bourne_beth2345 @amyforsandiego And they call us the hateful ones.
2 days
@MarioNawfal Just a bunch rich white people who got so much money they got time to protest because they light the government paying to push their politics
2 days
I have low flow toilet and washer as well as LED light bulbs. I disagree with him. I think these changes are common sense. They save money on your water and electric bill. I do agree the government should not force people to have these things. My stupid state won’t let you install a fireplace or a gas stove.
2 days
@OliLondonTV Betcha USAID funded this trash too.
2 days
About Kendrick Lamar’s Halftime Lecture Series Most people I know did not like the show put on at halftime of the Super Bowl. I asked young and old. Anytime Samuel Jackson is on I know he’s going to preach to me about something. Sorry Sam I got God and only my pastor for that. I’m watching the Super Bowl to be entertained not to tune into a power point presentation. Kendrick Lamar was apparently rapping about black people being oppressed and white people holding them down. And frankly brother I don’t care about your car fight with Drake either. Brother rapping so fast I need a notebook to keep up. Expecting us to follow him like he’s a Harvard Professor or something. Man I got the attention span on game day of an ADHD kid who left is Ritalin at home. 30 second commercials and no huddle offense. I know there was some deep message of racism, but note to events coordinator at the Super Bowl we have had enough of you trying to divide us through skin color. You throw your out of tune Black National Anthem at us before the game even begins and your political agenda at us every year. At least some of the commercials we’re trying bring us together. Ask Taylor Swift how bringing your politics to the stage works out. If ain’t in the end zone. In the grass to divide us it’s you throwing something about socal justice in our face at half time. I’m not sure if you got the message. Americans are sick of messages that separate us by color or anything else. Not black, white or any other skin pigment. We all bleed red but come together under the Red White and Blue. We don’t want you tell us about what we did wrong in our past because everyone of us did things we regret in our past. We don’t want you telling us how to live our life as much as you don’t want us telling you how to live your life in the future . We just want to come together on things that unite us like our flag and football. If I wanted to get lectured I’d go back to college. So read the room bro or the 100,000 people looking at you falling asleep or turning their head sideways like a golden retriever. I know I’m just a white dude and I should shut up and listen but nah. Fact is I don’t want a lecture and most of my black friends don’t want one either. They just want to watch the game and a few silly commercials before they have bust their butt Monday morning again. Maybe you have not heard Sunday is a day of rest. I’m laid back in my lazy boy for a reason. Not you putting me to the test on the ABC’s of racism. If I wanted a lecture I’d go back to college again. Though I’d still probably never study until the night before the test. Well woke world you did throw your identity politics in my face when I just wanted to chill before second half kick off. So let’s just get real for a second. I don’t know about you but I’m sick of all this virtue signaling. Black Lives Matter signs in white washed neighborhood and some over educated self righteous white women all in my face telling me to check my privilege as they slurp down their over priced latte at Whole Foods when the only thing black around are the beans in her vegan burrito. In simple terms talking, but not walking her words. You want to help black people quit running your mouth and run your butt down to the Boys and Girls Club in the ghetto and volunteer like I did in East Palo Alto California. Really want to make a difference be a Big Brother or Sister at the the Big Brother organization for the countless kids in the black community that don’t have fathers at all. I may be white but I’ve been around the block a few times. I grew up playing basketball in the hood and dancing the fool at house parties in the projects. I don’t have much melanin in my skin but I have been one with black communities my whole life. I bled with them too. I grew up in the south in the 70’s fighting with my fist and my words for my black friends. So in the words of Grand Master Flash “check yourself before you wreck yourself.”
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2 days
RT @bourne_beth2345: @FoxNews @realSonjaShaw Listen to attorney, Julianne Fleischer with Advocates for Faith & Freedom @advocates4faith tal…
2 days
2 days
RT @libsoftiktok: BREAKING: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced he’s INVESTIGATING two school districts for advising parents on “wo…
2 days
@KirralieS This dude is an idiot
2 days
@OliLondonTV If targeted is hurting your feelings by taking back women’s sports and spaces? Yep we are targeting you.
3 days
@liz_churchill10 @MericanLatina81 Fake as man pretending to be a woman
3 days
Jon Root
3 days
In both the #SuperBowl and College Football National Championship, Jesus Christ got all the glory 🙌🏼
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3 days
The whole point of this is don’t call someone who they want to be regardless if it is he, she or it. You are denying them their humanity. You can’t be a male when you are female as much as you can’t be an it if you are he or she. Human reality is two sexes. Does not matter what you feel like human reality matters.
3 days
@BasedMikeLee @Babs91428415 @DOGE Not 100% Pretty sure this is Steve Kaudle. @stevecaudle8
3 days
@teslaownersSV I feel you Elon. Money does not bring happiness. It’s relationships and raising another to be a good citizen and especially your own.
3 days
NOW THAT IT IS AGAINST THE LAW THANKS TO TRUMP: I created a web page where you can report males cheating in girls sports. I will forward that information on to the White House so those schools are held accountable. @Riley_Gaines_ @icons_women @PaulaYScanlan @IWN @IWF @jk_rowling @realDonaldTrump