to everyone complaining "valtwt drama terus" "valtwt drama bgt" just know that this is way more than just valtwt, this is about human decency. The doer can just say sorry and live with social consequences, but the victim(s) will live with it forever
kamu juga bukan siapa2nya tae. kamu cmn fans bkn temen deket, pasti gatau dia aslinya gmn. jgn sok2an tau segala ttg idol lu deh, kalo ngefans pake akal dikit
Otak nya dimana??? Kamu bukan army jd gk tau tae org nya gimana knp lsg ngomong begitu,hanya karna 1 kesalahan yg kemungkinan besar dia gk tau tentang pemboikotan ini seribu kebaikan jd ilang
kok bisa ya selama ini dia diem-diem & kalem-kalem aja kayak orang ga bersalah? dia kira korban-korbannya udah maafin gitu ya? i just don't understand man
anyways we made foccacia bread, feta salad, and zattar chicken and it was hella good i am stufffffeeeeedddddd. also made scones for dessert but didnt get any pics
saying the n word is wrong and i'm not justifying that. But your replies? the bodyshaming, bringing up religion, sexuality, and even doxxing? just so u know, doxxing is a CRIME. two wrongs don't make a right
(cont.) and since none of you wanna hear it from me then hear it from a good acq. of mine ⬆️ who just so happens to be muslim and pro🍉 since y’know i’M an IsRAeAl LoViNg Zi0nI$$T & cLeaArlY i haTE aLL mUSlIms bEcAuse THey’RE ALL tErR0RistS
dare you to reveal :)
1. my moots •3•
2. gaada kyknya 😔
3. banyak yg kenal sblm twt
4. no one?
5. macha, mara, baim
6. macha, mara, baim
7. baim
8. gda
9. yes
10. most of my moots
drop an emoji for the questions