![owl Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1582393576172163072/nqJBLueu_x96.jpg)
Newcastle Upon Tyne, England
Joined January 2015
测试过Hetzner 的对象存储了,结论是目前不要用,大批量操作的时候直接挂掉,所有操作都执行不了,等之后的更新看看会不会好点。 老老实实的先用Cloudflare R2,相对来说成熟很多。
Hetzner 新推出了一个完全兼容 S3 的对象存储,目前在 Beta 测试 价格看起来非常诱人,还有非常大方的免费额度,一般网站完全够用,比 S3 要便宜很多,具体请看图: 同样 Cloudflare R2 也是一个非常好的选择,也完全兼容 S3 定价的话: Storage:$15 /TB 比 Hetzner 要贵,10G 之内免费 没有流量费用(这个有点厉害) 大家可以按需选用,我现在用的是 R2,之后也可以试试看 Hetnzer 最新的服务。看着这些服务这么大方,让我再看看国内的阿里云OSS,真是一个天上一个地下。
Hypocritical to accuse Cloudflare of high prices. Check Vercel's pricing first. Most projects on Cloudflare are nearly free, while running a typical project on Vercel isn't cheap at all.
It makes sense for Cloudflare to want to compete with Vercel, given the structural problems CDNs have. To give you an example on the why: One of the largest consumer household goods companies in the world just migrated from monolith+Cloudflare to Vercel. No more orange cloud. Cloudflare existed in their stack to try and duct-tape an origin server that had frequent performance and security problems. For lack of a better word, the site sucked, DX sucked, and the CDN bill was astronomical. I get that on X you’re led to believe Cloudflare is free, but it’s very very very expensive, and gets more expensive in arbitrary and non-transparent ways each renewal, unlike modern consumption cloud services. To CDNs, the origin is a “mystery”. It’s very hard to optimize and secure something you don’t understand. Cloudflare is on a quest to try to become the origin and spending a lot of marketing dollars in the process, including partnering with Dax. Which leads to the crux of the matter: OpenNext is an attempt to re-create Vercel’s deploy & serve infrastructure, which not coincidentally, is akin to a next-generation CDN. I’m appreciative of what the CDN industry contributed so far to make the internet a better place, and thankful they got us here, but… statically caching pages of unknown origins ain’t it. Next is MIT licensed and companies of all sizes self host it just fine. I can see it drives engagement on X to say otherwise, but you can crawl the internet and verify this fact yourself, you don’t have to take my word for it.
The most fundamental reason I don't use Next.js in my project selection is that once you use it, you're almost inevitably bound to Vercel. Even though Next has arguably the best ecosystem, I still won't choose a framework that's so tightly coupled with a commercial platform.
@axelinternet @thdxr @vercel Definitely great to have options, just wish they weren’t deceptively presented by attacking the “open”-ness of a project that’s licensed with the most liberal option on the planet.