![The Labyrinth, The Nightmare, and The Void Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1652093699042553860/BN49aRIk_x96.jpg)
The Labyrinth, The Nightmare, and The Void
Tera | Time has a way of revealing the truth. | Author of https://t.co/GVzXzm7KbG (temp down) for psilocybin research | using Twitter as sort of a journal
Brooklyn, NY
Joined February 2015
The thing you both overlook is that there's no such thing as a human action that isn't motivated by self interest. Those interests are influenced by our environment and how we were born (and before we were born). A deep dive into the flaws of humanity's idea of "free will". Key hint are the Behelits, particularly the crimson ones and what they symbolize on a psychoanalytical and philosophical level. Berserk is entirely embedded into existential philosophy. They're one and the same. It isn't just a story. And that's the genius of Miura.
I agree wholeheartedly with every word and I appreciate that someone explained this. Throughout human history, it seems so at least, that society believes humans have some flawed idea of free will, not realizing how our environment and how we were born (even before we were born) shapes the way we perceive and react to the world. The only thing humanity can do to progress is to communicate novel discoveries to increase the general population's understanding of human psychology, a slow cascade of dissipative structures going into the future. That's how it's always been and that's how we get here. It's crazy people are arguing with you on this with "you used a bunch of words". People dislike nuance. They simplify everything in their lives because they're unconsciously afraid that being intellectually sincere to themselves may lead to extremely uncomfortable truths about existence.
RT @ourokronos: @smollgrave @fanged_desire @LizzyStarrrdust @neiltyson That's because religion and spirituality are polar opposites, by des…
That's because religion and spirituality are polar opposites, by design. Dogmatic structures of beliefs that claim final analysis of the cosmos beyond our planet and beyond the small time frame of which we only know of will always be counter-productive towards spirituality, which, by design, is an ongoing pursuit of deeper "truths" and meanings that enrich our conscious experience; an ever cascading, presumably infinite, unjudging yet brutally honest labyrinth of levels meant to understand ourselves on a deeper level. You can't possibly anchor your entire consciousness to dogmas of an ancient past. The past is there to learn from for the sake of the future, not to remain there for eternity. Religion amplifies people's delusions of what makes a human being human, causing them to construct a myriad of wrong turns in the labyrinth of philosophy, furthering them away from having the correct conversations about how to treat or feel about one another. It amplifies resentment while blanketing itself in a disguise of what this world likes to call, "forgiveness". Even more simply, the idea of being "created" only to worship and "pray" to the "creator" makes no sense on a fundamental level. By design, it cancels out the meaning of existence. This stuff should really be as clear as glass to any human being, but it isn't a matter of intelligence. It's a matter of how much we humans have made it our culture to deceive ourselves. To turn a blind eye from your darkest selves, as if to be ashamed of it, to partake in this lie we call "guilt", and to turn away from the uncomfortable nightmares of existence, is to diminish entire chunks of your own cognitive ability to see philosophy more clearly. I sometimes question if intelligence truly exists in the way we believe to measure it, or is it just trauma and the particularities with how we were born? Self deception is one of the strong underlying influences in humans thus far in our history. Listen closely to how people speak, what they choose to speak about, and how they choose to react to certain topics, and you'll quickly see how jarringly unsettling how much people are willing to lie to themselves. Humans choose the nightmares that are comfortable to them.
@GrissosFighters Agreed. I actually just had an experience last week that is perfectly described by this. I felt so unsatisfied that it's caused all these intense desires in me to cause me to do things that have started fundamental changes in my life.
@immaswtitch @kiriisunder @buffys It's impossible to have nuanced discussions when people prefer to oversimplify human life so they can continue their unhealthy behavior into the world.
RT @ourokronos: @jordanbpeterson While I agree with the sentiment, aren't we both well aware that this comment serves absolutely no effects…
It's highly unlikely to have nuanced discussions with just about anyone in this world. To simplify things is the weapon of those who are scared of the truth, because their consciousness is aware of what's waiting for them at the end of that tunnel of being intellectual sincere... This is also why you see tribalism becoming rampant as our telecommunications (e.g. the internet) has grown in reach and efficiency. Simplification is the weapon of those who still want to continue to do harmful things to their surroundings. For instance, by making things tribal (e.g. banding together on the internet where nuance is lost, especialy during an age where human civilization is largely ignorant to how things actualy work), the volume of simplicity becomes amplified and the possibilities of nuanced and objective discussions becomes nigh-impossible. Simplicity is the weapon of those who are still fine being cowards.
While I agree with the sentiment, aren't we both well aware that this comment serves absolutely no effects into the world of the living? Human beings can't latch onto vague sayings like these, as this world has no guidebook, nor is it taught, nor do we have enough nuanced discussions surrounding how the human spirit can become authentically strong and durable against the breaking of the self from the pressures of our existential fears. In fact, I don't recall anyone ever talking about this sort of stuff in any real way nor with any real complex and direct solutions, ever. But you know, to defend against become a monster, first you have to become one with the monsters inside you first, no?
Some of us prefer to be precise when we write in general, as it's a form of being honest to ourselves within our own thoughts. You should try it, as writing is a form of digesting our own thoughts and feelings, whether on topics of analytical value or emotional. But I understand if you're deflecting the attention away the moment you realize you were just flat out wrong and that you were talking about a topic that you had absolutely no idea about with someone who does.🫶
The effects of experiences around human consciousness come first BEFORE the effects of food that make things worse for us over time. Such as kids who grow up with a poor relationship to food, not simply because they "don't know it's effects", but because they had subtle (to extreme) neuropsychological ailments to begin with which starts the cycle of overeating. A form of stimming. One day, probably very soon, these types of understandings will become common knowledge, and society will look back at how exhaustingly unsophisticated their views were and how it was designed entirely to support resentment towards each other. Your comment is also worded in a way that reveals your real intentions. Our understanding of diet and it's nuanced effects on us have come only in recent decades, and much of the important parts took only recently to become more popular, so the fact you're supposedly blaming them for not "knowing it's effects" is very disingenuous of you. Even by your logic, which is wrong, it still wouldn't be their fault. But I understand that it's human nature to simplify things into however fits their ability to condescend other human beings more easily, for that too, stems from our traumas. Human intentions are like glass.
You have to be open to the fact that most people with body image issues stem from complex childhood traumas. They can even look great and be ripped but still have body image issues, so this whole "gotcha" moment is reliant entirely on society's ignorance and lack of nuance to the dimensions that govern human consciousness. In other words, it's a "gotcha" only because people are under-evolved.