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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾



daily cool, cute, and obscure animals from around the world! ✧ submissions are open ✧ i do not own any of the images posted on this account ✧

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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Indian giant squirrel! These stunning squirrels are found in Indian forests. As their name implies, they’re one of the largest species of squirells, with a body length ranging from 10 to 20 inches and a tail of roughly the same size!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the lykoi cat! These creepy kitties were discovered in 2010! Their werewolf-y appearance is caused by a mutation in shorthair cats that makes them unable to create the undercoat most cats have. Their hair is a little weaker, so it can molt off
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Qinling panda! These pretty pandas are a subspecies of the giant panda only found in high altitude areas of the Qinling mountains. They are slightly smaller than giant pandas. They’re incredibly rare, with only about 200-300 in the wild!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
cw: insect // Today’s obscure animal of the day is the glasswing butterfly! These beautiful butterflies are mainly found in the rainforests of Centrla and South America. They often feed on various poisonous plants, which can cause both the adults and caterpillars to be toxic!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the casper octopus! These adorable octopuses have been found in deeper areas of the Pacific ocean, primarily near Hawaii. They mainly lay their eggs on sea sponges instead of exposed rocks, which are more scarce in their deepsea environments.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the sexy shrimp! These strangely-named shrimp are found in the shallow reefs of the Indo-Pacific. They’re usually found among corals or the tentacles of anenomes, feeding on the small bits of plankton that may stick to their hosts.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the numbat! These marvelous marsupials are sparsely found in western Australia. They mainly feed on termites, and can eat up to 20,000 termites in a single day! They’re also closely related to the extinct thylacine, aka the Tasmanian tiger!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Bornean peacock pheasant! These pretty pheasants are found in the lowland forests of Borneo. The males use their 22 patterned tail feathers to attract mates in a fanning display. They are incredibly elusive and rare to spot.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Bargibant’s seahorse! These stunning seahorses are found in the reefs of the central Indo-Pacific. They’re one of the tiniest species of seahorse, measuring at about 0.79 inches long! They’re great at camouflaging among coral.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Japanese dwarf flying squirrel! These sweet little squirrels are found in the sub-alpine and evergreen forests of Japan. They typically nest in trees, often lining their nests with moss. They’re able to glide more than 300 feet at a time!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
cw: insects// Today’s obscure animal of the day is the acorn weevil! These wonderful weevils are found throughout the eastern United States & Canada. Their name comes from how the females bore holes in acorns to lay eggs inside. When the eggs hatch, the larvae feed on the acorn.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Bornean earless monitor! These lovely lizards are found in Bornean lowlands, usually in or near marshes and streams. They mainly feed on worms, crustaceans, and fish, and are fully capable of swallowing prey while underwater!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the variable neon slug! These marvelous mollusks are found in the tropical areas of the western Indo-Pacific. They’re fairly large for a sea slug, capable of measuring up to 12 cm! They feed on various tunicates, and often hide under rocks.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the great eared nightjar! These precious birds are found in the lowland forests of Southeast Asia. Unlike many other birds, they lay their eggs on the forest floor, where both them and the single chick are able to camouflage among dead leaves.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the striped pyjama squid! These stunning squids are found in the Australian Indo-Pacific ocean. When threatened, they secrete a toxic slime, and can also change color to blend in. Their saliva also contains tetrodotoxin, a powerful nuerotoxin!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the painted terrapin! These terrific turtles are found in the rainforests of Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Brunei. They mainly feed on various plants in the rivers and swamps they live in, but will also feed on leaves and fruit.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the American pika! These lovely little lagomorphs are found in the mountains of western North America. They store large amounts of vegetation instead of hiberanting, and dry out their plants in the sun so they won’t make the pika’s den moldy.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the rock hyrax! These marvelous mammals are found throughout central and southern Africa in rocky areas. They have incredibly complex vocalizations that even have geographic differences, much like bats, dolphins, whales, and primates!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the brown hyena! These cool carnivores are found in the deserts and savannahs of southern Africa. While they’re somewhat poor hunters, they have been reported to chase leopards and cheetahs away from their kills so they can swipe a meal!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
cw: blood// Today’s obscure animal of the day is the vampire ground finch! These freaky finches are found on the Wolf and Darwin islands in the Galagapos. As their name implies, they feed by pecking at other larger birds with their sharp beaks and drinking their blood.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the scaly-foot snail! These stunning snails are found in the deep-sea hydrothermal vents of the Indian ocean. Their namesake “scales” are hundreds of hardened pieces of iron sulfides, which also make up the outer layer of their shell.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the little blue penguin! These pretty penguins are mainly found on the coastlines of New Zealand. As the name implies, they’re the smallest species of penguin, weighing only 1 and a half kilograms and measuring about a foot tall!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
cw: insects// Today’s obscure animal of the day is the dragontail butterfly! These beautiful butterflies are found throughout southern and southeast Asia. Because their wing to body ratio is smaller than other butterflies, they fly with rapid wingbeats like dragonflies do!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the vampire squid! These cool cephalopods are found at depths of 2,000-3,000 feet or more! Despite the name, they're not actually a species of squid or octopus. They spray a bioluminescent mucus at their predators to escape.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the crucifix toad! These tiny toads are found in arid areas of New South Wales & Queensland. They’re very small, a little longer than 6 cm, but are great diggers. They come above ground when its wet to mate in various puddles, pools, & ponds.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
cw: insects // Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Buff-tip moth! These marvelous moths are found throughout Europe and Asia. Their nifty coloration and hair allows them to camouflage as a broken twig when resting. They’re mostly active at night during June and July.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the basking shark! These stunning sharks are found throughout the world’s oceans, mostly in warmer waters. They’re the second largest fish, with adults averaging at about 26 feet long! They mainly feed on plankton, and are harmless to humans.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Tibetan sand fox! These funky foxes are found in various plateaus and deserts in South Asia and China. They’ve been reported to follow brown bears that dig pikas out of their dens in an attempt to eat the ones the bear does not.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the ring tailed mongoose! These little cuties are mainly found in Madagascar in the humid lowlands as well as deciduous & montane forests. They mainly feed on small mammals, invertebrates, fish, reptiles, & eggs, but will eat fruit if need be.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
cw: spiders// Today’s obscure animal of the day is the ladybug spider! These stunning spiders are found throughout northern and central Europe. Mother ladybug spiders feed their young by digesting their own body, which the spiderlings feed on once she dies from this process.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the black footed cat! These pretty kitties are found in the savannahs and shrublands of southern Africa. They’re the smallest cat species in Africa, but are also the deadliest member of the cat family, with a hunting success rate of 60%!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the New Caledonia giant gecko! As the name implies, they’re mainly found in the tropical forests of New Caledonia, and are the largest species of gecko! Some of them can grow up to 43 centimeters long and weigh a whopping 300 grams!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Luzon bleeding-heart dove! These beautiful birds are found in the Phillipine island of Luzon, mainly in forests. They almost always stay on the ground and forage for various grubs, berries, and seeds. They’ll only leave the ground to nest
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
1 year
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the lesser blind mole-rat! These rad rodents are found throughout southeastern Europe. They dig with their front teeth instead of their legs! These teeth are separated from the mouth by a small flap of skin to prevent them from consuming dirt.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Spinifex pigeon! These pretty pigeons are found in the more arid areas of northern and central Australia. They often gather around water during the hotter times of day and forage for seeds, plants, and insects when it’s cooler.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
1 year
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the emerald green snail! These stunning snails are found in the rainforests of the Manus island of Papua New Guinea. Its shell is actually yellow, but its outermost protein layer gives the snail its namesake green color!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the African wildcat! These cool cats are found in various areas throughout Africa and Central Asia. One was found buried in a human grave from the Neolithic era, lending to the idea that they are the ancestors of the modern domestic cat!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the marbled cat! These fancy felines are found in the forests of Southeast Asia. They hunt in the forest canopies, mainly feeding on birds, reptiles, and rodents, but there have been cases of them preying on monkeys and apes!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the chocolate chip sea star! These stunning sea stars are mainly found in the coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific. They feed on a variety of invertebrates such as coral, sponges, & snails. Their “chocolate chips” are meant to scare off predators.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the southern tamandua! These awesome anteaters are found in various forests throughout South America. They’re much more arboreal than their giant anteater relatives. However, their strong claws can break apart bug nests to snack on!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
1 year
Aaaand the winner of the Obscure Animal Mascot Tournament is the great-eared nightjar! Thank you for voting, I hope you all had fun!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the pig nosed turtle! These terrific turtles are found in freshwater streams in New Guinea & the Northern Territory of Australia. Despite looking like sea turtles with flippered feet & domed shells, they’re more closely related to softshells.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the boat billed heron! These handsome herons are found in the mangrove swamps and marshes of southern Mexico, Peru, and Brazil. They’re mainly nocturnal and roost in trees together during the day then forage in streams during the nighttime.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the flapjack octopus! These cuties are found in deeper areas of the Pacific ocean. In order to seem less appealing to predators they’ll flatten themselves on the seafloor to look like an uninteresting lump, which earned them their name.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
cw: spider// Today’s obscure animal of the day is the long horned orb weaver spider! These stunning spiders are found throughout China and Southeast Asia. Only the females have large “horns”, which can measure up to 26 millimeters long! Their webs can also be up to 4 feet wide!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the fuzzy nautilus! These nifty nautiluses are found in the waters of New Guinea at about 500-1,300 feet under sea level. They’re incredibly elusive, since they’re very sensitive to the temperatures in both the shallows and the deeper waters.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the white spotted jelly! These iridescent invertebrates are found in the Pacific Ocean near Australia & Japan. When they’re first born, they’re a small polyp on a rock. These polyps asexually multiply, eventually becoming multiple full jellies
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the galaxy frog! These funky frogs are found in the wet evergreen forests of India’s Western Ghats. They typically live on the evergreen forests floor, and hide among rocks and leaf litter. They’re quite rare, so not much is known about them
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
1 year
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the... No. I can’t do this. What the hell is this? What let it look like that?! Its an amphibian and goes by some fancy scientific name but its called the penis snake because.. look at it! There’s nothing else to call it!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the bigeye thresher shark! These stunning sharks are found in both temperate and tropical oceans throughout the world. They feed by herding schools of fish and using their elongated tail to stun and eat them!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the mandarinfish! These fabulous fish are found in the warmer areas of the Pacific, ranging from Australia to the southwestern islands of Japan. They usually feed on various crustaceans, gastropods, worms, and the eggs of other fish.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
1 year
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the volcano rabbit! These beautiful bunnies are only found in four volcanic regions near Mexico City. They mainly feed on and nest in various grasses, and let out high pitched vocalizations to warn others of danger.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the southern Vischacha! These rotund rodents are found in the rocky mountains of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, & Peru. They live in groups, and feed on various grasses, mosses, & lichens. They can often be spotted grooming and sunbathing on rocks
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the bush dog! These cute canines are mainly found in lowland forests, savannahs, and pastures of Central & South America. They hunt larger rodents in small packs, but have been reported to be able to take down prey much larger than themselves!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the short eared dog! These cool canines are mainly found in the Amazon rainforest. They have webbed paws to help them swim and hunt for fish. They’re pretty solitary and skittish, so they’re incredibly elusive and rare to spot.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the splendid sunbird! These beautiful birds are found seasonally in the tropical areas of west and central Africa. Their long beaks allow them to feed on nectar, but they will bring insects to their chicks if need be.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the zebra duiker! These awesome antelopes are found in the rainforests of Liberia, Sierra Leone, and the Ivory Coast! Unlike other antelopes they’re mostly solitary, only living with a single mate and their offspring in their territory.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the African pygmy falcon! These fabulous falcons are found in the dry brush areas of eastern and southern Africa. They’re only about 8 inches long and weigh about 2.2 ounces, so they often use the nests of white-headed buffalo weaver birds.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
cw: snakes// Today’s obscure animal of the day is the spider-tailed horned viper! These stunning snakes are found in western Iran. To hunt, they wave their uniquely shaped tail to make it look like a spider is moving around. When a bird tries to catch the lure, it’s attacked.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the blue poison dart frog! These fantastic frogs are found in the forests of northern Suriname. They’re surprisingly territorial, and can be aggressive towards other frogs. During the breeding season, the females will fight over males.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the silkie chicken! This beautiful breed of chicken originated in China, and are known for their fancy, fluffy plumage! Unfortunately, they cannot fly with that fluff. They also have blue skin and five toes, when most chickens have four!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the wolf eel! These epic eels are found in the northern Pacific ocean. They can reach a whopping length of almost 8 feet and weigh in at 41 pounds! Wolf eels can mate for life and work together to raise and watch over their eggs.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Phillipine eagle! These epic eagles are found in the forests of the Phillipines. They’re thought to be the largest eagle, with the females averaging 3 ft & 8 in long with a 7 ft wingspan! Their courtship includes stunning aerial displays.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the blue-eyed black lemur! These lovely lemurs are found in the rainforests and dry forests of the Sambirano region of Madagascar. While both the males and females are born brownish-orange, the males' fur turns black after a few weeks.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the sun bear! These beautiful bears are found in Southeast Asia’s tropical forests. They’re the smallest species of bear, only weighing about 55 to 143 pounds. However, they have the longest tongue of any bear, measuring up to 10 inches long!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the fisher! These marvelous mustelids are found in the northern forests of North America. They’re mainly active at dusk and dawn. There has been a few cases of them preying on Canada lynxes, who are nearly twice their size, all on their own!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the northern hairy-nosed wombat! These marvelous marsupials are only found in Queensland’s Epping Forest National Park. They mainly feed on various grasses, but their thick fat reserves allow them to go days without eating.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Voeltzkow’s chameleon! These cool chameleons are found throughout Madagascar. They were thought to be extinct, having not been seen since 1893, but were rediscovered by a team of researchers in a hotel garden!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the African wild ass! These epic equines are found in the arid areas of the Horn of Africa. They’re slightly less flighty than other hoofstock, and will fight. The dominant males will tolerate other males entering their large 23 km territories
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
cw: bugs// Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Devil’s flower mantis! These beautiful bugs are found throughout western Africa. They’re the largest species of mantis, with the females measuring up to 5 inches long! They use their brightly colored body to confuse predators.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the yellow headed jawfish! These funky fish are found in the coral reefs of the Caribbean. After the eggs are fertilized, the male will incubate them by carrying them in his mouth! They have also been reported to spit sand at predators.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the terrible claw lobster! These lovely lobsters were discovered in 2007 off the coast of Luzon in the Phillipines. They’re the only member of the genus Dinochelus, which roughly translates to their common name.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the standard-winged nightjar! These beautiful birds are mainly found throughout the dry savannas of Central Africa. Their not-so-standard wings are found on the males during the breeding season, and are used during mating displays.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the purple grenadier! These beautiful birds are found throughout the arid areas of Eastern Africa. To court females, males will perform a dance consisting of bobbing up and down and side to side while holding a feather or piece of grass.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
1 year
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the pom pom crab! These cute crustaceans are found in the shallower areas of the Indo-Pacific. They often hold anemones in their claws, using them both to find food and defend themselves from various predators.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Japanese Shima Enaga bird! These little cuties are mainly found in Hokkaido, Japan, and are a subspecies of the long-tailed bushtit! To stay warm during the chilly winters of Hokkaido, flocks of them will closey huddle together.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the red-rumped agouti! These robust rodents are found in the rainforests of northeastern South America. They mainly feed on Brazil nuts and will bury them for to save later. They also feed on a variety of plant material and insects.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Dracula parrot! These spooky birds are found in the mountainous & hilly rainforests of New Guinea. Despite their vultureish faces, they mainly feed on figs & flowers! Their featherless faces prevent them from getting dirty when they eat.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the curl-crested aracari! These beautiful birds are found in the southwestern part of the Amazon. Like other toucans, they mainly feed on fruit, but are also known to destroy other birds' nests to feed on their eggs and chicks.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the yellow-bellied weasel! These wonderful weasels are found in central & eastern Asia’s pine forests. They’ll sometimes stash extra prey in their den, which is a good source of food in the winter! They’ll even occasionally hunt goats & sheep.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
cw: snakes// Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Arabian sand boa! These silly snakes are found in both the Arabian peninsula and Iran. They spend most of the day under the sand, and will go towards the surface at dusk. They mainly prey on smaller lizards and geckos.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the maned wolf! These lanky canines are found in the savannahs of central and eastern South America, mainly at dusk and dawn. Amost half of their diet is plant matter, with a preference for the wolf apple plant, but they will hunt if needed.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
cw: snake// Today’s obscure animal of the day is the trinket snake! These stunning snakes are found in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Southern India. They mainly feed on rodents and lizards, and hunt by constricting their prey.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the golden headed lion tamarin! These funky little monkeys are found in a small area of Brazillian tropical forest. They mainly forage for various fruits & insects. They have a wide variety of vocalizations, such as clucks, trills, and whines!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
1 year
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Ethiopian wolf! These cool canines are sparsely scattered in a few Ethiopian mountains and highlands. They’re incredibly specialized to hunt digging rodents, with long heads and jaws and spaced out teeth.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the palm cockatoo! These cool cockatoos are found in the rainforests and wodded areas of northern Queensland and New Guinea! Male palm cockatoos have a unique territorial display consisting of drumming against a tree with a large stick!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Nicobar pigeon! These pretty pigeons are mainly found in the Indian Nicobar Islands! Like many pigeons, they mainly feed on seeds, fruit, & grains. The juveniles lack the bright white tails, which are thought to help flocks stay together.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
1 year
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the turtle frog! These funky frogs are found in the semi-arid area between two Western Australian rivers. They feed on termites and use their strong legs to break into termite mounds. They can dig burrows up to 1.3 meter deep in the sand!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the clouded leopard! These lovely leopards are found in the Himilayan foothills of Southeast Asia. They’re mostly arboreal, and are capable of jumping up to almost 4 feet high! They feed on a variety of animals, ranging from monkeys to deer.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Geoffroy's cat! These cute cats are found throughout central and southern South America. In order to get a good view of the land, these felines have been reported to sometimes stand on their hind legs and support their body with their tail
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the fangtooth fish! These freaky fish are found up to 15,000 feet below sea level. The adults’ namesake fangs are so large that they have a specific indent near the brain so that they can comfortably close their mouths.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the marbled polecat! These marbled mustellids are found throughout southeastern Europe, and their range extends to China. They’re oppurtunistic creatures, living in other animals’ dens and eating practically any animal it can catch!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the shortfin mako shark! These stunning sharks are found throughout the world in tropical and temperate waters. They’re the worlds fastest shark, capable of swimming up to 46 mph in short bursts and a regular speed of up to 31 mph!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Bedlington terrier! These darling dogs originated in Bedlington, England as a hunting & companion dog. They’re surprisingly strong swimmers and are just as great on snow and ice! Their speed & endurance has made them popular sporting dogs.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Philippine Dwarf Kingfisher! These colorful birds are found in the tropical lowland forests of the Philippines, & are the smallest kingfisher species found there. They have very unique vocalizations that are often described as insect-like!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the long-tailed widowbird! These beautiful birds are scattered throughout the grasslands throughout southern Africa. The males have the namesake long tails, which helps indicate dominance. Females also have a strong preference for longer tails
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the Stygian owl! These awesome owls are found in southern, as well as other scattered populations across South and Central America. Like most owls, they feed on birds, small mammals, and insects. They’re able to catch bats in midair!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
1 year
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the American woodcock! These silly shorebirds are found throughout the eastern United States and southeastern areas of Canada. They typically stay on the ground, feeding on worms and other invertebrates and making their nests on the ground.
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the laughing falcon! These fantastic falcons are found throughout the humid areas of southern Central America and central South America. They’re named for their distinct calls that can sometimes be repeated up to 50 times!
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🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾
2 years
Today’s obscure animal of the day is the rusty spotted cat! These pretty kitties are mainly found in India and Sri Lanka. They’re the world’s smallest cat species, measuring in at 14-19 inches long and weighing 2-3.5 pounds, roughly the same size as an 8 week old domestic cat!
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