5 years ago today I was offered a role at Disney 💫 my mom drove me and when I made it through I texted her “🌹.” when I walked back to the parking lot she ran out of the car to meet me— she was crying because she was so proud. she was so confident that they would choose me.
life has gotten so much better since I decided everyone was my fan. someone staring? a bashful admirer. somebody rude to me? my fan was so overwhelmed that they were acting silly.
I find it very interesting that everyone was heated JUST a few weeks ago about the idea of posting pics of cms online and insulting them, jeopardizing their roles. but now those same people are participating in the same behavior but it’s okay for some reason? ugly!!!.
things I miss:.-going to blockbuster with my mom.-staying in the classroom during lunch on rainy days.-the scholastic book fair.-pretending to fall asleep in the car so my dad would carry me inside.
the ppl at my job must think I’m absolutely nuts bc I’ve worked there for three weeks and had 8 ppl come and visit me, treat me like a celebrity, and film me.
for years I never wore pants bc I was too insecure. I’ve exercised every day of quarantine and today I got my first pair of jeans and I feel so cute 🥺.
nothing beats the comfort and safety of walking into a dining establishment and seeing guy fieris pic on the wall and knowing you’ve found flavor town.
this girl on my discussion post really just. copied my post and changed the words? it’s taking everything in me not to be like “oh girly you forgot a source! It’s Silvey, Julia. 2020. “My Post.’”.
today at retreat we had to say who would play us in a movie and I wanted to say Zooey Deschanel but the girl before me said that so I panicked and said Steve Carell.
Justice outweighs “kindness” every time. I am disappointed by the people I know who think that maintaining a neutral stance and not stepping on any toes is somehow the morally superior option.
still wondering what I did to deserve encountering a pregnant woman wearing a shirt that said “beauty bump” and a man wearing a shirt that said “the beast behind the bump”.