i miss the summer and getting huge mimosas and wearing cute overalls my roomies gave me</3 all the clothes they drew on r my fav,,,i feel so connected to them when i wear hehe
finally off work and ready to play my game😋 been seeing notes in my sleep n when i hear songs at work i try to visualize a chart for the song..im going insane..
being almost a month behind on my bffs snapchats but still sending them my review of the blackberry dr pepper at 11:26pm just in case they wanted to know my opinion
i have an actual addiction to this song like its so good i add it to every single playlist nd listen multiple times a day like it fr sounds so magical and amazing...idk..
i have an actual addiction to this song like its so good i add it to every single playlist nd listen multiple times a day like it fr sounds so magical and amazing...idk..
ive only been to my moms a few times since one of our dogs died and its so weird every time:( she was a big german shepherd nd now we just have chihuahuas it feels so empty and wrong</3 i miss my dog:((((