![Nandi Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1592988015953121281/x1035MkU_x96.jpg)
digital handyman. building @learnframer.
Definitely not Earth
Joined May 2021
i feel bad when seeing success stories online. you know, when someone can barely make rent and then, seemingly overnight, they're living in luxury, all thanks to sticking to small daily habits. inspiring? definitely! but i think it also sets many up for disappointment. good habits can definitely transform lives, but for some, it might take months; for others, years. it's also crucial to pick the right habits. it's not just about what you do daily, but whether those actions are meaningful and have potential. repeating ineffective tasks, no matter how disciplined you are, might not lead you where you want to go. viral stories of others reaching success often miss mentioning that not everyone's path looks the same. they kind of set others up to think, "if it worked for them, it will work for me," and that can lead to serious disappointment when reality doesn't match up. consistency matters. but the most important thing is being able to keep going after the first fail, and after the second fail... being able to pivot. to keep iterating, changing strategies, experimenting with new ideas or projects. and even after all that, nothing is guaranteed. you might NEVER succeed the way you expect. so, what's the solution for that? pick missions, goals, projects that are filled with purpose, so even after it all ends, and you didn't reach the things you wanted, you can still leave contentedly knowing that you did the right things.
@yehuditmamo @learnframer @framer Hmm weird. The you should try finding the zoom interface within chrome. There should be an option to do that somewhere in the top right corner. I don’t know exactly because I use Arc, but if you google it im sure you find something.