Random 🇵🇾 ⭕
✴️Ceo Founder Artefacto - Agencia de publicidad ✴️Radiohost & Brand Manager en @informatepy1 ✴️Marketing & Advertising ✴️Social Media Strategist ✴️Designer ✴️Dj
Asuncion, Paraguay
Joined February 2022
Foreigners come to Paraguay and fall in love with the country. The people, the culture, the hospitality. there’s something special here that keeps surprising them. Once you experience it, you get it.
PARAGUAYANS ARE SO TRUSTWORTHY It's honestly unbelievable. Our cleaner can find 200$ on the table, when we're not there, and when we come back the 200$ are still on the table. If she finds 100.000 Guaranì forgotten in a pocket of some random pair of jeans, she will take them out and place them on the table as well. We had 3 different cleaners throughout time and all 3 of them were 100% like this. If you forget any object on Uber or Bolt, from a 2.000 Guaranì bill up to a pair of Gucci sunglasses worth 2 months of work for the driver, sure thing the driver will immediately try to get in touch to give it back to you. I have the bad habit of keeping small banknotes in the back pocket of my trousers, which can easily fall or be pickpocketed. Every time a person sees a banknote that's about to fall from my pocket, they warn me instead of waiting a second for it to fall and picking it up. Our employees work now in our second office, which is separated from the HQ. We give them a set amount of money for the expenses and when it runs out, we ask them for a list of what the money has been spent on. Not 1 Guaranì ever got missing. In my experience this is not 100% true when it comes to "chismes" (gossip), but when it comes to material stuff, you can bet they are the most trustworthy people I have met in 40+ countries. This stuff just DOES NOT happen elsewhere.
RT @MarioNawfal: 🇪🇺🇵🇾PARAGUAY: THE STATE SHOULD CARE FOR THE PEOPLE President of the Chamber of Deputies of Paraguay Raúl Luis Latorre Mar…
Trump puso a Estados Unidos primero y no se dejó intimidar por nadie. Ahora Irán pone precio a su cabeza, pero él sigue firme. Eso es liderazgo real. @realDonaldTrump es el líder mundial.
@nacionalistaPGY Man, en serio tampoco te vayas por las ramas nadie merece ser tratado así por su orientación sexual acá la cuestión es el comportamiento que tiene la mayoría de los gays
El trabajo y lucha que hace @edithortizg para la defensa de los animales es digno de aplaudir.
@godoyme Y que sos? Tenés un premio nobel? Encontraste la cura al cáncer? Sos Elon Musk? Algo relevante contame para que yo pueda envidiarte porque hasta ahora solo veo carencia de ácido fólico y vacío interno.. vos pensás que yo te voy a envidiar putito de cuarta?