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44 minutes
Imtiaz Mahmood
1 hour
"The two-state solution is dead, stone cold. And I’ll let you know why. Back in 1994, when Yitzhak Rabin was ready to hand the Palestinians a state on a silver platter, who was the loudest voice against it? Benjamin Netanyahu. And what did the world call him? A radical, an enemy of peace, a warmonger. Even inside Israel, many thought he was being extreme. But was he? Bibi’s argument was simple: You don’t hand a state to people who openly declare that your country has no right to exist and that their ultimate goal is to wipe you off the map. That’s not a “peace process”; that’s national suicide. He understood the security risks. A Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) would leave Israel a mere 9 miles wide at its narrowest point. That’s nothing. That’s an easy invasion route. That’s a security nightmare. It would take minutes to cut Israel in half and massacre its people. But did Israel listen? Of course not. In 2000, Ehud Barak came back and sweetened the deal. He offered Arafat a state again. Arafat said NO. And why did he say no? Because he never wanted a state, he wanted Israel gone. Fast forward to 2005. Ariel Sharon tried another approach. He said, “Fine, let’s give them a test run.” So he pulled every single Jew out of Gaza, 70,000 settlers, forcibly removed. He even went so far as to dig up Jewish graves to ensure Gaza was 100% Judenrein. No excuses left. The Palestinians had a chance to prove they could run a state. So what did they do? Did they build hospitals, schools, and infrastructure? Did they work on nation-building? Did they take this golden opportunity to create a thriving mini-state to prove to the world that they were ready for independence? Nope. Instead, they turned Gaza into a terrorist launchpad. Since 2005, Gaza has been a rocket factory, a jihadist training camp, and a tunnel network straight out of a horror movie. Billions in aid poured in, and instead of building a future, Hamas built weapons to destroy Israel. So let’s go back to the original question: Who was right, the dreamers who kept offering the Palestinians a state or Bibi Netanyahu, who warned them this would be a disaster? The answer is clear. Bibi was right. The Palestinians never cared about statehood. They only cared about destroying the Jewish state. And this is the part most people don’t want to say aloud: This conflict was never about “occupation.” That was always a lie. The West Bank and Gaza are just convenient excuses. The real issue is Islamic jihad. Bibi understands this better than anyone. The people Israel has been negotiating with for decades don’t want borders. They want annihilation. It’s not about compromise. It’s about erasing Israel from the map. So, no, the two-state solution isn’t “dying.” It’s already dead. And it’s been dead since the first time Israel tried to make peace with people who don’t believe in peace." - Dan Burmawi @DanBurmawy
46 minutes
Liza Rosen
6 hours
SHOCKING: A Vietnamese man was arrested on his way to blow himself up at Heathrow International Airport in London. After converting to Islam, he was brainwashed into believing that God is an entity named “Allah” which orders its followers to murder non-Muslims as human sacrifices in order to reach paradise upon their death and receive 72 virgin slaves to use for eternity. How many more innocent lives must be at risk before the West wakes up to this deadly ideology? Link to the report:
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48 minutes
@GlHindu kok saya disebut ya?
52 minutes
19 days
@ChairulMuhamad4 @tanyarlfes wkwkwk liat ini nder, harus kontrak 1 tahun dengan bayaran perbulan estimate 1,040 buat training dan 1,3 bulan selanjutnya jam kerja 12 jam ngeri bngt, ini ga ada separo umk di kota gw
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53 minutes
asal-usul fotografi berwarna? @silarakhito
Historic Vids
2 days
Long before color-sensitive film was invented, Russian photographer Sergey Prokudin-Gorsky took 3 individual black and white photos, each with a filter (red, blue, and green) to create high quality photos in full color. This self portrait is over 113 years old.
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57 minutes
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1 day
Logika berpikir orang Indonesia Bencana alam = Azab. Kemiskinan = Takdir Tuhan. Kaya raya = Cinta dunia. Takhayul dan Mitos = Fakta. + Biar miskin asalkan bahagia Logika macam apa ini ada yang mau nambahin?
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58 minutes
Imtiaz Mahmood
2 hours
Axios is reporting that Iranian operatives inside the U.S. are allegedly planning to target President Trump with surface-to-air missiles. Trump’s team was warned that Iran’s assassination threats were more serious than reported. Extraordinary security measures, including a decoy plane, were taken. Iran allegedly placed operatives in the U.S. with surface-to-air missiles to target his plane. Security also advised Trump to avoid car windows due to sniper threats. In September, his security shot down a drone following his convoy. The threat reportedly made Trump more cautious about boasting about Soleimani’s killing. That is why Trump said he left instructions in case Iran assassinates him. Peter: If Iran and its proxies, who have threatened to retaliate against you and your team, actually follow through by killing you or taking out an entire line, what would happen? Trump: Well, they haven’t done that, and it would be a terrible mistake for them—not because of me. If they did that, they would be obliterated. Trump: That would be the end. I’ve left instructions—if they do it, they get obliterated. There won’t be anything left. And they should know that. Biden should have said it, but he never did.
1 hour
Ofer Binshtok - Kafir - עופר בינשטוק
15 hours
Islamic colonialism has been one of the most successful forms of colonialism, both in terms of conquering territories (currently accounting for about 20% of the Earth's landmass) and in carrying out ethnic cleansing of the cultures it has conquered (currently representing about 25% of the world's population). It continues to expand into new regions and grow numerically.
1 hour
Miss Tweet |
2 days
Oknum Perwira malakin Pengusaha, Oknum Tamtama Malakin rakyat jelata Busuk dari kaki sampai kepala 🔥🔥🔥
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1 hour
Liza Rosen
4 hours
WATCH: A Muslim preacher inspires his followers to worship Allah ten times harder by teaching them about the most important principle in Islam. According to him, a Muslim man who rapes or murders his own mother will still go to paradise if he prays to Allah five times a day. Meanwhile, a non-Muslim will be burned in hell, even if he does not commit such crimes. Please comment below: What did you learn from this lecture about Islam or Muslims?
1 hour
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2 days
Sisi gelap dunia pendidikan Indonesia 📹: Aksi Perundungan pelajar SMP di Ruang Terbuka Hijau Nansarunai (5/2/2025). 📍Barito Timur Kalteng
1 hour
bagaimana mungkin memilih damai jk masih mengacu pada petunjuk yg memerintahkan utk memerangi yahudi/kristen/kafir lain? @agama_nusantara @BayuAngora @PaijoKhentirr @sakkusaitna @Valhallaah @spektrumku @Kappa_2023 @bnsphrxyzzz @RefublikAteis @NamoAryatara @LurahGaza
Jonny Situmorang, SH
16 hours
GAZA BARU, HAMAS PENSIUN Rencana setelah perang ini selesai, Amerika Serikat akan menduduki, membangun Gaza jangka panjang AS akan membantu mereformasi kepemimpinan & pemerintahan, membangun cara berpikir baru rakyat Gaza, yakni, lebih memilih perdamaian & bukan memilih perang
1 hour
seorang remaja pahlawan sejati
Imtiaz Mahmood
3 hours
On February 8th, 1943, Nazis hung Lepa Radic for being a Yugoslavian Partisan during WWII. When they asked for the names of her companions, she replied: "You will know them when they come to avenge me."
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1 hour
Imtiaz Mahmood
12 hours
"USAID funded Hamas Captain. The shocking case of Yaser Murtaja: The revelation that USAID funded Yaser Murtaja, a man Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman identified as a Hamas captain, is nothing short of outrageous. What the FUCK was USAID doing putting American taxpayer dollars into the hands of a terrorist commander? Yaser Murtaja: Hamas Operative Disguised as a Journalist Yaser Murtaja was a Palestinian journalist and co-founder of Ain Media, a production company in Gaza. His work was widely distributed by Al Jazeera and BBC, two networks long accused of whitewashing terrorism. But while the world saw a so-called “journalist,” Israel knew the truth: he was a Hamas captain embedded in the media industry, using his platform to push terrorist propaganda. On April 6, 2018, while allegedly covering protests near the Gaza-Israel border, Murtaja was fatally shot by the IDF. Lieberman confirmed that Murtaja was not just a militant but held a rank equivalent to a captain in Hamas. This means he wasn’t just a foot soldier—he was a leader, a commander within a globally recognized terrorist organization. USAID’s Direct Funding of Hamas If that wasn’t enough, it gets worse. Murtaja had received a financial grant from USAID. USAID’s grant system requires vetting by U.S. authorities before funds are disbursed. This means that either: The vetting process is a complete joke, and Hamas operatives have infiltrated USAID’s funding programs without scrutiny, OR Someone within USAID knew and approved this funding anyway. Either possibility is a damning indictment of U.S. foreign aid policy. This is not just bureaucratic incompetence—this is aiding and abetting terrorism. Murtaja’s Work for Al Jazeera: A Propaganda Tool for Hamas Murtaja’s work, which is being promoted by Al Jazeera, should raise alarm bells. Al Jazeera has long been accused of amplifying Islamist propaganda and providing platforms to terrorist sympathizers. The fact that he also worked with the BBC, another network known for its anti-Israel bias, further proves that he was operating under the guise of journalism to push Hamas’s agenda. The shutdown of USAID by President Trump suggests that these concerns are finally being taken seriously. But shutting down USAID is not enough. TA full investigation must be conducted into who within the agency allowed funds to flow into Hamas's hands. This should be a defining moment for U.S. foreign policy. No more blank checks to terrorist sympathizers. No more funding disguised as “humanitarian aid” while ending up in the pockets of Hamas militants. The death of Yaser Murtaja exposed the uncomfortable truth: U.S. taxpayer dollars were being used to subsidize Hamas’s operations. This is not just a scandal but a national security crisis." - Johann P @JohannPbooks
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1 hour
Dr. H. Zakar Naik 🐸
12 hours
@bacottetangga__ Klakson telolet, knalpot bronx, toa azan, sound horeg dll itu semua contoh polusi suara, yg mengganggu kenyamanan publik. Tapi mereka semua pelakunya merasa paling benar. Pendidikan kita gagal mendidik masyarakat untuk sekedar mampu membedakan mana yg benar dan salah.
1 hour
@silarakhito dulu sering nonton acara tv waku2 before-after, renovasi rumah di jepang, ternyata rumah2 di jepang juga berantakan dan barangnya ambrek2an bbrp hr lalu ada org jepang mampir ke rumah, dia cerita bhw di jepang yg nyata, rumah juga berantakan dgn banyk barang ambrek2an
1 hour
@drhthariq yg jelas, tuhannya yahudi & tuhannya kristen beda dgn tuhannya islam tuhannya yahudi/kristen mengikuti lineage: tuhan abraham-tuhan iskak-tuhan yakub bukan tuhan yg lain dari lineage itu
1 hour
Ridvan Aydemir | Apostate Prophet 🇺🇸🇮🇱
21 hours
The Christian world strongly defended itself against Islamization because Christians weren't a bunch of softies. They knew that "there is a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build."