He’s on the Shanahan coaching tree and he was on the Washington team when RG3 was put back in the field too early and ruined his career.
Let's keep dumbing down the game, might as call it poorman's mlb baseball. Why do they want to shorten it, oh because the kiddies have to go play with their apps on their phones or fort night before it's 10 pm on East coast.
This is not a surprise, I told a close friend around 18 months ago this will go from an urban disease to a rural America disease. Almost everything I’ve predicted has happened, I also predicted the waves of disease will last 5 to 10 years.
No they wouldn't saw more Scherzer jerseys than harper down in dc for all star game, plus Soto is already better and they have robles ready in aaa.
Instead of picking on people, why don’t you help people out in your hometown. You have not done that, you were a zero as a rep, and you are looking like a zero now.