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Op. Dr. Mehlika İşcan Profile
Op. Dr. Mehlika İşcan



#ThoracicSurgeon #GöğüsCerrahı #RoboticThoracicSurgeon |Çam ve Sakura Şehir Hastanesi | Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakultesi | Hospital Universitario de Salamanca

İstanbul, Türkiye
Joined April 2015
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Op. Dr. Mehlika İşcan
1 month
RT @Teresagh: Thrilled that our article on robotic vs. VATS segmentectomies has been selected as the Editor's Choice for January in the EJC…
Op. Dr. Mehlika İşcan
3 months
We've successfully launched our #uniportal robotic (#URATS) program and completed two lobectomies (RLL- 4 .2 cm tumour and LLL - 4.5 cm tumour) for #lungcancer with excellent outcomes! 🎯 The patients were 76 (heart failure, arrhythmia) and 65 years old (COPD, laryngeal surgery and tracheostomy) with severe comorbidities. 🏩 The #daVinci Xi Surgical System was used for #URATS procedure. The skin incisions were ~4 cm in length. 🤖 I'm thrilled to share that both patients were discharged on the second day in good shape, demonstrating the potential of #uniportalrobotic thoracic surgery for rapid recovery. 🚀 🙏 Proud of our team's (Cam Sakura Thoracic) dedication and excited to continue advancing minimally invasive robotic surgery for better patient outcomes! 🙌 #uniportalroboticthoracicsurgery #thoracicsurgery #roboticsurgery #singleport #minimallyinvasivesurgery #SurgicalInnovation #roboticsurgeon #surgeon #throacicsurgeon #daVinciXi
Op. Dr. Mehlika İşcan
5 months
🎉 A proud moment for me! I have received a utility model certificate from the Turkish Patent Institution for my Thoracoscopic Surgical Brush! 🌟 This design is developed to make a meaningful contribution to minimally invasive surgical procedures. Also, this certificate is part of my desire to innovate further in surgical practices in the future. keep working for the future projects! 🚀 "When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this - you haven't"✍️🏻Edison TR 🎉 Benim için gurur verici bir an! Türk Patent Kurumu’ndan Torakoskopik Cerrahi Fırça için faydalı model belgesi aldım! 🌟 Bu tasarım, minimal invaziv cerrahi işlemler için önemli bir katkı sağlamak amacıyla geliştirildi. Aynı zamanda bu belge benim için ileride cerrahi uygulamalarda daha fazla yenilik yapma arzusunun bir parçasıdır. Gelecek projeler için çalışmaya devam! 🚀 "Bütün olasılıkları tükettiğinizde şunu hatırlayın: Tüketmediniz." ✍️🏻Edison #UtilityModel #MedicalTechnology #Innovation #thoracicsurgery #minimallyinvasive #turkpatent #patent #thoracicsurgeon #vats #rats #drmehlikaiscan #göğüscerrahı #göğüscerrahisi
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Op. Dr. Mehlika İşcan
6 months
🍀Timoma nedeniyle drensiz, asistan portu olmadan triport Robotik Timektomi operasyonunu yaptığımız hastamız 36 saat sonra şifa ile taburcu edildi. 🍀Our patient, who underwent a triport Robotic Thymectomy operation for thymoma without a drain and assistant port, was discharged in good health after 36 hours. 🌟Robotic Drainless Thymectomy for Thymoma No Drain▪︎No Assistant Port▪︎No Pain #MedTwitter #medX #robot #robotics #roboticthoracicsurgery #surgery #roboticsurgery #thoracicsurgery #thymoma #thymectomy #cancer #surgeon #doc #davinciXI #intuitive #robotikgöğüscerrahisi #göğüscerrahisi #robotikcerrahi #timoma #timektomi #kanser #cerrah #drmehlikaiscan
Op. Dr. Mehlika İşcan
8 months
🎯 Robotic Right Upper Lobectomy for lung cancer. #RatsRUL #roboticthoracicsurgery #thoracicsurgery #roboticsurgery #davinci #davinciXI
Op. Dr. Mehlika İşcan
8 months
🎯 32. Avrupa Göğüs Cerrahisi Derneği'nde (ESTS) ROBOTİK ve VATS segmentektominin karşılaştırılması konulu sözlü sunumumuzun yazarlarından biri olmaktan gurur duyuyorum. Göğüs cerrahisi alanında böylesine önemli bir etkinliğe katkıda bulunmak büyük bir onurdu. Bu çalışmanın bir parçası olmamı mümkün kılan İspanya Salamanca Göğüs Cerrahisi ekibine teşekkür ederim. ✒️32. Avrupa Göğüs Cerrahisi Derneği (ESTS) konferansı, bu alandaki uzman ve profesyonellerin olağanüstü bir buluşmasıydı. Göğüs cerrahisindeki en son araştırmaların ve yenilikçi tekniklerin paylaşıldığı bir platform sağladı. Tartışmalar ve sunumlar hem aydınlatıcı hem de ilham vericiydi; uzmanlık alanımızdaki ilerlemeleri ve gelecekteki yönelimleri vurguladı. Bilgi güçtür🚀 EN 🎯 I am proud to be one of the authors, our oral presentation about comparison of robotic and vats segmentectomy at the 32nd European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS). It was a great honor to contribute to such an important event in the field of thoracic surgery. Thank you to Salamanca Thoracic Surgery team made it possible for me to be a part of this study. ✒️The 32nd European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS) conference was an exceptional gathering of experts and professionals in the field. It provided a platform for sharing the lastest research and innovative techniques in thoracic surgery. The discussions and presentations were both enlightening and inspiring, highlighting the advancements and future directions in our specialty. Knowledge is power 🚀 #ests2024 #europeanthoracicsurgery #thoracicsurgery #thoracicsurgeon #roboticthoracicsurgery #roboticsurgery #RATS #davinci #intuitive #davinciXI #barselona #göğüscerrahisi #göğüscerrahı #robotikcerrahi #drmehlikaiscan
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Op. Dr. Mehlika İşcan
9 months
32. Avrupa Göğüs Cerrahisi Kongresi'nde Robotik Çalışma Grubu olarak planların yapıldığı ve şimdiye kadar yapılanların gözden geçirildiği verimli bir toplantı gerçekleştirdik. Bu arada 8 farklı ülkeden seçilen 8 robotik fellow-surgeon olarak deneyimlerimizi paylaştık ve cts için röportaj verdik. Hasta ve cerrah için üstün avantajları nedeniyle, Robotik Göğüs Cerrahisi hem ulusal hem de uluslararası alanda ivme kazanıyor. Gelecek gelişmeler ve bu teknolojinin göğüs cerrahisi alanında yaratacağı olumlu etkiler konusunda heyecanlıyız. Olayın tam merkezinden takip ediyoruz😉 EN At the 32nd European Society of Thoracic Surgeons Congress, we held a productive meeting as the Robotic Surgery Working Group to review our plans and the progress made so far. Meanwhile, we, as 8 fellow surgeons selected from 8 different countries, shared our experiences and gave interview for cts. Robotic Thoracic Surgery is gaining momentum both nationally and internationally due to its superior advantages for both patients and surgeons. We are excited about the future advancements and the positive impact this technology will continue to have in the area of thoracic surgery. We are following the event from the inside😉 #ests2024 #roboticthoracicsurgery #thoracicsurgery #RATS #intuitive #davinci #europeanthoracicsurgery #surgeon #drmehlikaiscan
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Op. Dr. Mehlika İşcan
9 months
Op. Dr. Mehlika İşcan
10 months
RT @CamSakuraThorax: #YoutubeChannel Alert 🎯 You can watch our new video that shows Robotic Thymectomy on our YouTube Channel !🎬 Robotic T…
Op. Dr. Mehlika İşcan
10 months
Drainless Robotic Thoracic Surgery 🚀 Thanks to the advantages of robotic surgery, in patients who underwent mediastinal tumor resection surgery without inserting a chest drain; 🦾 shorter anesthesia time, 🦾 less pain, 🦾 and a much faster recovery process 🦾 shorter length of hospital stay are obtained. 🎯 Drensiz Robotik Göğüs Cerrahisi 🚀 Robotik cerrahinin avantajları sayesinde göğüs dreni takılmadan mediastinal tümör rezeksiyon ameliyatı yapılan hastalarda; 🦾 daha kısa anestezi süresi, 🦾 daha az ağrı, 🦾 çok daha hızlı iyileşme süreci 🦾 daha kısa hastanede kalış süresi sağlanır. #timoma #mediasten #schwannoma #göğüscerrahisi #medikal #medical #göğüscerrahı #cerrah #CamSakuraGöğüsCerrahisi #timus #kanser #sağlık #daVinciXI #robotikcerrahi #robotikgöğüscerrahisi #roboticsurgery #thoracicsurgery #roboticthoracicsurgery #surgery #thymoma #cancer #health #daVinci #intuitive #Robotics #İstanbul #Türkiye #surgeon #thorax #thoracic #CamSakuraThoracicSurgery #minimallyinvasivesurgery
Op. Dr. Mehlika İşcan
11 months
#drmehlikaiscan #göğüscerrahisi #göğüscerrahı #thoracicsurgeon #thoracicsurgery #14marttıpbayramı
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Op. Dr. Mehlika İşcan
11 months
Ulusal Akciğer Sağlığı Kongresi (UASK) 2024 Torasik Onkoloji Kursunda Neoadjuvan KRT sonrası Uniportal Vats Sağ Üst Orta Bilobektomi deneyimimizi paylaştık. Ayrıca Minimal İnvaziv Torasik Cerrahi Çalışma grubu toplantısına katıldık. Yoğun ve harika 5 gün geçirdik. Diğer güzel şey ise meslektaşlarımız ve hocalarımızla birlikte zaman geçirmekti. Bu toplantılar, hem kendimiz hem de hastalarımız için çıtayı yükseltmeye devam etmemizi destekliyor ve bize ilham veriyor. EN We shared our Uniportal Vats Right Upper Middle Bilobectomy experience after Neoadjuvant CRT in the Thoracic Oncology Course at UASK 2024. We also attended the Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery Working Group meeting. We spent intense and perfect 5 days in UASK 2024. The other good thing was sharing time with colleagues and mentors. These meetings help us to continue to raise the bar for both ourselves and the patients we care for. #UASK2024 #asyod #lung #akciğer #health #sağlık #göğüscerrahı #göğüscerrahisi #thoracicsurgeon #thoracicsurgery #drmehlikaiscan #akciğerkanseri #lungcancer #cancer #kanser #kongre #Congress #minimallyinvasivesurgery #neoadjuvant #oncology #uniport #uniportalvats #uvats #cerrah #surgeon #Türkiye
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Op. Dr. Mehlika İşcan
1 year
Hot off the press❤️‍🔥 Check out our recently published paper about complicated robotic segmentectomy in Cirugía Española. Muchas gracias al mi mentor y colegas por su apoyo✨️
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Teresa Gómez
1 year
New interesting case already available in @cirugiaespanola Robotic segmentectomy for pulmonary sequestration complicated with aspergilloma @mehlikaiscan @ForcadaClara @toracicaslm
Op. Dr. Mehlika İşcan
1 year
RT @Teresagh: New interesting case already available in @cirugiaespanola Robotic segmentectomy for pulmonary sequestration complicated with…
Op. Dr. Mehlika İşcan
1 year
Op. Dr. Mehlika İşcan
1 year
🫁 Akciğer kanseri dünya çapında en sık teşhis edilen kanserdir ve kansere bağlı ölümlerin en önemli nedenidir. 🚭 Sigara Birincil Suçludur❗️ 7.000'den fazla kimyasal madde içeren tütün dumanı, akciğer kanserinin önde gelen nedenidir. Uzun süreli maruz kalma akciğer hücrelerine ve DNA'ya zarar vererek riski önemli ölçüde artırır. Sigara içenlerin akciğer kanserine yakalanma riski sigara içmeyenlere göre 15 ila 30 kat daha fazladır. Kliniğimizde minimal invaziv tekniklerle (#DaVinciXI ile Robotik Cerrahi, Uniportal Vats-tek kesi ile kapalı cerrahi, Vats-kapalı cerrahi) tüm göğüs cerrahisi kanser operasyonları başarı ile yapılmaktadır. ⚕️ Akciğer kanseri ⚕️ Akciğerin metastatik lezyonları (Kolon, böbrek, karaciğer, beyin vb. organların tümörleri) ⚕️ Timus kökenli tümörler (Timoma) ⚕️ Mediastinal tümörler ⚕️ Göğüs duvarı tümörleri ⚕️ Nefes borusu tümörleri ⚕️ Diyafram tümörleri EN 🫁 Lung cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer worldwide and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths. 🚭 Smoking is the Primary Culprit❗️ Tobacco smoke, which contains more than 7,000 chemicals, is the leading cause of lung cancer. Long-term exposure damages lung cells and DNA, significantly increasing the risk. Smokers' risk of developing lung cancer is 15 to 30 times higher than non-smokers. In our clinic, all thoracic surgery and cancer operations are successfully performed with minimally invasive techniques (Robotic Surgery with #DaVinciXI, Uniportal Vats-single incision closed surgery, Vats-closed surgery). ⚕️ Lung cancer ⚕️ Metastatic lesions of the lung (tumors of organs such as colon, kidney, liver, brain, etc.) ⚕️ Thymus origin tumors (Thymoma) ⚕️ Mediastinal tumors ⚕️ Thoracic wall tumors ⚕️ Tracheal tumors ⚕️ Diaphragm tumors #göğüscerrahisi #göğüscerrahı #dünyakansergünü #akciğerkanseri #kanser #kapalıameliyat #robotikcerrahi #thoracicsurgery #thoracicsurgeon #vats #uvats #roboticsurgery #uniportalvats #roboticsurgeon #drmehlikaiscan
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Op. Dr. Mehlika İşcan
1 year
RT @IntuitiveSurg: We’re excited to announce that da Vinci SP has received CE mark approval for use in Europe. Da Vinci SP gives surgeons t…
Op. Dr. Mehlika İşcan
1 year
I’m glad to share that I recently completed the last and long step as one of the eight people selected for the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons Robotic Thoracic Surgery Fellowship Programme. It’s been an intense and extraordinary year shared with amazing people the at the Thoracic Surgery Department at Universidad de Salamanca Hospital in Spain. It was an intense time of learning, dedication, and new friendships. Grateful to all who have served as mentors whose tips and advice I will carry through to my surgical career in the future. It was great to meet and work with Prof. Dr. Marcelo Jiménez and Dr. María Teresa Gómez Hernández , Dr. Marta G Fuentes, Dr. Cristina E Rivas Duarte, Dr. Jose Aranda, Dr. Clara Forcada.  They are such a great team, and I was very privileged to work with them in Robotic and Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery. I thoroughly enjoyed this enriching experience. I leave a part of my heart in Spain. I hope to see you all again. Gracias por todo! This has been the experience of a lifetime.  I am certain that the skills I have learned I have made will prove invaluable in my career in surgery. Now, it's time to get started with the robotic thoracic surgery programme at home Cam Sakura Thoracic & Basaksehir Cam and Sakura City Hospital ! #roboticthoracicsurgery #thoracicsurgery #robotikgöğüscerrahı #rats #robotikgöğüscerrahisi #daVinci #göğüscerrahisi #göğüscerrahı #intuitive #roboticsurgery #ests #roboticthoracicsurgeon @CamSakuraThorax @camsakurasehir @thoracic
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Op. Dr. Mehlika İşcan
1 year
A big thank you to Prof. Isabelle Schmitt-Opitz and the thoracic surgery team for warm welcoming me and making this an excellent experience for me.  #roboticsurgery #thoracicsurgery #thoracicsurgeon #ests #EuropeanSocietyofThoracicSurgeons
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