![Lightwave780 Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1623110128911220736/dlu2y4KL_x96.jpg)
God's Witness. The Son Of Man, dissemination of the science of creation by God, and Man's relation to Spirit. The New Gospel according to Thomas
Planet Earth (Canada)
Joined November 2022
@RealAndyLeeShow Their bird flu is gaining track. Another planned pandemic coming? Not far out of the question.
Looking Glass tech, I predict, uses light propagating forward in time. Light is a scalar wave. By looking to the stars we see back in time. The time it takes for the light to reach your eye, it's old light. You have to understand just what scalar energy is and how it works. Scalar energy is THE primary clock of the universe. Everything works by it. E=MCC is a scalar formula that comes to us from Einstein, but Einstein couldn't have made it. It was likely given to him to make sense of it from the Vatican library. Einstein held the wrong science to fully understand it. The Aether was abanden for the electron. But then, no one knew that Genesis was directly describing the scalar field of the universe. The "WATER" in GENESIS is the Aether of space. All mater physical is created from it. Ever hear of "spooky action at a distance"? That's the power of a scalarwave. Or in quantom mechanics where the observer affects the observed. That's always been the problem with quantom computers. But that observation and effect is one of the keys to understanding. Just like when you feel someone looking at you but their behind you. Women are really good at preceiving that. Think of a wave upon the water. You only see the one dimention of it, not the unseen part under water. It's scalar. It's actually affecting gravity within the wave by changing dencity. That's what curved space time is. The 2 C's in E=MCC are the light speed spinning Aether that play out the rainbow of colors that create the reality we see with our eyes. C = light particle = 1 Aether = 1/2 of the lightwave. It takes 2 to make mater visable. 2 Aether particles = 1 lightwave of 780nm. ̶O̶O̶O̶O̶O̶O̶O̶O̶O̶O̶O̶O̶O̶ The scalar wave is bi-directional in time. The waveform we see is the one moving forward in time always expanding, while the other canceling magnetic wave is traveling back in time. It is out of phase. As the energy moves forward through time, riding upon the surface of the Aether, the very leading edge of the energy travels around the Aether and back towards the source. That backwave is a time reversal wave. That's the hidden wave in all observable energy including the electromagnetic waveform. We don't see the scalar part as it's out of phase. We only see the unbalanced part of the scalar wave. One of the C's is bigger than the other like cCcC . So, what I'm trying to say is that the signal of light has a hiden part that is an instantaneous feedback loop. Instead of looking into the light, back into the past, we look down the lightwave from behind it, and flip phase the signal to make it observable into the future. I couldn't find my original post on looking glass. It seems to have been deleted. But here is another one I mention it in. Check the post above it.
RT @lightwave780: Bio-convergence headed up by Isreal, I mean (Masaud, CIA, DARPA, Deep State, MI6, TRAVISTOC, FREEMASON, ILLUMINATI, LUSIF…
RT @wideawake_media: "There was no pandemic, and the lie was maintained in order to inject... 5.5 billion people with an intentionally dang…
@Kap77777 @_TruthZone_ Q is for Quantom AI that Trump has had since 2016. He was about to release it in 2020, but he lost.
Look, I want Trump to be real as well, but that doesn't mean to let your guard down. Just because he went to Jesuit school does not mean he is fully indoctrinated. People can change their minds with new understanding. BUT, there are a lot of buts about Trump that bare to ask some questions. One of the big ones is WARP SPEED and his continued self commendation for it. Also, there are all the Jewish ties to Freemasonry and Trump. If you are paying attention, the Masons are playing out the End Time of the Bible. Everything is scripted. Truth is, we are in the end times, and it's all about crossing the Galactic Plane in assention from the negative side to the positive side. This happened in June 2004 by my observations. This has profound effects on all energy at the baseline, including the spirit of man.
@CMDRVALTHOR Remember, Trump said this would be the last time you will vote. Trumps Jesuit schooling
@NotOpCue Q is a quantom computer. Trumps Q has apparently been running since 2016. Can Crack any code in 2 minutes listens to every conversation on the planet. Access to every computer.
I bet there are more pot smokers who are unvaxed because they are more aware of the world of conspiracies than the vaxed. They have lived inside a conspiracy, knowing full well all the lies that surround humanity. Way more than 5 plants. Got busted for too many. Went to court 5 times. Challenged the law. They dropped the charges and didn't even inform me. They didn't even want to hear my argument, they were afraid I would win and unravel a whole ball of wax they didn't want to deal with. The truth shall set you free.. I told the judge I was doing it on purpose out in the open for the last three years, just waiting to be chalanged. The judge said I couldn't challenge the law because they dropped the charges. I said to him. I'll just keep doing with what I'm doing. Claim of right comes next.
@MaximeBernier As the hole gets deeper.
@AwakenRoar23 @stephenharper Look where Steven Harper has been rubbing shoulders with since his political correer. The CIA, MASOD, and MI5 with an Israely adventure in cyber securities called AWZ Ventures. That's in 2016 .
@ChatterBox_Muse I somehow put a dead link there.
You know Chris, you actually got some of that right. You're not integrating time with energy though. They are one in the same. You also have the right symbol for light, which is the yinyang. But all out of context. And you're somewhat right about the Bible, but in the wrong way. I can straighten that out for you, though. The ☯️ is the 12 pearly gates, the Aether, and the WATER in GENESIS. All one in the same, the fluid of space that fills the deep expance of the Universe. The Spirit of God that moves upon the sur-face of the waters in between the gates of pearls. And in between the water and the water is the firmiment of Father Time, Heaven. That would be the LIGHT, the spirit of God. And by the voice of God, (a great sound wave), the water was brought together to create Hydrogen, the 12 pearly gates. It takes 2 Aether (water) to make the first element of hydrogen. Hydrogen has the circumfrence of 780nm. Yours and my namesake. We are the light. And here are the pearls of wisdom. 6 pearls of color, in the light in 1 Aether, and 6 pearls of darkness in the other opposite Aether. Each spinning at the speed of light to form the lightwave in between them. Each pearl is a color of the rainbow. Red being the biggest pearl of 156nm from 624nm to 780nm makes perfect resonance. 780/156=5 Each pearl has its own size and resonance in the light from 390nm to 780nm. 5, 9, 12, 21, 31, and 39 is the smallest pearl of 20nm = 780/39 which is yellow. Stack 1 pearl upon another according to size and you have a cone or pyramid of 195NM X 390NM 6 pearls above, 6 pearls below. The mighty house of God, the holder of the light, the yinyang in the balance of nature. And from there the universe was created 2 X 2 . 2 hydrogen brought together by a sound wave creates helium, but this time, space curves inware( gets smaller) and helium again with the same diameter of 780nm, but now has twice the mass and twice the dencity with 4 Aether shrunk to the same size in 1 lightwave. From helium to lithium on up through the elements of the periodic table. Each becoming a greater dencity of mass. E=MCC can you see it now? The ☯️ 12 pearly gates. Now you can throw away the electron, proton, and all that other nonsense to make you off balance. The pyramids are models of the Aether. They are all about the light. Cones in Mater, cones in your eyes. Transmitter, Receiver. Pineal gland , your SCALAR connection to God. Often depicted as a pinecone. And your right about the Scalarwave of time. 1 wave forward through time, the other hidden out of phase back in time to the source. Each waveform rides upon the surface of either side of the yinyang. One expanding forward in time, the other contracting back in time, IN THE EXPANDING UNIVERSE. The universe is expanding because the Aether that fills it is expanding with every single revolution of the Aether. Heat, light, sound, antigravity, all expansion of time and mater, just as a hot air balloon expands with heat, and the balloon rises because it becomes less dence from the expansion of the air inside compared to the air outside. Gravity is no different in the oppisit. A contraction of mater increasing dencity falling back in time. Except, there is nowhere to fall to but to dencer mater. The Gallaxy being the densest. The plane of the galaxy, where the waters of space meet in the center of time. Like the firmiment between the waters of the 12 pearls. As Above and so below. Forward time = expansion. Reverse time = contraction. Energy = distortion in time. Just thinking distorts time within your thoughts. The electromagnetic field distortion is an internal distortion between one cone becoming larger, while the other becomes smaller keeping the balance of the lightwave maintaining the same size externally. Light does not travel in a straight line, but follows the curvature of mass, (face of the waters). That is why light appears to go slower through air and glass.