I’m a Catholic, Pro-life, wife/mom so I tweet about Catholic, prolife, wife/mom things. My grammar & typos drive
crazy. It’s part of my charm.
“It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love.” -Gandalf (J. R. R. Tolkien)
“[I]n a child of God, friendship and charity are one and the same thing. They are a divine light that spreads warmth”- St. Josemaria
The whole “my body, my choice” mantra is such a lie. At no point, outside of pregnancy, have I felt anything inside me kick me. My liver doesn’t sucker punch my bladder ever. If you have ever been pregnant it is very clear that a very separate life is growing inside of you.
We are doing international week. Each day a different kid picks a country, plan menus, help prep and cook meals and we do a virtual tour. Our 8yr old picked Paris. It was delicious.
“He is a philandering faux conservative who will destroy everything, every single thing that we have promised to millions of people, honest Americans.”
Who said this and when?
Except for being rude to staff, his requests seems completely normal and I’m jealous that I can’t make the same demands when I travel. Don’t mess with sleep.
I’m tempted to clean each living area of our house, take a picture, laminate it and when I ask a kid to clean a room I’ll hand them the pictures and say “make it look like this”
Our friend’s 26yr old younger sister just found out she has stage 4 Lymphoma. She just had her second child last month. Please pray for Mary, her husband and her sweet littles.
Wow. The rage a mother feels when she walks into the kitchen to start making dinner at 4:50pm to find a bunch of kids eating a ton of Goldfish. 🤬 You will eat everything I put on your plate tonight so help me God.
As a parent I would never want to lose my sons but I hope that my sons are the kind of men who would be willing to die saving their friends. May his memory be a blessing and his life and death be an inspiration.
TEEN'S SACRIFICE: Colorado authorities say an 18-year-old leaped from his desk in a literature class Tuesday and charged the two attackers, sacrificing his life to buy classmates time to escape.
The police should barricade them in there for 12hrs (so they can hunger strike more effectively) and ask them how they enjoy being held captive in a tunnel.
Bryan was admitted into the hospital Nov. 19th with complications from COVID. Things did not look good for a long time but by the grace of God, thousands praying for him and the unbelievable team of doctors treating him, Bryan went home today. Thank you to everyone who prayed.
This is my friend, Bryan. I grew up with his wife’s family & I photographed his wedding. Bryan and his wife have five children and he runs his own small business. He’s fighting for his life right now. He’s on ECMO and he needs every prayer you can give and his wife needs them too
Haley and Scott’s speeches didn’t inspire me to vote for Trump. They gave me hope, that no matter who wins this November, that I might have a conservative I could vote for 2024.
A surgeon needs your consent to operate on your child. He also explains the operation to the parents, explains all the risks and possible outcomes and then works with the parents in post operation recovery. Does Wyman not have children??
Christina Wyman: Parents think they have the right to control teaching and learning because their children are the ones educated. It’s sort of like entering a surgical unit thinking you can interfere with an operation because the patient is your child.
15 years ago
and I became parents. We still can’t believe they sent us home with her without an instruction manual but we figured it out and she is quite the amazing little lady.
Our dear friend suffered a hemorrhagic stroke on Friday afternoon. He’s in the hospital and intubated. He’s a father of 10, the youngest being 3 months. His name is Tim (not my husband) please pray for his healing and for his family.
So I’ve been watching a lot of Dateline lately and I think this would be the perfect way to get away with murdering your spouse and making it look like an accident.
Completely asinine. Why erase one of the things that make women unique, strong and awesome: we grow and feed humans with our own bodies. We are freaking super humans and we need to be teach girls that they are rock stars because their bodies can do something that men’s can’t.
Midwives have been told to say “chestfeeding” instead of “breastfeeding” and to replace the term “mother” with “mother or birthing parent” as part of moves to be more trans-friendly
I’m completely in awe of how
were able to do the immense amount of research and analysis that went into this incredibly important book while both rocking being moms. Congrats ladies!!
and her daughter look STUNNING. The gents all look very handsome.
Second, Haley’s dress is so obviously a champagne gold color which is a classic mother of the bride color to wear.
Anyone who didn’t recognize that clearly hasn’t been invited to many weddings.
“Kids need boredom. They cannot be entertained every minute of every day. Kids who can’t be bored end up being boring.”
is absolutely right in this piece.
This is my friend, Bryan. I grew up with his wife’s family & I photographed his wedding. Bryan and his wife have five children and he runs his own small business. He’s fighting for his life right now. He’s on ECMO and he needs every prayer you can give and his wife needs them too
God blessed the March for Israel with a beautiful November weather. On top of the beautiful weather was seeing all the beautiful faces. No one hiding their identity. It was such an honor to be there.
Our daughter had an audio processing disorder (so do I). It hard enough to follow what people are saying with any background noise. Now imagine trying to understand what the teacher is saying with a class full of kids and the teacher’s voice muffled by a mask. Every day.
I have to apologize. I did not hear the student and I don’t guess my fellow board members did either because they didn’t call me on it. I can’t always hear what is being said through the masks. I truly apologize.
“protect the academic privacy”?!?!? As a parent I have a right to know exactly what’s being taught in my child’s class. I’m not listening in on their private therapy session. Dear God. Teachers are afraid of being caught teaching...what???
Seems like everyone testing positive now got it at the event, most likely at the indoor reception, so unless Lee was “patient zero” he wasn’t contagious while sitting behind Pence. BUT Pence was exposed and shouldn’t be out and about.
I’m willing to believe this theory but we need an explanation to why Swalwell paused right as the fart happened. It definitely makes him look like he did it.
My only thought when I read his tweets is that my heart goes out to her husband and her parents. Who will no doubt be inundated with reporters asking questions and reliving this. Did they ask him to dig this up?
A lot of interest in this story about Psycho Joe Scarborough. So a young marathon runner just happened to faint in his office, hit her head on his desk, & die? I would think there is a lot more to this story than that? An affair? What about the so-called investigator? Read story!
Today one of my nieces turns 4yr old. She insisted she wanted a Nativity birthday cake. Really stuck to her guns. So my mom borrowed my edible paint and gave her what she wanted.
Several of my friends have not gotten the vaccine yet, but plan to, because “I need to find a time where I can be sick for a few days”. It sounds crazy to some but for parents to be out for a full day or two with little kids, man it’s a royal pain in the ass.
🚨🚨"nearly three in ten (28%) employed adults who [are] not yet ready to get the vaccine say that they would be more likely to get the COVID-19 vaccine if their employer gave them paid time off to get vaccinated and recover from any side effects"
Tim is in surgery right now to fix his shoulder. Please pray that this works. He hasn’t been able to play baseball with our kids without extreme pain in a couple years.
Get your kids off social media, especially your daughters. You may think your kid can emotionally handle it but their best friend may not and your kid being on it puts pressure on them to be on it. There is not a good reason at the high school level to be on social media.
Lillian update: can’t get into it all now, but little Lillian is likely to need a very serious open-💔 surgery sooner than anticipated. It is, alas, a higher risk surgery than we’d initially been told. More in the coming days and weeks. Prayers are, as always, very welcome.
Nope. We’ve been lied to way too many times to believe that. My younger kids have immunities from getting it and don’t need to be vaccinated. Maybe in a year or two…maybe.
We need a different strategy to convince parents on the fence—fear of infection isn’t it. I wrote back in November about how a key incentive for parents has to be removal of masking. Get your child vaccinated, and masks are no longer required.
Why did the FDA delay authorization of Pfizer's vaccine for kids under 5?
says "there were no safety issues," but Pfizer presented additional cases that "changed the FDA's perception of the absolute efficacy of the vaccine" based on the most up-to-date data.
Also the article about how the Royals didn’t come to her Christening. Because it’s so easy for the King & Queen of England, and the
to the throne and his family to just pop over to the United States for the weekend.
I had a woman tell me “young people like you shouldn’t be hoarding”. I let her know that tomorrow’s my 39th birthday, I have six kids and this isn’t hoarding, it’s a little over a week’s worth of groceries. She said “I don’t believe you” and turned her back on me 🤷♀️
7 years ago my 14 month old nephew, John Paul, died of SMA. My sister has a 25% of having a baby with SMA with every pregnancy. Today the FDA just approved a drug that is essentially a cure. Zolgensma is a miracle.
Son: I’m bored
Me: you have two brothers
Him: rolls eyes
Me: I did not give birth to a baby every other year for ten years for you to tell me your bored. There are five other kids & two dogs to amuse you. OR I have bunch of chores for you to do.
Him: who wants a nerf gun fight!?
A school in the Philadelphia suburbs canceled a field trip to DC, with stops at Holocaust Museum, Smithsonians, and monuments, because of DC’s vaccine mandate in restaurants. They might go to a local amusement park to “learn about roller coasters” instead.
“There is not a single documented Covid infection anywhere in the world from casual outdoor interactions, such as walking past someone on a street or eating at a nearby table”
Unmask Us! Unmask the children!
NYT: New Jersey "will no longer require students and school employees to wear masks, signaling a deliberate shift toward treating the coronavirus as a part of daily life."
You know when you have six kids and two dogs and no matter where you try to work all the noisy mammals find you? Tim’s new home office: our really dirty minivan (six kids/two dogs)
Found out, through my dad being very sick, that his doctor will only see patients via FaceTime unless they go and get a COVID test. My parents are fully vaccinated. I’m assume everyone in the office is also vaccinated. Twice this year it was easier for my dad to go to the ER.
And no one helped her. The crazy man was clearly unarmed and you can see multiple able body men (including the guy filming) who should have stopped it. She asked for help and she was ignored.
Just another day in new york city safest subway system, where innocent people are being harassed and assaulted.
But the mayor wants you to ride the subway instead of driving, to save the environment.
Belated father’s day post about
who is amazing. On Sat. I took the Mandel’s 3 kids while
had a baby but it was Tim who took over all 9 kids in our house. On Sun. he took 4 of my sister’s kids so we could attend a baby shower. He entertained 10 kids.
My husband
is the best. He wakes up with kids every morning and brings me coffee. He takes all 6 kids on with joy and excitement. He doesn’t complain when I need to skip dinner because I’m having a rough day and can’t handle the chaos. My kids and I are very blessed.
I rarely feel more loved and understood than when I’m rifling through
’s drawers, tonight lm looking for a highlighter, and I find a stash of dark chocolate. I know it’s not for him. He hides them frequently about the house for when I’m having a bad day.
The incredibly sweet
dropped off soup on our front porch and I repaid her by running up to her car and scaring the living crap out of her. 😬😘
is in fact the worst Christian I know. And I am feeling a little dead right now, I thought it was due to lack of sleep but I guess it’s because she’s my friend.
Lillian update: Major open heart surgery on December 2nd. Please pray for Lillian. To remind you to do so, here is a video of her in a particularly expressive mind meld with daddy!
If I get a couple good pics of my kids (and me) from a professional photo session I’m using it for every single holiday for next year or until I have another baby. Especially if the holidays are one week apart and I’m receiving cancer treatment. Come on.
16 years ago tonight was our last night before we had our first baby. Tonight, I looked through my old photos on Facebook and I have an old album called “Before Baby”. I think
and I were just dating in this photo. We didn’t have a clue.