![kacy ☕️ Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1660461460449902594/-o-p8lb__x96.jpg)
kacy ☕️
making music and writing code. crafting special clouds at @google, previously at @fitbit, @gowalla. co-created @cloudforecast.
Joined March 2007
@PodSaveAmerica @jonfavs @danpfeiffer @TVietor08 @brianschatz I can’t do this for four more years. Please find a segment of something uplifting and a way for folks to channel frustrations into action. This isn’t it.
RT @WillManidis: I've met many more people who turned their lives around by walking around aimlessly for a couple hours a day than I’ve met…
Also no coincidence at all that Indeed Job Search is currently a top 10 app, listed above Google Maps and Instagram, for a few weeks in a row.
Based on my long held and 100% accurate belief that the Fed knows nothing… Powell becoming hawkish and saying their mandates are balanced likely means the labor market is about to crack:
@bensig @RealRossU You could also argue that the SF City officials effectively run a worse but similar version at Sixth and Market.
@nikitabier I’m annoyed at how obvious this is and just how flawless every step was executed (especially with app clips and signup funnel). Massive congrats! 🙌🙌 👑
@GrantSlatton AND it doesn’t fuck up your floors like the cheap plastic ones. home office cheat code
@signulll honestly, i’ve just settled on the simple platinum/gold stack. 4x on food, cafes, and many bars. that’s where i end up spending the most. i’m probably losing extra points but not worth it to me anymore to optimize more. apple card for 2x of other stuff if I think of it.
RT @LittleMammith: The answer is "Get off your phone." That's it. It's not long COVID, it's not late capitalism, it's not the Jews, it's no…
@natfriedman Insane. Thank you for this work. How do we pay to get more measured? How do we get this federally funded?
Not that anyone needs me to chime in, but I also grew up as a poor white kid in the South. I even lived in a motel one year as a kid, and I’m the stepson of a paper mill worker. I’m also the proud product of the public school system. I shouldn’t be where I am. I’m a better engineer because of my Indian and Chinese coworkers, and it feels insane to me that we’re even questioning high skilled visas. If you’re curious, have American citizenship, and can’t “make it” in tech, it’s a skill issue.
Now that H-1B has become a topic of discussion, here’s my story: Born in Appalachia, went to a top-tier university, interned in wealth management and trading, recruited for all the top investment banks and research firms, only offer I received was to cold call South American high-net-worth-individuals on a commission-based salary, 10k base. Could not afford to take the job because cost of living in NYC was too high. All my foreign-born friends and classmates got the jobs I dreamed of and worked my whole life for. They weren’t more skilled than me, in fact, most were less skilled. 6 months after graduation, I took a 15$/hr job at a geopolitical analysis startup. I received effectively zero equity (thanks Silicon Valley). Worked the night shift for 60k/yr. Slept on the floor of that office many nights. Lost money for 3 straight years. After 5 years, I was the most tenured employee at the company other than the founders. Finally got up to 80k/yr, then was fired within a year of relocating for them across the country. Many of my foreign-born classmates were extremely successful investment bankers and financial professionals by this point. Jumping from JPMorgan to Facebook to private equity etc. Once again, I applied everywhere, including Palantir and government agencies that I was extremely qualified for. Didn’t get a single interview anywhere, not even low level data analyst positions. Here’s the point: The very people telling you that we need H-1B are the same exact people who wouldn’t even give me an interview despite having impeccable qualifications. At that point, I was completely on my own. Bought Bitcoin and crypto with my severance, and after a few years of struggling, trained myself to become a successful derivative trader and investor. BTC: $3k, ETH: $150, PLTR: $6, RKLB: $5, TSLA: $180, NVDA: $10 No American institution ever helped me. They stole my family’s wealth and took advantage of me. We don’t need an H-1B program. We need to believe in and invest in Americans. The American system, as it currently exists, is a complete scam that exploits the American people more than anyone else. I don’t believe in victimhood culture, it’s utterly disgusting, but as an American, without ethnic connections to capitalize on, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN. The quicker you accept this, the better off you’ll be.
RT @Yuchenj_UW: Don't listen to this BS. If you are a software engineer: lock in now. AI won’t replace you, but someone using AI will. I…