Every single rule and regulation created by unelected officials that was not voted upon and passed by the legislature should be treated the same. My RINO governor Heir Hogan, used emergency declaration to strip us of our rights during the covid BS. I was threatened with arrest
Continuing to allow more criminals in to support our elderly will not have a good result, they are already sucking our safety nets dry. It's simply importing violent slaves. Another way must be found.
What did we learn from Epstein's list?
The fbi had all of this info for years, prosecuted no one, and hid that info from the folks who paid for it and have every right to see it.
The fbi is not a law enforcement agency.
Its a political power broker.
They're not on our side.
At 7-11 as I was next in line after 5 minutes, a guy jumped in threw exact change for his paper and coffee on the counter. He looked at me, I said "for someone as important as you, go right ahead" He slunk back to the end of the line.
Not at all.
I had a woman stop dating me once when she saw a tattoo on my arm with my wife's name.
Memorial tat, with her death date on it. She wanted it covered, I refused.
Did I make the right call?
I work in the foreclosure industry and I'm seeing 6-10 new houses per week in the dozen zip codes I cover. Some are from banks reselling bad loans between each other, the rest are divided up between seniors who can't make it anymore and folks who have lost their jobs/ suffered a
Of course it can be done. The USA went from having a military smaller than Portugal’s to have the power to conquer the world in under a decade. Putting criminals in buses isn’t that difficult.
If they were pulled over for a traffic violation, ID them and write tickets. If not don't ask then to surrender their 4th amendment rights, just go away. I've ridden many times and temporarily joined groups, not knowing a single soul. I've been with groups and seen the same.
Other than getting a few judges through, he has done everything he can to thwart the will of the American people.
He is not the problem. Those in the gop that vote him in as their leader are the true problem.
Tired of hearing immigration law needs to be fixed. Why bother? The law isn’t enforced. Pretty sure it says no entering without permission and deportation if you do
McCarthy has done to damage our party and the country. He betrays us at every turn, and he has a voting grade of 54% F from Conservative Review. That's leadership? NO WAY.
If you are taxed on the income you use to pay for your home, you shouldn't be taxed on your home. Property tax is extortion. It destroys the possibility of generational wealth and impoverishes those who played by the rules all their lives.
If you claim you don't know the name of the man who ordered you to do what you are doing, you are knowingly lying through your teeth. When treated with this amount of disrespect, the ballots should have been removed by force.
FEMA is racist, incompetent, and tyrannical Words below in quotation marks do not come from FEMA's website. Goal 1 - Instill Equity as a Foundation of Emergency Management "pick who to help based on the hierarchy of victimhood"
Goal 2 - Lead Whole of Community in Climate
I firmly believe we could get rid of every politician, replace them with random names out of the phone book ( yes I’m old) and you would have a more responsive and honest government
Never speak to the fbi or any law enforcement agency. They are allowed to lie to you. You will go to jail if you lie to them. Record and livestream all encounters.
Presidential executive orders are unconstitutional. I think it's fine for members of the Executive branch only but should not include spending $$ not authorized by the Legislature.
It's getting weird. Too much at once. I might go camping in the woods for awhile. Problem is there's so much lying and fakery going on in terms of info I don't know what to believe. Rather be first to the door than last.
I made it a point to drive by them. The parking lots were empty. I was in a hospital parking lot on Christmas, to be near my daughter as she gave birth to my grandson. I was not allowed in the building. Not nearly as horrible a folks with elderly parents who couldn't visit them
Are we watching a dystopian future? Endless wars and a vaccine that is forced upon us, killing many. A government that lies and a media that carries their water?
How much $$ was lost selling off the materials Trump bought to build the wall? How much $$ was spent removing barricades, welding open passages?
The millions of illegals are a political weapon. Overwhelm and crash the system. Changing the balance of power in the House permanently to the left through the census. It doesn't matter if they vote.