![YangGang4Life Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1536036527201034241/JijPfcVB_x96.jpg)
Americana, Brasil
Joined February 2019
An (unabridged) (shortened) history of the world Preface Another title for the book in consideration is “an (unabridged) (shortened) truthful history of the world, but the word ‘truthful’ on consideration is not necessary, not unless one wishes to lie about history. We all have heard the phrase “history is written by the victors”, and an internalization of this phrase is really what this book is all about. True historical accounts should take the unbiased 3rd person perspective, analyzing objective truths, and always pursue the most accurate evidence of any statement made. These concepts are the foundation of the Renaissance, founding of America, and as most might not know, the Third Reich. Another phrase that I will now introduce is “seize the means of production”, the communist and socialist catchphrase. History will show that communism is a synonym for Zionism, and Zionism’s proponents are Jews. This inconvenient truth is so troubling that entire nations have spilled blood combatting Zionist ideas, and now, in 2024, we are a being with amnesia, unable to recall the atrocities of just 100 years past, instead succumbing to the global narrative that gets pushed out. “History is written by the victors”. The victors in World War I, and World War II was not Germany, so we must ask, who was Germany fighting against? The better more accurate question would be, who was Germany defending herself from? In 1938, Judea declared war on Germany and mobilized a massive propaganda effort to sway democratic countries into entering a war without provocation. The Jewish motivation for this war arose after Hitler after coming to power declared his country to be free of the international bankers, the ones initiating wage slavery on Germany and a form of it on virtually every other nation on the planet. To the Zionist powers, the refusal to participate in the charade of loans and other corrupt monetary schemes is the original sin. The justice of truth is so powerful, that centuries worth of propaganda and plain lies can be swept away overnight. Thanks to the power of the Internet, the ability to access information is now widespread than ever. The dilemma of the Internet is now how can I find the information I am looking for? You would have to be living under a rock to not realize that almost if not all internet traffic is catalogued in individual specific databases. Thinking that just ‘Googling’ a question will give you the most accurate, unbiased, truthful answer is like trusting a dog to not eat its own vomit. Again, “history is written by the victors.” To piece together an accurate retelling of history one must accept that the current flow of information is controlled by the power structures at be, and the power structures at be are determined by a multitude of factors the most obvious being war. To accept the fact that Zionist powers became the head of the table in the years after WWII would be to accept the fact that everything taught in schools and universities over the past 3 generations has been nothing more than the propaganda plotted and planned by the the victors, designed to instill a narrative that support the outcome of the war no matter what, leaving room for alternate or revisionist approaches only approved as long as they don’t shake the foundations of the current powers at be too much.
RT @TheInsiderPaper: JUST IN - Trump says he wants Department of Education to be immediately closed, calls it a big con job
RT @Kurrco: Ye, fka Kanye West, is being sued by a former Jewish staffer who says he fired her after calling her ugly and texting “Hail H*t…
@afhasbara @_AvantStreet Yeah bro that’s it we are all so jealous that your account is so amazing
@afhasbara you think people are jealous because Ye “iNtErAcEd WiTh GrOyPeRs”. AF niggas in public have their dick in one hand and their phone in the other.