![اللواء جميل السيّد Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1665733693896310786/lQ-_30en_x96.jpg)
اللواء جميل السيّد
النائب صَوْت الناس! صَوْت الناس من صَوْت الله! صَوْت الناس أقوى من صوت الظالم والفاسد...
Lebanon beirut
Joined December 2015
RT @jamil_el_sayyed: إنتهى المخاض مساء أمس ووُلِدَت حكومة نواف سلام، كُلّ الكتل والقوى السياسية قاتلَتْ على حصّتها في إختيار الوزارات والأس…
The labor ended yesterday evening and Nawaf Salam's government was born. All political blocs and forces fought over their share in choosing ministries and names. Only the Aounist movement came out of the festival without chickpeas, as they say. While the Prime Minister monopolized Sunni ministerial representation... Walid Jumblatt did not need to fight for his ministerial share, the same happened before and after the Taif Agreement. He gets his share delivered to his home without bothering himself. This is because Jumblatt, at every stage, turns before the coup occurs, while others follow the coup after it occurs. As they say, he who picks it early, smells the basil. Congratulations to the government, and to another Jumblatt coup. Wish you all the best...
Two months ago, January 6,2024, I wrote the position below, entitled (So that the forbidden does not happen), in response to the volatile situation in Syria, and the danger it could pose to the borders near Hermel and Akkar. That day, I demanded that the state and the army deploy immediately there in anticipation of bloody surprises... Yesterday, the forbidden happened. The clans and families of the region thankfully did their duty in defending their people and their honour. But, Wasn't it the state's responsibility to address this situation in advance in coordination with Syria, especially during President Mikati's visit to President Sharaa to congratulate him?! Or does blood always have to be shed to move consciences?!
وأخيراً، مع الشكر، اليوم ظهراً وبحسب بيان قيادة الجيش أنها تلقّت أوامر من الرئيس عون بالردّ على مصادر النيران من الأراضي السورية على الحدود الشرقية والشمالية للبنان، وهكذا كان…
منذ شهرين في ٢٠٢٤/١٢/٦ كتبت الموقف ادناه بعنوان (حتى لا يقع المحظور) إستدراكاً للوضع المتقلّب في سوريا، وما يمكن ان يشكّله من خطر على الحدود القريبة من الهرمل وعكار، وطالبتُ يومها الدولة والجيش بالإنتشار فوراً هناك تحسُّباً لمفاجآت دموية… أمس،حصل المحظور، وقامت عشائر وعائلات المنطقة مشكورة بواجبها في الدفاع عن أهلها وعرضها، ولكن، ألم تكن مسوؤلية الدولة أن تعالج مسبقاً هذا الوضع بالتنسيق مع سوريا ولا سيما خلال زيارة الرئيس ميقاتي إلى الرئيس الشرع للتهنئة؟! أم أنه يجب دائماً أن تسيل الدماء لتتحرّك الضمائر؟!
@Rania666777 المكتب: مش اللواء عملو رئيس، هيك صار اللقب على التويتر، ولذلك ما بيجوز يسمّيه مثلاً (حمّودة)…
RT @jamil_el_sayyed: خبر وتعليق، صدر عن مكتب الاعلام في رئاسة الجمهورية: "إنّ بعض ما صدر عن المبعوثة الاميركية مورغان أورتاغوس من بعبدا، يع…
News and comment, From the Media Office of the Presidency of the Republic: “Some of what was declared by the American envoy Morgan Ortagus from Baabda expresses her point of view, and the presidency is not concerned with it.” What is meant here is that the presidency does not agree with the envoy’s reservations about Hezbollah’s participation in the government… Here, I hope that His Excellency the President, in my parliamentary and representative capacity, will exercise his constitutional and sovereign powers by immediately summoning the Prime Minister-designate to Baabda Palace, And to issue today the decrees forming the government, regardless of the objections related to the appointment of Ms. Lamia Mobaid as a minister. And whoever does not like the government’s formation has the right not to grant it confidence in the House of Representatives…
يرجى عدم التعليق على هذه التغريدة من قبل الأغبياء او الموتورين … الواضح منها أنّ المناورة الخاطئة وعدم أخذ ضمانات مسبقة في مفاوضات وقف النار ثم في إنتخاب الرئيس ثم تسمية رئيس الحكومة جعلتك تتفاجأ وتتراجع في كل مرة… واليوم أيضاً وفي اللحظة الأخيرة من تشكيل الحكومة تتكرر المفاجأة وستضطر للتراجع لأنه كان يجب أن تحصل على الضمانات مسبقاً…
When will we learn?! I fear that what happened before in the ceasefire agreement negotiations and the surprises of the election of President Joseph Aoun and the nomination of President Nawaf Salam will be repeated today in the negotiations to form the government... That means, What you voluntarily reject today, you may be obliged to accept tomorrow, either under threat or as an inevitable reality, Unless if you are certain that rejection will get you the results you want, which I doubt after recent failed experiences, Otherwise, it is an inevitable loss. The easiest risk is the one in which if you lose, you still win, even if everyone who participated in it with you loses…
RT @jamil_el_sayyed: وصلت اللُقمة إلى الفمّ وتأجّلت الحكومة في اللحظة الأخيرة… السبب الظاهريّ هو الخلاف على إسم الوزير الشيعي الخامس، لكن…
The morsel reached the mouth and the government was postponed at the last minute… The apparent reason is the dispute over the name of the fifth Shiite minister, But the reasons are complex and they are also in other places… Electing a president for the Lebanese Republic was relatively easy because it was one person, As for the formation of the government, it determines the size of the remaining “presidents of the sectarian republics” in the Lebanese state, And its much more difficult...
RT @jamil_el_sayyed: كذبة ١٨ شباط… في زحمة إنشغال اللبنانيين بتأليف الحكومة، مددت الحكومة الحالية اتفاق وقف النار المشؤوم مع إسرائيل حتى ١٨…
February 18th lie… Amidst the Lebanese people’s preoccupation with forming a government, the current government extended the ill-fated ceasefire agreement with Israel until February 18th… The extension of that agreement was carried out in an ambiguous manner at the request of Israel, which continues daily to destroy villages, blow up and bulldoze homes and fields, and move its patrols even in areas where the Lebanese army is deployed, as if there is no ceasefire at all... Therefore, And as I warned two months ago when the basic agreement was signed, I say today that on February 18, Israel will remain occupying a group of sites and hills along our borders and will not withdraw from them, even though our southern borders have been demarcated and internationally recognized since 1949 and before, and there is no disputed point in them... In return, I do not believe at all that those who agreed on that agreement and then extended it despite all its fatal flaws were stupid or conspirators, But only time will reveal the truth, And that's not far away...