![ilikeknitting Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1833151740423618560/WqLn8Kn6_x96.jpg)
Joined September 2024
@ResisterSis20 They are the swine we always knew they were. Now they are comfortable letting their internal sewer overflow .
What, a judge should not be able to make a ruling? There is a complaint before the court. If there is an issue with judge’s ruling, file an appeal. As there has not been an appeal filed yet, a person questions whether Admin has a basis with merit that could overturn the judge’s ruling. It is possible that the judge has a valid legal basis for his ruling so much that you are suggesting passing new legislation to do it. That tells me DOGE might have crossed a line then, ya think?
I understand and with voluntary consent. I would give a person my kidney or any body part needed. But no unscrupulous doctor should enter into the mix to make it happen quicker, charge a crap load as if I agreed to give them the organ. For the individual only , not sell or harvest. And if I don’t want to do it, doctors should not be permitted to do it anyway. It’s a crime. Then they bump people off the list when someone pays more. No one ever agreed to donate their organs to a hospital so they can charge millions .
And that guy that woke up .. doctors refused to remove organs as the patient was not deceased. Some woman charged with getting the organ prepared for transport called her superior to tell them it was cancelled and they tell her to go find other surgeons!!! The guy was not deceased and was awake.. they still wanted the organs. When they tried to do something for organ removal, it hurt , he felt it. Family member said he grimaced in pain. She knew..he was partially awake even before surgery.
@pikeypilled @wigger You are right. They kill ya for the organs now. They try pulling the plug after 24 hrs if you let them.
Yes it is. My mom was dying of cancer. My brother and I would go up to the roof top so he could smoke. Two kids about 13 came up and wanted a cigarette from my bro. They told us their parents died and lived with their sister. They were at the hospital for their older brother, Brian, who was stabbed a bunch of times and in a coma. Doctors were pressuring to pull the plug. I asked what they wanted to do. They did not want to do it. i\I responded, “Then don’t” . I come upon the newspaper - San Diego Union Tribune- and some unknown person started this prayer chain.. for this guy, Brian. Not sure Brian’s family even knew. It went on and back and forth… but after holding them of and 27 days, Brian woke up.. may have been longer, but he made it. Glad your son made it too. Brian lived too. Be confident … miracles happen. Yes, place your trust in God.. and it can move mountains. God bless!
@AmericanMan2099 @elonmusk @matt_vanswol @DOGE @USTreasury I am trying so hard not to put you in moron category. Oops sorry.
No, because it is not true. Just be glad you don’t get hit with atax lien on your bank acct or saving acct or have your property seized for what the Treasury thinks you owe them. They will get paid even if it is incorrect. If there was an overpayment, they go right into your checking acct and take what they think you owe—but remember those infamous penalties and fees. They also can and do garnish a person’s wages. Right out of a person’s paycheck. They confiscate a person’s other assets if it deems you owe it something. So I am concerned that there are too many falsehoods being cranked on here. No evidence, but just a lot of pep rally talk inciting people in a certain direction. No one has shown any evidence showing fraud or overpayments or whatever the ill of the week is in DC. Time to prove it — not just with words - simply uncorroborated by any independent source. The story changes by the minute, not consistent in the least. Rational people aren’t interested in relying on uncorroborated expertise of these guys -goofy guys with goofy names not adding to their credibility in the least.
If it is unbelievable, it’s because it is unbelievable. I am sure you have heard people who get hit with a federal lien on their checking or savings acct. they get their money. Or the Federal govt seizes assets for what it believes a citizen owes. Or a worker has his wages garnished by the feds for what the Feds think it is owed. They get paid and then they still get paid when they were incorrect. The citizen is stuck then with the difficult task of trying to retrieve money or property from the Federal govt when somebody got it wrong.
@ShireeTNTX @elonmusk @matt_vanswol @DOGE @USTreasury Now there was fraud by the applicants as to how the money was used. Good example. I saw on the news that some recipients got arrested for their fraud and how that money was used.
Treasury regularly hits a person’s bank acct or savings or orders an employer to withhold amounts from a person’s pay check when it thinks there has been an overpayment made by a Federal agency or a nonpayment owed by the citizen to the Federal govt. They claw back what it believes is owed from a person’s checking acct or savings and will also attach a person’s paycheck. So they get their money. But sometimes, the Federal Govt is wrong, and it is difficult to get that money back once they get it. Believe what you want. Any errors made when it comes to money is in favor of the Feds. They are not short changed. It is usually the feds doing the short changing. Especially with the IRS.
Because it likely isn’t true. Think about it. The Treasury can claw back overpayments or erroneous payments made. It does it all the time, i.e. when the IRS thinks you owe it money, and go right into your bank account or savings account and take what it believes is owed. So, that is how it is done, something with this story is missing.
@elonmusk @DOGE @USTreasury Stop talking.. this is not proof. Can someone produce documentation of this fraud. And claw it back the same way it was able to be sent out. US Treasury can claw back any wrongful or mistaken payment AND has done so in the past.
@quadcarl_carl She has time to do that? She is gross. She has this weird thing about killing animals. Strange..
No one I balancing squat.. just flailing their arms around, doing some gaslighting and never any concrete evidence. We are just supposed to take the word of unknown people that there is fraud. The claims are getting extraordinary with George Soros getting $82,000,000. Of course, once again, no documentation ], no evidence; Ivanka Trump is shown getting USAID. not seeing the outrage, but once again no evidence, no documentation.That is not finding waste. You lay off Aid workers with food already paid for..so it’s now trashed, no savings there.