It started with contraception > Abortion > no fault divorce > same sex marriage > infanticide > killing of the elderly & those no longer useful to society, or a burden to society. The slippery slope began with contraception and continues like a rolling snowball.
May the heart of Jesus, in the Most Blessed Sacrament, be praised, adored, and loved with grateful affection, at every moment, in all the tabernacles of the world, even to the end of time. Amen.
I was exited about Fr. Stu. Then I read all the criticism and thought about not going. But, I decided to go anyway. This is not a movie for children. It's a great movie. Although there is a lot of foul language, the message comes across loud and clear. Conversion, forgiveness,
Don’t be too concerned that the evil one appears to be winning in the Church. The first part of Our Lady’s predictions at Akita have been fulfilled “Cardinals against Cardinals, Bishops against Bishops” the big flush can’t be too far behind.
I've got the flu. Prayers please. This is a busy week with Holy Day on Friday and Ladies of Divine Mercy, Sunday Confession and Masses and Monday our annual Day of Confession - 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.
Why does the 2nd Catholic President of the USA support the murder of unborn children?
Mr. President, embrace your Catholic faith. "Every one to whom much is given, of him will much be required." Lk 12:48
Yesterday, I had the honor of being invested in the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem at the Basilica of of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Boston.
I would love to be a fly on the wall in say 150 years and see what they think of us and our times. I dare say they will write off this time of history as a very, very dark time in all areas.
I have been saying Masses for my deceased ancestors - great grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins... Today I offered Mass for my maternal great grandmother Angela Maria Mascato Taglianetti - b. 1873 d. 1925. Here is a picture of her.
For the Church, precisely because it embraces all nations and is destined to endure to the end of time … of its very nature requires a language which is universal, immutable, and non-vernacular. – Pope St. John XXIII
There needs to be a new Church commission named after St. Peter Damien!
“For God’s sake, why do you damnable sodomites pursue the heights of ecclesiastical dignity with such fiery ambition?” – St. Peter Damien
Month of the Precious Blood
Precious Blood, ocean of divine mercy: Flow upon us! Precious Blood, most pure offering: Procure us every grace! Precious Blood, hope and refuge of sinners: Atone for us! Precious Blood, delight of holy souls: Draw us! Amen. – St. Catherine of Siena
Update: Part of my father’s heart not pumping properly. Reson for low oxygen level. Going to transfer him for a Cardiac catheterization. Please pray they get a bed at the other facility quickly and that the procedure goes well.
“Concerning the exact name of the Antichrist, Irenaeus says that it is a secret kept by God until the man of sin arrives. He warns his readers not to try to guess the name from the number of the beast
666. He tells us that those who saw and spoke with St. John in person were also
Prayers please.
Dad is back in the hospital. Difficulty breathing because of a buildup of fluid. He has a second cardio version on Thursday. Mom is still in rehab. Appointment with doc today.
It makes me think we are coming to the end of the world. How horrible is this and many other things we see today. Contemplatives keep us from falling into the abyss of hell.
Too many people get credit for being good, when they are only being passive. They are too often praised for being broadminded when they are so broadminded they can never make up their minds about anything. — Fulton J. Sheen
Want to stop school shootings? Put and end to public violence? And the like? Fight to end abortion. Abortion is the door to disrespect of all human life - womb to tomb.
"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths." (2 Tim. 4:3-4)
"Where are the Christians today who would be ready, I do not say to give their lives for God, but even to put up with the least unpleasantness or inconvenience rather than disobey Him?" – St. John Vianney
I often think that when we come to adore our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, we should obtain everything we want, if we would ask for it with a very lively faith and a very pure heart. – St. John Vianney
mercy, perseverance, and redemptive suffering.
I prefer a real life move to those "sappy" Jesus movies that are so phony. Most Catholic/ Protestant Jesus movies wouldn't move anyone to conversion, but maybe a good nap. This one has the possibility to speak to
Following everyones Synod fears, I predict a future Pope will call for the 2nd Council of Trent to clarify doctrine and morals. Fear not, the problems of Germany are like a microscopic gnat in the presence of the Almighty.
When ordained in the Diocese we join the Pius Union of Prayer. Each priest is obliged to celebrate 3 Masses when one dies. I started from scratch a few years ago and finished on Friday. 166 priests since I was ordained. That's 498 Masses. All offered in the TLM.
We are in the midst of a major spiritual battle. Everyone is talking about provisions, not many talking about spiritual prep. Frequent Confession, Mass & Holy Communion often as possible, Rosary & Total Consecration., Adoration. If not you may be swept away by the world.
“No one may share the Eucharist with us unless he believes that what we teach is true, unless he is washed in the regenerating waters of baptism for the remission of his sins, and unless he lives in accordance with the principles given us by Christ.” — St. Justin
"The faithful who take Catholic doctrine seriously are branded as conservative and pushed out of the Church, and exposed to the defamation campaign of the liberal and anti-Catholic media." – Cd. Muller
The state of marriage is one that requires more virtue and constancy than any other: it is a perpetual exercise of mortification. – St. Francis de Sales
So they may leak the Dossier. Bring it on, get it out, and drain the swamp. Let's get this over with! Enough is enough! Maybe this is the hand of Our Lady in preparation for her Triumph.
Now hopefully they go after these pervert bishops and cardinals as they did priests. It's time for a massive house cleaning. Let the scandal come so we can have a small and faithful Church.
On 14th Ann. of Summorum Pontificum, I look back at the many graces received. Thank God for this gift from Church's tradition & Benedict XVI's wisdom & courage. Pic from my 25th Ann. four years ago. Bishop Gelineau ordained me & Bishop McManus was mentor first 2 years.