@mindofbanman @DefiyantlyFree @BillKristol Started reading and you hit the nail in the head right off the batt.
Why am I not surprised?
🚨#BREAKING: A grand total of ZERO major news outlets yesterday reported on the fact that President Trump's FEMA resolved 80% OF ALL OPEN Hurricane Helene victim cases in Western North Carolina in just 5 days. NOT ONE. Read that again.
There are fringes on both sides. Let’s quit giving them the 🎤. Not talking about censorship. I’m talking about attention. Don’t know who said what. But it’s probably the most attention they’ve got on this platform when they went after Scott. Everyone who was biting their nails on Election Day waiting to see if it was indeed to big to rig owes Scott and others their gratitude. It was a monumental effort. Now we have to hold it together to make it through. Thank you Scott!
@BenMeadowcroft @bigbearray33 @ONE_N1N3 @treblewoe It’s truly been eye opening personally. Especially since Covid. Grief, anger, blame bargaining…it takes solid faith and character not to fall into it. I did fall into it. I wasn’t as solid as I thought.
@StratofTension One of those talks about the lack of funds available to Gaza and ending GAZA’s Sesame Street productions, reducing food to 60% of daily caloric intake from the previous 90%. That was 2011.
Surprise surprise. People are trying to cause division in MAGA. There is a natural diversity in this movement. Our common ground is getting government out of our everyday lives. Not to mention out of our wallets. There’s also the small tasks of repairing our Republic and preserving our Constitution. There are Christian conservatives and Secular conservatives. There are more liberal leaning people that said no to the crazy train of leftist fanaticism. MAHA and MAGA combined. That brought in a whole other group. So, I hope the majority of us agree to disagree on some points without losing the momentum we have together. There is a reason to fracture this alliance. It’s definitely not in our favor.
RT @heynurse71: @StrangeSymbols @JimJones81089 @ONE_N1N3 @treblewoe This peasant isn’t worshipping a tortured man on a cross.
@StrangeSymbols @JimJones81089 @ONE_N1N3 @treblewoe This peasant isn’t worshipping a tortured man on a cross.
No one asked you to believe. That’s your choice. No one is saying the people doing those things shouldn’t be arrested and dealt with. No, I’m not going to blindly hate everyone in the FBI. Didn’t we have this discussion about cops? Didn’t the “other” side say the same thing about all cops? Wasn’t there backlash from this side? I’m not okay with what happened at Ruby ridge or even Waco for that matter. I’m all for Kash getting in and straightening out the FBI. I’m a nurse and because of what happened to someone thousands of miles away that I had nothing to do with I’ve got told I should be in jail. That’s not rational thinking. Yes we have every right to be upset and push for change. I don’t trust the government either. I’m not a pacifist. I am not against the 2nd. I’m also not telling others what to do or think. And NO ONE is going to bully me into doing or thinking anything I’m not okay with.
I agree. Everything changed with Christ. There will be a reckoning! When God hardens hearts like with Pharo it was for a purpose. It usually brings them down. Our representatives turned “rulers” have hardened their hearts towards us, the people, to such a large extent that they have exposed themselves. Mask ripped off.
@elonmusk Lol! That’s satire folks! He was poking fun! Little girl gave it away 😁 He did a great job! Had me at first 🤣🤣🤣
Let us just be real for a moment. The “Dems” don’t have to do an autopsy on “what went wrong”. They laid their long held contempt for their blue collar base out on the table and rubbed our faces in it tbh. They thought they’d never have to play pretend again! After waiting so long, they pounced on it! They kinda pounced to soon. Clearly I’m talking about the leadership in the Dem party not the average voter. The populace who are holding on to that party that are just unwilling to let go truly are traumatized. Call it abused woman syndrome or whatever you’d like because it’s a real phenomenon. It’s a trauma response to protect the psyche. After the 💩 show that was Bush Jr, there were a lot of walk always from the conservatives too. But you had your die hards that just wouldn’t let go. Until Joe, there wasn’t a worse speaker or puppet in politics. A whole book was written on his flubs. After 9/11, and the media telling us we didn’t see what we saw - building demolitions - we knew we were being lied to. Most of us still had deep roots in the blue collar Dem community. We walked away from conservatives pretty easily after 9/11 and the catastrophe that was Bush jr. This “base”, working people, keep having to “walk away” and swing the vote. We’d much rather do that than implement our Declaration of Independence. It’s hope as the pendulum swings from left to right left to right. Over and over. But during Covid, a calculated induced catastrophe, the pendulum swung to far. We’ve been in a state of shock and awe ever since on a scale way bigger than when that phrase was coined. We scoff at the ones who hang on because the swing to left was so large and insane. Grotesque. It clearly pushed the voting base away. Human responses are pretty predictable. The fact that more than half of us didn’t jump on the looney toon train isn’t surprising. The study of our own responses goes back to consciousness really. It’s not unconscionable that this predictability factor has been weaponized. The ones who are manipulating just thought Covid 19 would push us over the edge. The largest wealth transfers happened under cover of C-19 with a conveniently addled puppet in the WH. Meaning they had control of our sizable weaponry that could be used against a sizable pissed off base. Now fast forward to the huge base forming under MAGA. Mostly due to the unhinged swing of the left into outer space! Entirely predictable. Are we not predictably “walking away” into a trap? I’m not bashing MAGA. We are the opposition to the uniparty. I’m hopeful for sanity to return. I’m just saying to be observant and not to quick to react. Our reactions are predictable and calculated. Hold to what is good. Hold to the fruits of the spirit. Hold to what makes our civilization a beacon in the storm. The intangible thing that brought the huddled masses to take refuge here. It was hope. A hope one generation was willing to forgo so the next generation could realize it. That’s love. The unselfish happiness in seeing children do things their parents only dreamed. That’s true joy. Giving to your neighbors when you don’t have much yourself. That’s real charity. Hold onto the things that really made this a uniquely great place to be. That is not bending a knee to those who wish to destroy what we have.