![ElectofGod Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1864577087417298944/wJTHpxQq_x96.jpg)
Feet firmly planted in the grace of God that comes through Jesus Christ ONLY.
Joined September 2010
Thank you for putting this out there CONSISTENTLY. THE Lord is restructuring his church, especially the leadership architecture. Oh the humility, oh the Death to self, oh the various manifestation of the spirit, oh the accurate discernment of the will of God it would bring!
Why do we persist in making our churches dependent upon, and primarily revolve around, a "Senior Pastor" ... When no such position or role exists in the New Testament? Eph. 4:11 is the only verse where the Greek noun translated as “pastor” is used in the New Testament regarding the church. That’s it. Just once and nowhere else. Yet we’ve taken that one passage out of context and built our current, prevailing “pastor centric” model of church and church leadership around it. Surprisingly, however, “pastor centric” churches and church leadership are nowhere found in the New Testament. Nope, not, nada … Just ain’t there. And let's be honest: Not only has a "pastor centric" focus prevented churches today from being simple, participatory communities of believers who minister one to another for the mutual edification of each other as the New Testament commands ... But it has destroyed many through burn out and disillusion from being put in positions never intended by God. The scope and intent of the word “pastor” in Eph 4:11, therefore, must be determined by the Greek grammar in that passage and by the rest of Scripture. As to grammar, the word is tied together by a common, shared article with the word for teacher. Thus, the passage says that Christ Himself gave us “some as pastors and teachers” – rather than just “pastors” as a separate role. That shared article in the Greek thus ties “pastors and teachers” together as two aspects of the same combined position in the church – not two independent, separate positions. In the rest of the New Testament, the verb form of that word – in the context of the church – is always used to describe a function performed by elders (plural), who also are to function as teachers. Thus, in Eph. 4:11, Paul is saying that God gave the church those who function “as pastors and teachers” – i.e., elders – to equip God’s people to in turn be ministers of God. As such, “pastor” in the New Testament is never used, in either noun or verb form, to refer to a separate, independent position or office in the church. It is simply a term applied to one of the several functions assigned to elders (always plural) who serve each local church. Pastoring is an important function. But it is only one of several functions that elders perform, rather than a separate office, title, or position that is apart from – or over – a proper, fully functional eldership. Plus, there is not a single person called a “Pastor” in the New Testament, except for Jesus as the true head of the church. I would never minimize the pastoral function of elders. As an elder, I take my duty to provide pastoral care and guidance very seriously – along with the other duties Scripture assigns to me as I serve our local church. But neither will I take that one use of that one noun in Ephesians 4 out of context to build a whole “pastor centric” model of the church around it … Especially when that “pastor centric” model is contrary to the rest of the New Testament and its numerous imperatives for how we are to actually be the church and how leadership is to properly function among us.
@PlumblineFaith Thank you for putting this out there CONSISTENTLY. THE Lord is restructuring his church, especially the leadership architecture. Oh the humility, oh the Death to self, oh the various manifestation of the spirit, oh the accurate discernment of the will of God it would bring!
@JohnStSomething Rather than pastoring alone, you should be in a team of Elders/overseers. This is not just administrative convenience. It is a command of scripture. Acts 14: 23, Titus 1: 5, etc. A pastor or Snr pastor leading a church assembly is not scriptural. Peace.
@JudahMaiye The super star status of celebrity pastor is one of the enablers of this unholy conduct. But God is restoring His true church to a plurality of Elders in which no single man is senior among them. They will COLLECTIVELY care for the sheep of God. Titus 1:5; Acts 14:23, etc
@firstladyship Only that your 2nd to the last sentence was 'teenage'. You really want African revolution but you hope to provoke them to revolution by daring them that they cannot.
@netgeria @FinPlanKaluAja1 @PeterObi If you like don't educate your people about the evils of votes buying; be waiting for Peter Obi. You hear.
Truth. Simple truth.
A great hindrance to simple, participatory church as the New Testament shows it, with ministry to one another for the mutual edification of each other … Is the lie that it’s all up to you. This feeds the resulting impulse to try to make it happen by then directing, motivating and coordinating everyone else … Under your primary “leadership” or “vision.” In simple church as the New Testament shows it, however, God’s people learn to lead forth – each and every one – as He directs … According to the diverse gifts, motivations and callings He distributes among us. This happens as everyone learns to submit to one another, as we all prefer each other above ourselves. Biblical elders (plural), in turn, emerge among us to unassumingly serve beside us by encouraging and keeping it all on track. In contrast, those who presume to assume the unbiblical, hierarchical, monopolizing role of solo “pastor” over a church, eventually restrict God’s people – and themselves – to an edifice of their own limitations, motivations and agenda … No matter how well intended.
@JoshuapBoston1 @autocorrect2_0 We are not saved by NOT watching porn. We are saved by faith in Jesus' salvation. This salvation makes anyone who receives it, above the power of sin. Rom6:6. BELIEVE what God's says about you! Be around those who can model sexual purity. For most men it is a constant struggle.
@PlumblineFaith I didn't say anything at all about 'worship services', whatever they mean.I only quoted your statement and replied to it. While Acts 13:1 most likely means worshipping God, Act 16:25 leaves us with no doubt. If you think my post is to support 'worship services', you won't get me.
@ItsPollster @Ashleyhays2089 Thank you dear. All these posturing seem to me like the activities of the 5 foolish virgins who had no extra oil in their lamps. 'The groom would never come later than this oil could finish', they thought. Alas!
@iyanda__ Which one is the Lord's day OOO? Sunday Abi? Sunday is not the Lord's day. Everyday is the Lord's day.
@Ewetoladara Do you even understand what leadership is about? Was Jesus a leader? Was Paul a leader? Was Daniel a leader? Was Joseph a leader? Was Peter a leader? Were Aquila and Priscilla leaders? The fact that many people teach leadership wrongly doesn't make it an evil thing.
@MikunPreciouss @MojisayoD The scriptures didn't say they were not naked. They didn't just KNOW that they were naked. That was the reason they were sewing leaves to cover up. The glory had left.