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Gus Balbontin



Used to be an Exec Dir with no life at LonelyPlanet. Now I help 7 & 8 figure pros take it next level | Neu21 cofounder | Speaker for top companies worldwide

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Joined October 2008
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Gus Balbontin
7 years
My little rats watching daddy in Orlando at the #GartnerSYM - #prouddad watch here the start of my keynote!
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Gus Balbontin
2 months
RT @gusbalbontin: Jajaja que loco! Esta entrevista la hice hace 1 año!
Gus Balbontin
3 months
@miguegranados recién mirando Olga escucho que hablaban de cómo remover el adhesivo de las cosas - vos mencionaste WD40 - buena búsqueda - mi mujer es enfermera y con los pacientes usa ZOFF adhesive remover - es MÁGICO - la vida antes y después de ZOFF - de nada 💙
Gus Balbontin
4 months
@miguegranados migue ahora que pasó la euforia espero que leas esto - realmente - los vengo mirando desde que empezaron - era la inexplicable locura argentina que necesitaba en Australia todos los días - pero re da para estudio social - es in-entrelazable lo que entrelazan!
Gus Balbontin
4 months
@connieansaldi Es muy lindo lo que están haciendo! No?!
Gus Balbontin
4 months
When things don’t go your way we are often quick to point the finger and say “if it wasn’t for x y z we would have been so successful” Dangerously we always think of ourselves as the solution but never the problem and in the process avoid addressing the real blocker. The question of “what role do I play here?” or “how are we contributing to the situation” is as critical as “how can we fix this?!”
Gus Balbontin
4 months
Your career, your current job (doesn’t matter if you are self employed or work for a corporate) is on a path. Generally speaking people don’t control the forces that impact the path instead they set and forget letting the market, the company, HR, etc be in control. Effectively your career will happen to you rather than you happen to your career. And don’t forget that the butterfly effect applies to your career. Tiny adjustments in your career now, timely interventions, can potentially change dramatically the outcomes in 5-10-20 years time. Like when you look through a telescope a tiny positional adjustment in your backyard equates in space to 5,000 light years! What stops you from making those important tiny adjustments? That’s I reckon the cognitive overload of BAU, often called “HAVENOTIME” you actually didnt have any more or less time you just didn’t have the cognitive space to prioritise better. BAU owns you and decides on your behalf what you are or not doing.
Gus Balbontin
4 months
DO YOU REALLY KNOW YOUR BRAND? Here’s a little challenge for you. Ask yourself: * If you sum up the last 10 experiences others have had with you, what’s the result? * If someone describes you what would they say? * What problem would someone have to describe for you to be the perfect fit to solve it? * What other brands are you associated with that influence yours? (People around you, car you drive? Clothes you wear?) * Do you have a sense of purpose? Do it and tell me what you came up with.
Gus Balbontin
4 months
KPIs KILL COMMON SENSE KPIs are like an antidote the perfect way to disarm common sense the sense we struggle with the most. I was asked recently how to measure innovation and this is what I said: Innovation is action action applied to unsolved problems to resolve them. ANY KPI that helps any team (from legal to reception to product) measure the process of solving problems is a way of measuring innovation... BUT... as i said I am not a massive fan of KPIs as they tend to stand in the way of common sense. KPIs are also generally too static for the pace of change we are experiencing the only way to make any KPI relevant is to review them daily! That’s a massive tax... So if you have them: few and regularly updated please ;-)
Gus Balbontin
4 months
ATTITUDE EATS EXPERIENCE FOR BREAKFAST this was my attitude when I was young and I had to apply for jobs that I didn’t have experience for I was like: “of course i don’t have the experience but I am really good at getting it when I need it! hahah!" I tell everyone young and old to back themselves, to never self exclude because they don’t meet a specific requirement. Of course take this with a pinch of salt and humor! Ha - I don’t mean lie that you are a doctor when you are not but I am saying that your barista skills may well apply to project management and you don’t know it so get the interview and go have a chat!
Gus Balbontin
4 months
Look around you; -your wardrobe -your garage -your habits -your business How many things are you keeping or doing just because you can’t let go? How many processes, systems, software you maintain that perhaps you don’t need to any more? Learning to LET GO will create SPACE the space you need to play with new things so you can pull the future towards you rather than just get hit in the face with it! Every little change, no matter how small, will spark innovation. So LET GO - STOP KEEPING IR DOING THINGS make some SPACE and get PLAYFUL! Life is always changing, so should you!
Gus Balbontin
4 months
Around ten years ago when I left Lonely Planet I decided to spread my risk and build my very own portfolio career - the same way we build a portfolio of shares or startups when we invest I built one where I spread my time across a number of activities rather than a single job I saw way too many people in media: -books -magazines -radio -TV -newspapers losing their jobs and feeling lost after investing 50+ hrs a week for over a decade into the same job or company I realised most of us kinda outsource our careers to the HR department or a recruiter and expect them to take care of us or sporadically we come out of BAU to tidy up the CV only to go back into another job and forget about our dreams for another decade. DONT OUTSOURCE YOUR CAREER. It’s yours to own. Make your unrealistic dreams become your future realities and drive your career exactly where you want it to go rather than where the HR department or your employer takes it.
Gus Balbontin
4 months
Don’t trust your instincts! You know how most people tell you to trust your instincts or trust your gut? I am a little careful when I do trust them and when I don’t because your instincts developed primarily to to be good at hunter gathering we spent 2.5m years doing that and a few thousand at best doing what we do today. The environment and the conditions in which your insticts developed are so different to today's world that relying on them too much will get you in trouble. More often than not your behaviour these days needs to be counterintuitive and that’s why it feels weird and hard to reconcile. So careful with your instincts! Maybe trust them a little less! Tell me what you think 👇🏻
Gus Balbontin
4 months
BRING NOVELTY TO YOUR LIFE When you do the same thing day in, and day out you are starving your brain from novelty. You are not giving your brain anything new and bit by bit you drop your tolerance to change You must build more novelty and unrealism into your life What have you done different in your life lately?
Gus Balbontin
4 months
SIMPLE. SMALL. NOW. We often make our goals too big and complicated, but let’s be honest: we never do them. Whatever you want to do in life, simplify it. Make it small, do it now!
Gus Balbontin
4 months
I often hear people say “I am not very creative” I think this statement is born from fear… The fear of failing or making a mistake or sounding stupid forces us to avoid being creative and so we pick the path of least resistance… stick to what you know. Or maybe unfortunately a teacher at some stage in your early life said: -“you are not creative” - or “you are left-brained” -or something like that and you believed it. Creativity is loaded, comes with expectations. There is an outcome that somehow needs to be surprising and “better than…” It needs to meet some sort of unspoken benchmark. But…. I’ve never heard anyone say “I am not very curious” I think it’s because we are instinctively born curious and we know it… it’s hard to judge someone’s curiosity, right? We discover the world through wonder and learn about it through failure. As we grow older we tend to bottle that curiosity and keep it inside, still happening but normally we don’t verbalize it cos we are scared of asking stupid questions or pointing out what may seem obvious Don’t keep the curiosity bouncing around your own head! Let your curiosity be free!!!!
Gus Balbontin
4 months
YOUR IDEAS ARE SHITTY When we come up with ideas we fall in love with them and as we share them and hear the feedback we often tend to wound them but never kill them… we hold on to them, put them in a drawer just in case we may need them in the future and in the process, they take up valuable mental space for new ideas to emerge! Be careful, if the idea doesn’t fly, kill it, proper. Wounded ideas are distracting 😅 Remember: most of your ideas are shit. Innovation is a volume game.
Gus Balbontin
4 months
Letting go is one of the hardest things in life Yet without stopping some,thing it’s hard to start new things -The things you own -activities you should stop doing -boards you are in -committees you belong to; Upcycle, recycle or give it away. MAKE SOME SPACE in your life for something new Novelty doesn’t happen unless you make it happen Bring more novelty into your life!
Gus Balbontin
5 months
Spotify is the new cassette tape Whatever service or product you are offering your customers today, it’s only as good as today. Things get better all the time. Either YOU make them better or someone else will. In some years young people will say: “Spotiwhat? What did you have to do to listen to music?” Don't get too comfortable: make yourself uncomfortable
Gus Balbontin
5 months
It is not the strongest nor the most intelligent of species that survives... ...but the one that is most adaptable to change This beautiful Darwinism is a reminder A business is simply the sum of its people An adaptable business is therefore the sum of adaptable people Challenge yourself to try new things and do different things Or you might regret it.