![Grim Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/518375437714468864/XaJpEP2o_x96.jpeg)
«May you live in interesting times» - ancient chinese curse | (Micro)blogger di (Macro)economia (e politica): euro/UE/liberismo e altri crimini contro l'umanità
Joined February 2014
Si staccano dall'energia russa a basso costo per attaccarsi al mercato unico europeo che ci fa pagare l'energia a prezzi da orefice. Complimenti, ottimo affare 👌
Plugged into Europe! 🔌 The Baltics 🇪🇪 🇱🇻 🇱🇹 have disconnected from the Russian power grid and fully synchronised with the 🇪🇺 continental one, marking their energy independence. After two decades of preparation, it is now time to benefit from our common energy system.
Eppure centinaia di articoli di giornale magnificavano il mercato libero come la fiera del risparmio...praticamente ti regalavano l'energia...cosa sarà successo? 🤔
In un anno oltre 1,2 milioni di famiglie non vulnerabili sono passate al mercato libero dell'energia elettrica, pagando tariffe mediamente più alte dell'80% rispetto a quelle applicate nel Servizio a Tutele Graduali. Lo denuncia Assium. #ANSA
RT @Glenn_Diesen: This is how consensus for narratives are manufactured: Decades-long programs to propagandise and manipulate civil society…
Lo scandalo USAID dovrebbe essere sulle prime pagine di tutti i giornali...ma visto che pagavano a piene mani i giornalisti di mezzo mondo, ovviamente, nessuno ne parla 🤷🏻
USAID has pushed nearly half a billion dollars ($472.6m) through a secretive US government financed NGO, "Internews Network" (IN), which has “worked with” 4,291 media outlets, producing in one year 4,799 hours of broadcasts reaching up to 778 million people and "training” over 9000 journalists (2023 figures). IN has also supported social media censorship initiatives. The operation claims “offices” in over 30 countries, including main offices in US, London, Paris and regional HQs in Kiev, Bangkok and Nairobi. It is headed up by Jeanne Bourgault, who pays herself $451k a year. Bourgault worked out of the US embassy in Moscow during the early 1990s, where she was in charge of a $250m budget, and in other revolts or conflicts at critical times, before formally rotating out of six years at USAID to IN. Bourgault’s IN bio and those of its other key people and board members have been recently scrubbed from its website but remain accessible at Records show the board being co-chaired by Democrat securocrat Richard J. Kessler and Simone Otus Coxe, wife of NVIDIA billionaire Trench Coxe, both major Democratic donors. In 2023, supported by Hillary Clinton, Bourgault launched a $10m IN fund at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). The IN page showing a picture of Bourgault at the CGI has also been deleted. IN has at least six captive subsidiaries under unrelated names including one based out of the Cayman Islands. Since 2008, when electronic records begin, more than 95% of IN's budget has been supplied by the US government (thread follows)
"Come fanno i media a stare in piedi se nessuno compra più i giornali?" Semplice: sono letteralmente agenzie di propaganda foraggiate dall'UE. Pensate che il metodo Timmermans fosse un una tantum? Lmao. È strutturale.
It’s kind cute that people are melting down over USAID paying $8 million to Politico. This is how much Euronews — which describes itself as “unapologetically impartial and independent” — has received from the European Commission: ALMOST ONE QUARTER OF A BILLION €UROS.
Trump ha fatto anche cose buone: ha completamente smascherato la mangiatoia USAID utilizzata a piene mani per foraggiare propaganda, ONG, gruppi di pressione, rivoluzioni colorate e chi più ne ha più ne metta in tutto il mondo.
The American propaganda machine: The US suspended government "aid" and as a result "journalists" around the world no longer receive their paychecks
Copernicus non è un "servizio meteo UE" è una agenzia di propaganda pagata per diffondere terrorismo climatico. Ormai avete capito come funziona.
Il gennaio del 2025 è stato il più caldo della storia, con una temperatura media in superficie di 13,23 gradi, 0,79 gradi sopra la media di gennaio del periodo di riferimento 1991-2020. Lo rivela il servizio meteo della Ue, Copernicus #ANSA
Era vero nel 2016, è ancor più vero adesso: con Trump viene meno la crassa ipocrisia del "rules based world order", l'America si mostra esattamente per quello che è.
Of all the US presidents, Donald Trump is my favourite. (Read the rest) Unlike many politicians who cloak their intentions in diplomatic language and lofty ideals, Trump is an unapologetic and straightforward self-proclaimed world emperor, bully and thug. He doesn't pretend to uphold international laws while secretly violating them, nor does he hide behind the facade of promoting 'democracy' and 'human rights' while engaging in actions that contradict those principles. Instead, Trump lays his cards on the table. He openly asserts his willingness to bully allies and adversaries, making no secret of his belief that the US should dominate the global stage. In many ways, he presents himself as the self-proclaimed emperor of the world, embracing this role with a level of candour and audacity rarely seen in modern politics. His lack of hypocrisy—however controversial his positions may be—sets him apart from predecessors who often masked their imperialist ambitions with rhetoric of moral superiority. While many may criticize his approach as reckless or divisive, there's an undeniable appeal in his blunt honesty. With Trump, what you see is what you get, and in a world often governed by double standards and political deceit, that kind of transparency is, in its way, revealing.
Vorrei che fosse chiaro che all'UE letteralmente non frega una mazza delle conseguenze delle sue azioni. Non sono politici eletti, non rispondono a nessuno. Finché ai Governi europei starà bene delegare a #Leuropa, non gli resta che sedersi e godersi i danni.
RT @VDAREJamesK: Tragic. One of the things the Europeans absolutely mogged America on is banning all the garbage chemicals we put in our fo…