Jennifer Cooper
Proud Christian, Wife and Mommy.
Phoenix, AZ
Joined March 2012
🧵 1/2 With all of the exposure going on, and with all of the new internet super sleuths and algorithms that have developed over the past few years, it’s time to revisit some conspiracies. I wrote about “Pizzagate” back in January 2017. This is what I wrote: I have been laying in bed all day with a massive head cold. With so much time on my hands and self imposed bed rest, I've had time to do some research into the latest conspiracy theory involving our government. I want to share a bit about it with you now. However, it's pretty awful. Let me start out by saying I don't know if it's true. But the few things that are fact are definitely too big to be ignored and definitely very creepy. This is nothing about left or right - it's only about protecting children. And this is why I am writing about this. It's the Pizzagate scandal. This is a scandal that says that Clinton and her people do bad things to kids and practice satanic rituals and it all revolves around a place called Comet Pizza in DC. Let me be VERY CLEAR. I am NOT saying that Hillary is involved other than knowing some of the people involved. I am NOT pointing at the left and accusing them of being freaks. Nope. It just happens that in this theory, the people involved are Hillary supporters. But the thing that the few media outlets covering this and calling it Fake News aren't saying is that this isn't the first time this has happened. Nor is DC the only play this has happened. If the abuse of children is occurring, at the hands of political players around the world, then this is a HUGE story and people would do all they can to cover it up. Back in the 80's, this same type of scandal broke and was then covered up. It involved some in Reagan's party and even Bush's party. This was the known as the Franklin Prostitution Ring. Brought to you by a guy named Larry King (not the media guy) and it involved big names in DC. Google it. Then, over the past few years, more pedophile rings have been discovered and blown apart. In 2013, there was Project Spade that happened in Canada. Operation Thunderer in Australia. There were stories coming out of Europe - all kinds of stories. And then the last X-Men movie, there was a pedophile ring discovered in Hollywood. Everything is there if you google it. It's sick and sad. These were all confirmed stories that happened before anyone was theorizing about Pizzagate. Here's what makes me think that much of this story might be true: the term Fake News. Fake News became a thing quite literally when Assange and Anonymous were threatening to expose Clinton with some things that would throw her directly in jail just days before the election. Her supporters got into full gear of trying to smear anything that might come out. And then Assange's "base" was shut down. Now, again, I don't know that Hillary is actually guilty of anything other than association. Simply put, there isn't anything out there on the web to implicate her. I know, I've looked as I've had all day to do so. This started with Assange and Wikileaks. He leaked Hillary's campaign manager's emails. Thousands of them. This would be John Podesta. Podesta has worked with the Clintons for decades. And in Podesta's emails, there are some strange references to things that are well known codes for pedophilia. I'm not saying that is what is going on, but the references don't make sense if you take them at face value (from one email: "The realtor found a handkerchief - I think it has a map that seems pizza-related."). What does that mean?? Podesta talks about pizza quite a bit, and hot dogs. Weird stuff. He also mentions Comet Pizza and his brother, Tony. So internet investigators start looking at those issues. And that's when things get VERY weird.
To be honest - so did most of America - left or right. We all allowed this to happen. How? We stayed silent and just rolled with things so as not to piss off a coworker, a neighbor, a family member or a friend. Political correctness came about in the 90’s and we’ve been silent on almost everything so as not to upset the single mom, the minority who didn’t have a sense of humor, the fat kid, the horrible wife, or whomever had an issue with a joke. And then it wasn’t just jokes, we then silenced truths. All of us allowed this to happen because we were afraid of cancel culture - of being called racist, of being called a nazi, of losing our jobs or people in our lives. We were bullied into silence and we just took it so long as there was peace. What the GOP allowed is what all of us allowed with our silence. If we don’t own this, if we don’t understand that our own silence allowed this to happen, it will happen again and again. We’ve got to own it, learn from it and do better. And when WE tell our officials that we are done with this crap, with a loud voice, they will do as WE say - which is how our system was designed. WE have always had the power - but we forgot that decades go. Let’s not do that again.
@drilon_adam @libsoftiktok That’s how you know she’s not a man. I wonder, did she actually have the bottom surgery? So far, it looks like all she has going on is chemically enhanced makeup to help her look and sound like a dude. Like you said, if she had balls, she would’ve made things happen already.
🧵 3/3 Is it a crime to be a freak? No. And that's why I went down this "rabbit hole" - to see for myself how ridiculous this theory is. I have done that on many issues because sometimes people try too hard to make their enemies look bad. But in this case - there is TOO MUCH circumstantial evidence to say that nothing is there. Businesses have cleaned their logos up without explanation, internet accounts suddenly closed or deleted, "art" pulled from walls and so much more. If there is nothing wrong, why change anything? Alefantis made reference to a "kill room" in one of his pictures: why not take a third party to the spot where where it's rumored to be (the Pegasus Museum) and give a tour and explain what the hell he was talking about. Lay it bare because the rumors, in conjunction with the pics he posted, are too much to be ignored. Why? Because it's about children! And if the power players in DC - no matter what party they are with, are involved and it comes out - it will shake the world's governments. The rate of missing children is too high. We know people do bad things to kids. If we all demand a thorough investigation and nothing comes of it, I will be very happy. But if there is an investigation and something is found, then this depravity needs to be brought to light and STOPPED. Do you remember when the media went crazy trying to find the kid that Romney was mean to and cut his hair in college during the 2012 election? Or the uproar over Clinton's emails - whether she wiped her server clean ("with a cloth or something")? I say this is way worse than either of those suspected offenses. Way worse. Please - let's get to the bottom of this and be done with it, one way or another. Here's a link to get you started if you want to go down the rabbit hole... Beware - some of the stuff might shake you to your core to know that people can be this way... This is the perspective from the left:
A room full of victims of Fauci, both human and doggies. Sadly, at the moment, we are only recognizing the doggy victims here. Hopefully soon we will understand that Fauci and friends also willfully experimented on the humans sitting in that room - who were no doubtfully injected with mRNA poison as well, by Federal mandates.
These three beagles were freed from Dr. Fauci’s cruel animal experimentations. Now, they’re each in a loving home and stealing hearts in the Oversight Committee room as star witnesses.
RT @robbystarbuck: There’s something very disingenuous and evil about a party that wanted to hire 87,000 new IRS agents to audit us but now…
@AZJohnnyC We are new to AZ - North Phoenix! We escaped the communism infecting Colorado. Yeah, summer was brutal but we survived. We are loving it here!
@EricAbbenante Search for “weather modification… n”. These goons misspell things on purpose. And if you look at the first highlight in the article, you’ll see they misspell weather modification.
Someone asked what a favorite conspiracy theory we have is. This was my answer: I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite, in fact, I wish it wasn’t true. But the poorly named “pizzagate” is the one I’m waiting on the most - followed by election fraud. I went to debunk pedogate (as I call it) back when it started at the end of 2016. This is when the term “fake news” started because Obama was worried what was coming as an Oct surprise just before the election. Back then, the left was terrified of what Julian Assange was going to release. He let the files go and “pizzagate” was born. Why? Because of the terminology and the symbolism surrounding people found in those emails. I thought it was stupid. Totally not believable. And then I had some sickness that forced me to stay home, bedridden. So I decided to go down the rabbit holes of this stupid conspiracy theory so I could debunk it. In the end, while not every detail is true, the premise held. Powerful people were doing bad things to kids as a ritual way of obtaining and holding onto power. And many others were forced to do horrible things in order for a blackmail hold on their silence. Since then, prominent people have tried to say something. Movies have been talking about it in muffled tones. Conspiracies about it have dated back decades. But the oddest place I found that seemed to point at its sick reality was something most never notice: art. Find a big wig, some high profile DC type or those who run in those circles, and you will see some very disturbing art in their homes. Epstein was no exception. So finally proving this will alleviate the fear I have for children still afflicted with these demons. It will (hopefully) bring to justice those who have hurt the children I’ve seen in pictures and videos. The nasty things said by people who never thought they would get caught. Pedogate is the most horrific conspiracy theory I ever researched and one that would unite the world (it’s a global issue) if ever brought to light. #pizzagate
I know you’re lashing out because DOGE is uncovering your family’s obscene grifting via USAID, but I won’t let you lie and distort facts. The FAA administrator announced he resigned over a month before Trump took office, and the air traffic controllers were always exempt from Trump’s civil service buyouts. The previous administration shamelessly used USDOT as a slush fund for the Green New Scam, throwing away money and resources on wasteful environmental and social justice projects rather than updating our nation’s antiquated air traffic control systems and other critical infrastructure. I’m returning this department to its mission of safety by using innovative technology in transportation and infrastructure. Your team had its chance and failed. We’re moving on without you because the American people want us to make America’s transportation system great again. And yes, we’re bringing the 22-year-olds with us.
RT @WarClandestine: This USAID situation is just the beginning. It gets worse. Way worse. If they were willing to go to these lengths to m…
@GildedLillie @TonySeruga Feminazis. That’s what Rush used to call them. And yeah, they will do whatever they are told to do because they are getting attention they’ve always craved. Good call.
One aspect that everyone misses… why do they push the gay agenda so hard? It’s about population control. If everyone is gay, there will be far fewer kids. Less people on the planet is the goal. The released scamdemic, the vaccines, the push for sex things that don’t produce families, and for years, schools have been teaching kids not to have families when they grow up to save the planet. It all adds up to depopulation. The migrants - legal or not - they are all pawns in this game and @drawandstrike is right - they will replace us because they will need someone to do the labor when most of us die off - if the Corruptocrat’s plans had gone forward. 15 minute cities weren’t just for yuppies - those are future living quarters for the indentured help. Thank God that He put President Trump in place to give us another shot. We need to get back to truth and common sense and never forget the blessing of this country. #MORE