![Rev. Fr. Chinenye John Oluoma #FadaOluoma Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1480933766927470596/KDF0az3b_x96.jpg)
Rev. Fr. Chinenye John Oluoma #FadaOluoma
A Priest of the Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja Preacher, Teacher, Gospel Artiste and Founder of #wowcatholic.com a Social Media Network for Catholics.
Abuja, Nigeria
Joined June 2017
@CatholicPay #PillarOfSupport Campaign is still on. With as little as N1,000 you can adopt a Needy Parish and make eternal Impact. View list of NeedyParish by clicking here Please #Repost
Have you heard of the “CatholicPay Pillar of Support Campaign” It is a platform for Christians especially Catholics around the world to go to the mission through giving their widow's mite consistently by adopting needy or poor parishes in remote areas across Nigeria, Parishes and outstations that do not generate enough to meet their basic needs, parishes in places where the community lacks basic amenities such as roads, running water, electricity, shelter or even food, some of this parishes cannot even farm because of insecurity and attacks from bandits, kidnappers and herdsmen. They really need our help. The principle is getting so many persons to give very little like N1,000 or more monthly to support this parishes and the Parishes will in turn pray for you at every Mass. For more detailed explanation and guide watch this video Click on the link below to see a list of #NeedyParishes and Click Adopt Anyone who gives to the poor lends to God, and He will surely pay back" Prov 19:17 Please Share this video to as many people as possible. To Adopt a Parish using the CatholicPay App Click to Download the App and Signup Android Phones - iPhone Users -
Sirach 38:1-4 “Give doctors the honor they deserve, for the Lord gave them their work to do. Their skill came from the Most High…The Lord created medicines from the earth, and a sensible person will not hesitate to use them.” 1. Ordinarily you don't need the bible or any other religious writ to say this, it is commonsensical. Unfortunately many religious people have traded common and uncommon sense for 'pious delusions and illusions'. They stop taking drugs that have kept them alive because a so called prophet told them they are healed, eventually getting worse or dying there after. 2. When doctors administer drug or treatment and a patient gets healed, God takes the glory because He has healed through doctors and drugs. More verifiable healings take place in hospitals and medical treatment, how many times do we give God the glory? We rarely do because it is not dramatic. Only truly spiritual and mature believers remember to thank God for healings and health that come through medical science. 3. People in countries with efficient health care systems live healthier than those who live in countries with only thriving prayer centers. When you have the resources to build a bridge, aircraft or ship and do not, God will not divide the Red Sea for you to cross when the time comes. #iseemiracleseverywhere
God is a creator, the one who created all things out of nothing. Human beings are secondary creators, making other things from existing ones. You haven't created anything. The clothes you wear were created by someone else. The TV you watch was made by someone else. The phones you use were made by someone else. 99.9% of the physical things you use were made by other people. Yet for some incredibly laughable reason you believe that the power of this God resides in you and your likes because you summersault under "anointing"? You think the glory of this God resides in your beggarly and raggedy pieties? Taaa, gbafuo. The power and glory of God are not those emotional highs you enthusiastically exude and diffuse in your religious theatrics. "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims the work of his hand" Ps 19:1 The man that manufactures car has, and displays God's power and glory more than your tongue speaking minister who will still collect your money to go buy that car. It is a senseless person that sees a man who prays for a jobless person and he gets job as more powerful than the one who created the job itself or built the business that employs many. Your glory is testified by what you create not what you consume. What have you created with all these your anointing, tongue speaking and boasts about carrying God's power and glory? Once more, understand what the anointing and the anointed are for, stop elevating your ignorance and confusion to piety and spirituality.
PASTORAL MINISTRY BEING A PRIEST IS NOT AN ACHIEVEMENT. Like marriage, being a priest or pastor is not an achievement. Unlike marriage, it is more than an assignment, it is almost a death sentence. The Levites were disinherited, Jonah ran, Jeremiah protested. Peter and Andrew, James and John left a flourishing career without getting anywhere financially better than they were before the call. Most, if not all of the apostles never got to bury their parents because they either died earlier than their parents or travelled thousanss of miles away. I find it difficult to pin any material incentive or peck for all their sacrifices and troubles. Jesus wouldn't even let them bask in the euphoria of kicking the butts of demons as they returned like champions with trophies. He told them that the source of their joy should be the writing of their names in the book of life. Lk 10:20. What has changed? Why is my generation intoxicatingly excited about an assignment as if it were an achievement? Could it be that some of of us who have been called eventually leave boats and acquire ships? Could it be that many of us move from anonymity to popularity? Could it be the prospects of leaving poverty for prosperity ministry offers? What else could explain the excitement and intoxication? We are lucky in this generation as Ministers, we have opportunities and and privileges that were rarities, if not totally absent, for our ancestors in the faith. The fame, popularity and dazzling fringe benefits that come with ministry today is unequaled. In the midst of all these, I hope we still remember that ministry is a tough ASSIGNMENT and not an ACHIEVEMENT to be coveted. Could we also stop making young people covet the ministry by the lavish lifestyles and privileged status we flaunt indiscriminately? Can we stop making ministry look attractive from the point of view of fame, popularity and financial prosperity? Could we firmly stop the cult followership and hero worship people offer us, or run away from such like Jesus did? Yes we can, we should, we must.
PRAYER, PROPHECY AND PROSPERITY. Any honest Christian, especially those who prayed honestly from their hearts for the prosperity of the Nation and personal prosperity must be wondering why things are moving from bad to worse, despite all the crossover and January prayers, decrees and prophecies. Only the delusional and ignorant believers will pretend like this is not a problem. So, here is the thesis: how do you explain the deteriorating economic conditions of the country despite the tons of prosperity messages, prayers, decrees, utterances, fasts and prophecies? Does it mean that these spiritual exercises are powerless, or that God doesn't exist or answer prayers? What's the essence of doing all these spiritual exercises if they ain't working? Firstly, there's absolutely nothing wrong with prayers, fasting, prophecies and decrees. There could be everything wrong with the motive and kind of prayers, fasting, prophecies and decrees. Historically and biblically, Israel never prospered economically at any point by prayers, prophecies and decrees. Never in the old Testament period, the time of our Lord Jesus Christ, of the apostles and the early church, not today. The peak of Israel's economic prosperity in the OT period was the monarchy, it's the 8th Century BC. They were so prosperous that they became immoral, and that's the period of the rise of prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elijah Elisha, Amos and the rest. God raised prophets to warn them of the danger of materialism, not to make them prosperous. How this generation of Nigerian Christians bought the gospel of prosperity and cling tightly to it despite the contradictory evidence should be the most sophisticated type of delusion for study. Prosperity gospel and it's overt and subtle corrolaries is a hoax, a scam and a satanic idea. "Blessed are you who are poor for yours is the kingdom of God" Lk 6:20. "Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of God" Matt 5:3 "How hard is it for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God" Mk 10:21-25 How could the man who said all these and lived by them make you wealthy bc someone else made such prayer and decrees in his name? He never made any of his followers financially prosperous, those like Mathew who were wealthy became poor by following him. Then someone tells you today that by uttering decrees and prayers in his name you will become financially prosperous and Naira will become equal to a dollar, and you believe? You are just delusional and ignorant. Should we stop praying? Nope, the effects of the genuine prayers and fasts and other pieties we do are showing. The fact that majority are still hard working and not resorting to banditry, armed robbery, prostitution and other destructive vices to make a living despite the hardship is grace from those prayers. The fact that majority still believe in God, love God and people, spread love and hope in the midst of the economic woes are the effects of the genuine prayers and pieties offered here. Genuine prayers and pieties are working, only the useless ones are not. Fake and false prophecies do not worl, have never worked and will never work.
God is a creator, the one who created all things out of nothing. Human beings are secondary creators, making other things from existing ones. You haven't created anything. The clothes you wear were created by someone else. The TV you watch was made by someone else. The phones you use were made by someone else. 99.9% of the physical things you use were made by other people. Yet for some incredibly laughable reason you believe that the power of this God resides in you and your likes because you summersault under "anointing"? You think the glory of this God resides in your beggarly and raggedy pieties? Taaa, gbafuo. The power and glory of God are not those emotional highs you enthusiastically exude and diffuse in your religious theatrics. "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims the work of his hand" Ps 19:1 The man that manufactures car has, and displays God's power and glory more than your tongue speaking minister who will still collect your money to go buy that car. It is a senseless person that sees a man who prays for a jobless person and he gets job as more powerful than the one who created the job itself or built the business that employs many. Your glory is testified by what you create not what you consume. What have you created with all these your anointing, tongue speaking and boasts about carrying God's power and glory? Once more, understand what the anointing and the anointed are for, stop elevating your ignorance and confusion to piety and spirituality.
Someone said: "sir, before you can confidently write this, we need to see what you have created. That's what will give credence to your write up" My response: "before you can confidently write this" is not neccesary, I have already confidently written it, that's why you can read it and respond. What you read is my creation, the product of my God given brain and anointing upon my life. The write up addresses those who limit God's power and glory to religious pieties, and their followers who don't see the manifestation of God's power and glory elsewhere except in their worship centers and ministers. I haven't created anything physical like a car or electronics, but I don't go about claiming that I have God's power and glory more than those who have created things. I acknowledge that these creators and inventors of the things we use and depend on for our everyday life carry God's glory and power more than anyone who uses the products. A consumer cannot be more powerful than the producer. Anyone that has invented or produced any material thing I depend on and use manifests God's power and glory in that area more than me. This doesn't make ministers of the gospel inferior or less dignified. Ministers of God dispense spiritual and moral goods, that's where they manifest God's power and glory. What is odd and obviously irrational is when ministers of the gospel claim to be the sole dispensers of God's power and glory while depending on the things made by others, cunningly making people look up to them as the sole providers of solutions to life's problem. This is what this writing adresses. So, I don't have to create something to acknowledge that those who do carry God's power and glory. Materially, producers of the things we eat and use manifests GOD'S power and glory more than consumers. Spiritually, ministers take that position. It should be clear to you now
The Man, his Passion and Vision. Prov 29:18 says:"Where there is no vision the people perish". One man who understands this scripture and makes it a lifetime responsibility is Dr Charles Awuzie. He needs no introduction on this blue app, just google his name and savor the delicacy. He led a group of intelligent and sharp minds to my humble abode yesterday for some interactions. Spicing the company was Omoyele Sowore, he also needs no introduction. He electrified the atmosphere with his witty and intelligent conversations We had very interesting discussions on a number of issues bothering on religion, politics and economy. It wa also Charles' birthday, we felicitated with him. There are two events that Charles and his team are planning for Nigeria and Nigerians this year, and I want you to pay attention to them, get ready to be part of them. The first is Big Brain Naija (BBN). It is a revolutionary reality TV show that combines entertainment, intellectual prowess, and entrepreneurship. The show aims to harness the intellectual abilities of Nigerians, promoting innovation, entrepreneurship, global competitiveness and rewarding hardwork. Contestants, ranging from young academics and entertainers to middle aged entrepreneurs, will engage in a series of competitive episodes that challenge their intellect, creativity, Emotional Quotient and business acumen. The second is Evolve Conference. This provides a unique, welcoming, intimate platform for young Nigerians seeking a deeper meaning in life to forge connections and acquire knowledge from experienced mentors and esteemed industry leaders. Dates and other necessary details of these revolutionary events will be communicated here. You don't want to miss any of these events. I'm delighted to have people like Charles with radical and revolutionary ideas for the needed paradigm shift for a better country for us all. Let's keep him in our prayers for the grace to birth and nurture these visions for a better 9ja. Happy birthday in arrears to Dr Charles Awuzie, a man driven by vision and fuelled by passion.
The Ash and the Chocolate. Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten season. Today is coincidentally Valentine's Day too. Some persons will receive the ash, some others will receive the chocolate, a luckier peculiar group will receive both. It's obvious that whichever of the two you receive depend on who's company you seek today. Those who go to church today will get the ash from God through the priests. Those who seek the company of their lover gets the chocolate. Some people with pious scrupples feel that valentine should not be celebrated today, and I wonder and ask why? If valentines is all about love, why should the celebration and expression of love be muted or totally cancelled for ash Wednesday? God is love, he doesn't cease to be love on ash Wednesday or any other day. Any pure expression of love cannot be put aside any day for anything else, unless it ain't love folks are out to celebrate. Through the priests ,God gives you the ash out of love to remind you of eternity. Through your lover God gives you chocolate (or flower or any other material gift) out of love too to remind you that you are lovable and desirable for relationship of marriage or friendship. The ash reminds you of the inevitability of death. The chocolate reminds you of the beauty of life. If you get both, you are in the champions League. Celebrate yourself and be super grateful to God. Whether you get just ash or chocolate or both, what God looks out for is the purity and goodness of your heart. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God". Matt 5:8 The foreheads that collect the ash and the hands that collect the chocolate will mean nothing to God if the hearts of the recievers are wicked, impure, devilish and deceitful. The Lenten pieties of prayer, almsgiving and fasting are precisely for the purity of the heart, so that the giving and receiving of ash and chocolate will proceed from pure hearts. I hope y'all get both ash and chocolate today, but if not, make sure you get the ash and hope for chocolate. Happy Ash Wednesday.
The Ash and the Chocolate. Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten season. Today is coincidentally Valentine's Day too. Some persons will receive the ash, some others will receive the chocolate, a luckier peculiar group will receive both. It's obvious that whichever of the two you receive depend on who's company you seek today. Those who go to church today will get the ash from God through the priests. Those who seek the company of their lover gets the chocolate. Some people with pious scrupples feel that valentine should not be celebrated today, and I wonder and ask why? If valentines is all about love, why should the celebration and expression of love be muted or totally cancelled for ash Wednesday? God is love, he doesn't cease to be love on ash Wednesday or any other day. Any pure expression of love cannot be put aside any day for anything else, unless it ain't love folks are out to celebrate. Through the priests ,God gives you the ash out of love to remind you of eternity. Through your lover God gives you chocolate (or flower or any other material gift) out of love too to remind you that you are lovable and desirable for relationship of marriage or friendship. The ash reminds you of the inevitability of death. The chocolate reminds you of the beauty of life. If you get both, you are in the champions League. Celebrate yourself and be super grateful to God. Whether you get just ash or chocolate or both, what God looks out for is the purity and goodness of your heart. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God". Matt 5:8 The foreheads that collect the ash and the hands that collect the chocolate will mean nothing to God if the hearts of the recievers are wicked, impure, devilish and deceitful. The Lenten pieties of prayer, almsgiving and fasting are precisely for the purity of the heart, so that the giving and receiving of ash and chocolate will proceed from pure hearts. I hope y'all get both ash and chocolate today, but if not, make sure you get the ash and hope for chocolate. Happy Ash Wednesday.
MARRIAGE MATTERS. A lady found a gentleman willing to marry her. She announced the good news to her parents. Her mum consulted her prophet and was told that the guy is not the God chosen husband for her daughter. She was further told that the girl will suffer if she gets married to that young man. The lady's mum has told the girl she will not marry the young man as the prophet has said. She is torn. This is not a made up story, it is real life and many people are in this conundrum today. What should the lady do? What are the roles of parents and men of God in one's choice of a spouse? Watch LET'S TALK WITH FADA OLUOMA on my Facebook page.
"Mr Reverend father, Marriage is a life time Achievement,do you know what it took your father to get your mother to marry him?after which he proceed to paying of bride prize, traditional marriage,white wedding,after which comes children, which you are one of the achievement of marriage,,do you think raising children is not Achievement, training them in school, please who ever that gave you people the ideology that marriage is not Achievement deceived you people, Marriage is a life time Achievement,and I agreed where you said it is an Assignment, because it is an institution set by God from day one,and since you decided that you won't get married,that means you skipped the assignment,my humble opinion" In response to this comment on MARRIAGE AS ASSIGNMENT by one of my followers, here's my take: The substance remains that marriage is not an achievement but an assignment. That's why the church calls it a sacrament and vocation, it is both a gift and a task given to you. When you get admission into school, that's not an achievement until you graduate with good grades. At what point do you graduate from marriage? Death. Achievement comes when the assignment is done well. Let's put it this way then: getting married is not an achievement, staying married till death do you part is the achievement from the assignment. Having children is not an achievement, providing and raising the children to be morally, emotionally, spiritually and academically fit are the achievements from the assignment. Marriage is a life time assignment, this is why married people should be seen as heroes for making the sacrifices of a life time. This is also why those who couldn't marry for no fault of theirs must not be seen as failures. Marriage is an assignment, cnly those capable to execute the responsibility should take it. May marriages succeed in the name of Jesus Christ