Ex-Muslims of Norway
Norsk, English, Français, العربية, Turkish
Joined April 2017
Hijab is a tool of oppression! "This is what I look like (covered) in Saudi Arabia, for 26 years. This(hijab) was put on me before I was a teenager. I was not given the choice to put this on me. And whenever I took it off in public; I was threatened or I was beaten, or I was kidnapped and jailed. I was told the whore for not wearing it. Hijab is not my choice and I will burn it. That(hijab) is what a tool of oppression looks like! And, that is the fate of all tools of oppression!" - A Saudi Ex-Muslim Woman #Islam #Hijab #NoHijabDay #FreeFromHijab #WhiteWednesday #MyStealtyFreedom #ExMuslim #LetUsTalk
The Story of Mariam The Copt: Adultery is a concept understood by all human beings regardless of faith or lack of faith except the law of Mohammad .. Because in the divine legislation of the Quran is yet again another out of jail card for Mohammad .. In Quran 66:1: "O Prophet! Why do you prohibit ˹yourself˺ from what Allah has made lawful to you, seeking to please your wives? And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful." This verse may seem innocent at first or nothing important to see here, but read the context from Ibn Khatir (the most trusted Islamic scholar) and it will change EVERYTHING; "Hafsa the mother of believers (wife of Muhammad) visited her father one day. When the Prophet came home and did not see her in the house (so he) sent to the Maria Coptic and (mated with her) in the house of Hafsa. Hafsa walked in on them, she said: O Messenger of God, do not do this in my house! On that day he (Prophet) told her: «it is forbidden to do so do not tell anyone». So Hafsa went to Aisha and told her so Allah Almighty in his book announced (O Prophet, did not deny what God has permitted you) to say (and the benefit of believers) ordered to wipe his sin and review the nation. And the story is mentioned by Hasan al-Basri. Sunan Bayhaqi .. Book Remove and Divorce (AlKhalaa Wa Talaaq). Now, get ready for mental gymnastics as Abduls and Aishas tries to find explanation for why Allah the all-mighty have written this verse before the start of time on tablets giving his prophet green card to sleep with his slave - a woman he is not married to at the time! And it was after his verse that it became legal for Muhammad and all believers to sleep with their slaves without the benefit of marriage. Subhan-no-allah!!
This is supposedly what Salwan Momika was talking about moments before the assassins got into his home as reported by a popular Arabic Ex-Muslim channel. Transcript: Salwan: Our responsibility and duty to expose what the Muslims did to ancient civilisations and this is a responsibility to humanity. Islam is a danger and criticising Islam is a danger but it is a must. Today I am threatened by 57 countries. She: What 57 for burning their book! Salwan: Iraq has placed a bounty of $2 million for my head and placed an Interpol arrest. She: Wow Salwan: 2 million dollars and a Quran of gold. Placed my name on the Interpol. I am now stuck in Sweden and I cannot go anywhere. She: wow Salwan: 2 million dollars for anyone who informs them of my location of KILLS ME! This is Islam! She: Just because.. Salwan: Because I burned this dirty book She: Just because you burned a book like this. Salwan:Yes. She: A book! Salwan: Yes. I don't fear (them). I am not afraid. ------ He did not care, he was not afraid, he was ready. I think when people get to the point where they feel there is nothing left to lose, they simply don't care. But they don't give up and wallow in depression! They realise they have to stand up. That is bravery!!
Jahanam is the Quran's term for Hell. It is supposedly the place where disbelievers will fry for eternity even if they are the best of people. Think of all the nice doctors, researchers, humanitarian volunteers, charity givers, even those who helped Muslims in their time of need - they will fry in Jahanam for eternity. Think of the people who invented and perfected flight so hundred of million of Muslims are now able to do the Hajj, they are going to hell. Think of Alexander Fleming who discovered antibotics and charged no royalty for his patent so it can save so many lives, not least billion of Muslims, he is going to hell. How do we know this? We know this from the story of Abi Talib. Abu Talib ibn Abd al-Muttalib was the leader of Banu Hashim, a clan of the Qurayshi tribe of Mecca. He being the brother of Abdullah the father of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad, was his uncle and father of Ali. He looked after Muhammad after his father died and his mother abandoned him to be raised by the tribe. He made sure he is safe and well looked after. When Muhammad claimed prophecy, he respected his views but did not buy it. When the pagans had enough of Muhammad, they appealed to expel him, even as far as kill him. But it was Abi Talib and his authority that this was never allowed. He was a peacemaker and preferred diplomacy and negotiation to violence. Muhammad knew that his uncles influence helped him conduct his early Dawah free from any harm. When Abi Talib was sick of old age, Muhammad tried to convince him that his message is true. Abi Talib still did not buy it. When he died, people could see Muhammad was upset for Abi Talib was a very respected and very good man. No one had a single thing against him. When Muhammad was asked if Allah will still forgive him and welcome him to heaven - his response was, I will ask Allah and see what he says! In short, Allah the (All-Merciful) responded in Ayah 9:113 - nope he is going to burn in hell! You can read the full story in Sahih al-Bukhari 1360. How come rapists, mass murderers, child abusers, war crime army can go to Mecca and all their sins are wipe out but a good person goes to hell?
I heard growing up hearing the term Sabayah (سبايا) and I did not understand it. It sounded like women who the Khalifa or wealthy men have on the side as extra-marital legal in a way under Islam. Always presented on the side line of fun or comedy TV sketches. What I did not expect is the horror of what this really means. It is the selling, buying, and owning of women as sex slaves usually taken as war bounty. Where did this trade come from? It comes from the term Melk Alymein (ما ملكت إيمانكم & ملك اليمين) or what your right hand possess. Mentioned in the Quran at least 14 times: Quran [4:23-24];[16:71]; [23:5-6]; [24: 31-33-58]; [30:28]; [33:50- 52 -55]; [70:27-30] And as you can see confirmed in the Hadith. In fact, so casual it is mentioned in the hadith, here is a random hadith for you: Sahih al-Bukhari 4350 Narrated Buraida: The Prophet (ﷺ) sent `Ali to Khalid to bring the Khumus (war booty tax) and I hated `Ali, and `Ali had taken a bath (after a sexual act with a slave-girl from the Khumus). I said to Khalid, "Don't you see this (i.e. `Ali)?" When we reached the Prophet (ﷺ) I mentioned that to him. He said, "O Buraida! Do you hate `Ali?" I said, "Yes." He said, "Do you hate him, for he deserves more than that from the Khumlus." You want more? Here are 15 Hadiths on this topic: How can an all-knowing and all-merciful Allah allow the "Owning of Humans" and owning of women as sex objects! It is, if anything, evidence the Quran is man made for men. Please watch a video I shared. I only have two, so not hard to find. It is from these Quranic verses that ISIS sold Yazidi women as slaves, girls as young as infants were sold. The records now show what happened to them. Think, Muhammad did the same thing. How beautiful...how peaceful...how example for ALL humanity. Don't just get angry, read and educate yourself. You can read more about it here:
In response to the killing for #SalwanMomika, Sweden should declare national Quran burning day! Come on Sweden have balls🇸🇪. The same way France responded by putting Muhammad cartoons on government buildings in response to murder of a school teacher.
RT @OmarMakramSE: Mina reflektioner om mordet på Momika och Sveriges reaktioner – på Öster om förnuftet. ”Att han avrättades precis innan…
It is almost unthinkable a few years ago that #Sweden one of the world safest and most peaceful nation would become LOST!! The UK Home Office's decision to designate Sweden as a high-risk travel destination has shocked many but not me. This shift is due to challenges with integrating immigrants, and the emergence of what some refer to as "no-go areas." Sweden has traditionally enjoyed a high level of social trust and a well-functioning welfare system. However, in recent years, the country has experienced a surge in gang-related crime, particularly in urban areas. These gangs youth of foreign-born individuals, are involved in drug trafficking, robberies, and violent assaults. The police have struggled to contain this escalating violence, leading to a sense of insecurity among the population. Another contributing factor is the ongoing challenge of integrating immigrants into Swedish society. While Sweden has a history of welcoming refugees and asylum seekers, the rapid influx of newcomers in recent years meant the country cannot contain and the balance of powers has shifted. Leading to the development of parallel Islamic societies with their own Shariah norms and values. The emergence of so-called "no-go areas" has further created a mess. These are neighborhoods where police presence is limited, and criminal gangs exert considerable control. Emergency services may be reluctant to enter these areas without police escorts, as they risk being attacked by out of control gang members. The existence of these "no-go areas" has created a sense of lawlessness and impunity, further destroying the ever beautiful country of Sweden. This is not unique to Sweden. Many European countries that welcomed that influx of the religion of peace are grappling with similar issues related to violence, no-go zones, and social integration. But Sweden, a country once considered a beacon of social progress, is now facing these problems that show that Islam is not like anything the West has ever faced. As an Arab, I fear for Sweden and I fear for Europe - you need to learn and adopt fast....the once prosperity and peace that everyone admired about you will be lost! Forever...
«Det er desto mer beklagelig at et land som Norge, som anser seg selv for å være blant de fremste på kvinners rettigheter, ikke beskytter kvinner og jenter mot tvungen hijab. Hvor mange av de jentene og tenåringene som går med hijab på skolen i Norge, har egentlig mulighet til å si nei til familiens pålagte normer og kontrollerende praksis? Begrepet valgfrihet blir meningsløst når en person fra barndommen har vært utsatt for indoktrinering og fått høre at hun må bære hijab for å være en «ærbar» kvinne. Hvordan kan Norge hevde å forsvare barns og kvinners rettigheter, samtidig som det i frihetens navn unngår å begrense eller forby et plagg som fungerer som et undertrykkende og nedverdigende verktøy for kontroll av kvinner og jenter?» #NoHijabDay
RT @exmuslim_norway: Hijab is a tool of oppression! "This is what I look like (covered) in Saudi Arabia, for 26 years. This(hijab) was pu…
RT @Ayaan: Sweden wanted to become a moral superpower but is now a moral basket case. This is the umpteenth warning to the West. Do not app…
Den kristne flyktningen Salwan Momika fra Irak som var kjent med å kritisere Islam og lage Koran-brenning demonstrasjoner i Sverige ble skutt og drept i sitt hjem i Stockholm, mens han hadde direkte sending på Tik-Tok i natt. Salwan skulle til retten akkurat i dag for å ha brent Koraner i offentligheten i Sverige i det 21.århundre. Han var tiltalt for hatkriminalitet for å brenne en hatefull gammel bok av ukjent forfatter i protest fordi boken åpenbart sprer hat mot ikke-muslimer som Salwan og oppfordrer til vold og drap av de som kritiserer den. I dag er enda en veldig trist dag for hele den «frie Vesten» som engang var det trygge stedet for å ytre seg mot religion, ideologi eller hvilken som helst makt gjennom karikaturer, bøker, filmer eller demonstrasjoner uten å risikere livet. Dessverre dette var før den islamske intoleransen, hatet og volden fikk rotfestet seg her i Vesten hvor de som utfordrer denne ideologien fra syvende århundre er blitt stemplet som hatere og islamofober og må leve med drapstrusler! Ikke bare Sverige, men hele Vesten er feilet med å beskytte frihets verdiene sine med å feile å beskytte folk som Salwan Momika, Samuels Paty, Salman Rushdie, Charlie Hebdo, Theo Van Gogh, David Amess mot den hatefulle, intolerante og farlige ideologien som er blitt importert hit med åpne armer, gitt større rom, rettigheter og beskyttelse. Mens mange tilhengere av denne ideologien/religionen terroriserte Vesten i mange år, europeere var opptatt av å beskytte den mot kritikk med å lage statlige handlingsplaner, fjerne karikatur tradisjonen fra aviser, stenge kommentar felter, nekte å publisere bøker eller kronikker, stemple kritikere og anklage dem for hat eller rasisme og å feile å beskytte dem! I stedet for å utfordre denne intolerante ideologien og bekjempe den har politikere og journalister tatt parti med islamistene som ønsket å drepe modige mennesker som Salwan Momika med å svikte de mest sårbare minoriteten i minoritet i alle årer! Nemlig, kritikere som utfordrer verdens farligste ideologi i forkledning av "religion"! Det som er mest triste for meg er at Salwan også vil bli kun en del av statistikken av ofrene av islamsk intoleranse akkurat som alle de andre ofrene av islamsk vold. Politikere og journalister i Vesten vil igjen nærmest lukke øynene og prøve å snu saken til viktigheten av den absurde kampen mot islamofobi for å beskytte islam. Ideer trenger ingen beskyttelse, det er mennesker som trenger den! Hvil i fred Salwan Momika! #Salwan_Momika
The Christian refugee Salwan Momika from Iraq who was known for criticizing Islam and organizing Quran-burning demonstrations in Sweden was shot and killed in his home in Stockholm, while he had been live-streaming on Tik-Tok last night. Salwan was going to court just today for publicly burning Qurans in Sweden in the 21st century! He was charged with hate crime for burning a hateful old book by an unknown author in protest because the book clearly spreads hatred against non-Muslims like Salwan and incites violence and murder of those who criticize it. Today is another very sad day for the entire “free West” which was once the safe place to speak out against religion, ideology or any power through caricatures, books, films or demonstrations without risking one’s life. Unfortunately this was before Islamic intolerance, hatred and violence took root here in the West where those who challenge this ideology from the seventh century have been labeled as haters and Islamophobes and have to live with death threats! Not only Sweden, but the entire West has failed to protect its freedom fighters by failing to protect people like Salwan Momika, Samuels Paty, Salman Rushdie, Charlie Hebdo, Theo Van Gogh, David Amess against the hateful, intolerant and dangerous ideology that has been imported here with open arms, given greater space, rights and protection. While many followers of this ideology/religion terrorized the West for many years, Europeans were busy protecting against criticism by creating state action plans, removing the caricature from newspapers, closing comment sections, refusing to publish books or columns, labeling critics and accusing them of hatred or racism and failing to protect them! Instead of challenging this intolerant ideology and fighting it, politicians and journalists have joined the Islamists who wanted to kill brave people like Salwan Momika in failing the most vulnerable minority of minorities for years! Namely, critics who challenge the world's most dangerous ideology in the guise of "religion"! What is most sad for us is that Salwan will also become just another victim of Islamic intolerance, just like all the other victims of Islamic violence. Politicians and journalists in the West will once again almost close their eyes and try to turn the issue into the importance of the absurd fight against Islamophobia in order to protect Islam. Ideas do not need protection, people do! Rest in peace Salwan Momika! #SalwanMomika
How to respond to the suggestion that "Islam is the fastest growing religion. This means it is true!" This statement really means nothing but somehow it is marketed as "evidence Islam is right!" Let me remind them that at one time, ancient Egyptian religion was the fastest growing one, this was beaten by the Roman and their fastest growing religion, and if you look East, Buddhist and Hindu was the fastest growing religion. And in Americas, the Mayans and that Incas were the fastest growing religion. And it was after Islam, Christianity was the fastest growing religion in Africa and Americas carrying the cross that in Islam we reject. Under Islamic view, all these religions are wrong and not true....yet at one point or another, they were the fastest growing religion. Also, nearly all the growth is due to having a higher birth rate. Any conversations are easily exceeded by the hidden number of apostasy which is becoming harder to deny. And not to put you down or anything, the reason why many of these studies that suggest Islam is the fastest growing, is because they do not count Atheism or Agnosticism as religion. If included, you will be very disappointed to hear that in fact, no-religion is fastest growing - even faster than Islam. So, will you stop being Muslim because I said "no-religion" is growing faster than Islam? Of course not. This is a ridiculous reason. Do you appreciate how ridiculous you sound when you use that as a reason in debates? Have a nice day. 😁
Abu-Lahab, the man who made himself infamous and earned him a chapter in the Quran, where none of the Sahabah dream to have their names forever immortalised!! For what? For rejecting Muhammad's message and making fun of him. Allah's reaction is no short of a street boy! Swearing and insulting, even the man's wife!!! And you want to tell me that the Quran was set in stone from the begining of time with this ridiculous story? Quran Sourat Al Masad (Chapter 111) was the first time I stopped and asked myself...how can a god talk like this?? It is a short chapter that talks about one person, Abu Lahab a wealthy man that Khadijah suggested Muhammad try to win him over. What more, Abu Lahab was the prophet's own uncle! Early in the dawah, Muhammad had put huge hope on swaying Abu Lahab to support his call and fund his Dawah. Muhammad pitch his message that he is a messager of God to group of people including Abu Lahab. Abu Lahab in no simple terms found it ridiculous and pointed at him and told him to perish. Muhammad was understandably furious and angry. Your own uncle saying something insulting. If Muhammad was to write down his thoughts, he would have sweared and cursed Abu Lahab and insulted the man's wife (as the Arabic street traditions go!). However, a God who can see into the future could have sent a verse to angry Muhammad either to tell him "not to bother talking to Abu Lahab" or more importantly after their encounter to say "Do not worry, Allah is with you. You will succeed." But what did Allah say? "May the hands of Abu Lahab perish, and he perish! (1) Neither his wealth nor ˹worldly˺ gains will benefit him.(2) He will burn in a flaming Fire,(3) and ˹so will˺ his wife, the carrier of ˹thorny˺ kindling,(4) around her neck will be a rope of palm-fibre* (5)" *a reference to his wife being a former slave - a cheap insult coming from a god that assumes all his humans are slaves!! Take a moment people and ask a simple question: is this Allah angry or Muhammad angry? And to go after the man's wife? In unflattering words suggesting she was a dirty slave. That is no morality of an all-knowing God. That is what uncivilised and uneducated people do in an argum
Learn the history of the Hijab and the sequence of events leading to the obligation of the Hijab as laid out in the hadith are as follows: Umar repeatedly asks Muhammad that Allah should reveal verses for the Qur'an pertaining to the veiling of women. No such revelation is sent down. Umar follows Muhammad's wives one night when they go out to relieve themselves (go to the toilet) and calls out to Muhammad's wife Sauda. Sauda goes home in a state of embarrassment and relates to Muhammad what has happened. Allah then reveals the hijab verse as Umar had wanted all along. Source of the hadith and sequence are here: The story of the Hijab and how it came about many years into Islam and mostly because if Umar insistence added to the many issues that negate the concept that the Quran was already written from the start of time! And, like many other verses, proves that Muhammad was being influenced into what to write in the Quran based on events around him!! Still not sure Muhammad was writing the Quran? Try reading this: