![Eric Paley Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1795927339009818624/93lgkIEV_x96.jpg)
Eric Paley
Aspiring to build the most aligned VC for founders at seed stage @fcollective. Seed VC @TheTradeDesk, @Uber, @Cruise, @Airtable, @Whoop, @Embarkvet etc.
Cambridge, MA
Joined May 2009
Precisely the problem!
money obfuscates reality, often when reality is what you need most. now having a few “trend cycles” in early VC to reflect on, its clear that overcapitalized companies struggle to develop the muscle of resourcefulness. pre-PMF product dev should happen w/ resource constraints
RT @Morning_Joe: "Trump thinks this economy is in the toilet. In fact, under Joe Biden, it grew faster than it did under Donald Trump." @St…
@SimplicitasOpes @ganeumann This is just more Musk misinformation with a headline that is intended to mislead: For anyone sincerely trying to understand, read this:
This is blatant FALSE DISINFORMATION, and @AGAndrewBailey knows it @elonmusk This lawsuit is just another ploy in the Republican Party's ignorance to push the "Democrats want immigrants to vote," LIE. According to this lawsuit, Republican officials in Florida, Ohio and Texas are unable to verify citizenship of individuals on their voter rolls. This lawsuit ** IS NOT ** bcos the Biden administration is STOPPING these States from removing non-citizens from voter rolls. THAT IS A LIE @elonmusk PAY ATTENTION: This lawsuit deals with @AGAndrewBailey and others filing suit bcos they asked the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to verify the citizenship status of certain individuals on the state’s voter rolls who could not be verified through the SAVE Program. The USCIS responded to their requests by assuring them that beyond the SAVE Program, there is no better way to verify an individuals citizenship @elonmusk The SAVE Program is a federal resource data base implemented in 1987, and administered by U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services, called the Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (or SAVE) for the purposes of verifying that voter registration applicants are citizens. SAVE was originally intended to verify eligibility for government benefits, such as Medicaid. SAVE is not a database of people who are U.S. citizens, but it will show a person's immigration or citizenship status. ONE MORE TIME — According to this lawsuit, these States are unable to verify citizenship of individuals on their voter rolls. This lawsuit ** IS NOT ** bcos the Biden administration is STOPPING these States from removing non-citizens from voter rolls. THAT IS A LIE!! And @AGAndrewBailey knows it @elonmusk These States feel that the USCIS has other methods to verify citizenship, aside from the SAVE Program. And since the USCIS assured them that the SAVE Program was the most accurate method, these Republicans didn't like that response — so they sued, claiming that the USCIS is violating federal law 8 U.S. Code § 1373. Which basically says the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) shall respond to any inquiries by States. So now, @AGAndrewBailey and those other two States are accusing the Biden administration of "stopping states from removing noncitizens from voter rolls." But as I already stated @elonmusk: According to this lawsuit, these States are unable to verify citizenship of individuals on their voter rolls. This lawsuit ** IS NOT ** bcos the Biden administration is STOPPING these States from removing non-citizens from voter rolls. THAT IS A LIE!! And @AGAndrewBailey knows it.
RT @micahjay1: From a start-up perspective, Product-Market fit isn't just a binary condition around whether customers want the product. IMH…
So cool!
Grammy-winning producer @Timbaland shares how Suno is helping him rediscover the purity of creativity in the debut episode of our new video series, MUSE. Hear more from Timbaland: Be the first to hear his new single “Love Again”, dropping exclusively on Suno ahead of it’s official release. Stay tuned - we’ve got some very exciting things coming soon 🤩
@jeffdachis @wolfejosh And Trump only supports Israel for as long as it is convenient for him. #isolationist