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Untuk tahun 2023, jualan Sambal Nyet mencecah Rm 20 juta, peningkatan lebih 40% dari tahun 2022. Hari ini juga kita ingin mengumumkan produk kedua di bawah jenama khairulamingbrand. 80,000 unit akan dijual untuk launching pada hari Jumaat (2 Feb) ini. Kita telah ambil masa
Bila dah meninggal baru semuanya nak dikorek, baru semuanya nak ditunjuk dan dilaporkan. Kenapa kita suka tunggu sehingga terlambat? Pihak UPNM yg mendapat laporan tapi tidak pernah ambil tindakan juga patut dihukum. It makes u an accomplice!.
Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur hari ini perintahkan 18 penuntut UPNM yang dibicarakan berhubung kes kematian Pegawai Kadet Laut, Zulfarhan Osman Zulkarnain, dua tahun lalu, dipanggil untuk membela diri, manakala seorang lagi dilepas dan dibebaskan daripada tuduhan itu.
Banjir berpuluh tahun takde penyelesaian dikatanya childhood memory. Padahal tiap tahun menyusahkan rakyat, barang rosak, rumah rosak, makanan tak cukup harapkan bantuan. Tapi tulah. Dia juga yg dipangkah. Hadap la ye.
Childhood memory. Nikmatilah zaman kanak-kanak seadanya. Kalau masa boleh diputar kembali, Pok Cik Man pun nak kembali semula kezaman ini 😄
Honestly Cik Yam Lee, if u walk past me in Publika, not a single fuck will be given & no darling, no one's going to give u a second look & shout "TU LA MARYAM X NAK PAKAI TUDUNG TU.".Msians literally don't give a fuck honey. Ure the one banging the table for attention. How sad.
Harassed and under investigation by religious authorities, Maryam Lee is a controversial figure in Malaysia.Her crime?.Speaking out about her decision to not wear the hijab and what she sees as institutional patriarchy in Islam
BODOH NAK MAMPOS KALAU X TAHU JGN CKP LA @amijofli .MELAMPAU LAMPAU PULAK KAU NI. @AkemAiman can't u control ur client? Apa masalah dia x sudah2 nak mock the legal fraternity? Tell them to shut up or we will make them. Laki bini sama tolol.
Dulu PH bentang bajet alternatif, Menteri BN ramai tak dtg, mmg salah lah. Now if PH does the same it just shows they are not matured and acting out of spite. Susah la ting tong mcm ni no one wants to bloody grow up.
Berkesempatan mengikuti ucapan Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob berkaitan Belanjawan 2020.
He will be serving his sentence, but it’s amusing that you think you’re angelic. Your beloved party leader’s bungalow & tunnel case quickly dismissed, with no inquiry on the DEATH of one of the key witness. Playing the same game of political appointees. Stop being a hypocrite.
Thanks to the continuous efforts from Pakatan Harapan to expose Najib Razak's corruption, the impossible has happened. Malaysia's former Prime Minister, Najib Razak is finally going to jail.
Bangga akak dik. Org selalu kutuk uni kita cikai, tak berkualiti. Some oversea grads suka pandang2 rendah kat kita mcm theyols bagus sgt. Keje pun takde (tibahh bitter). Tapi u proved em all wrong, u da mannnn!!.
CONGRATS!!! Hakeem Mohammad Akmal WORLD No. 1 for Recording Financial Transactions paper (July-Dec 2019), Certified Accounting Technician (CAT) programme by The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), United Kingdom. We are so proud of you. #kitaUiTM .#UiTMdihatiku
Shadap la. Reason PH jatuh pun sbb Bersatu sbg parti minoriti tak sedar diri, tak hormat perjanjian nak beri laluan pada Anwar. Apa reason kerajaan PH akan jadi caca merba? Waktu sebelum PRU elok je korang bekerjasama? . Stop blaming other ppl and look at ur stupid selves.
Sebelum Langkah Sheraton kita dah sebut, kerajaan dan politik akan jadi caca merba dan tidak stabil. Degil, Tak dengar , nak buat juga. Waktu kerajaan dah jatuh , tun dah kata, politik tidak akan stabil, perlu buat kerajaan perpaduan. Degil, Tak dengar juga.
Omggg no such thing as klasifikasi kes pendakwaan politik & selektiffff. Thats just Zahid's view on what he feels about his case, but his view has no merit & does not change anything pun. He is still charged and now going to court to face the charges. So what's ur problem?.
Belum sampai 24jam kerajaan baru terbentuk, Zahid Hamidi sudah tuntut supaya kes RASUAH dia diklasifikasikan sebagai kes Pendakwaan Politik & selektif. Sampai kes di mahkamah ditangguhkan kerana Politik. Ini akibatnya apabila kerajaan pintu belakang berkerjasama dengan Perasuah.
@fvkrvv Hope u have the same energy to call out men who appear to look macho.but are hopeless when it comes to being responsible towards their wives and kids.
Tetibe nak emosi ni pahal.Kau jugak yg tutup mulut muka panik halamerksss bila tersasul. Kalau nothing to hide buat lek buat pis sapkok sudah la. Point is u tried to portray that ur party is fully funded by the public when it isn’t.U juga patut tgk cermin bila ckp tentang taikun.
Tular lagi fitnah kata saya dan MUDA dibeli oleh taukey-taukey kaya. Dah post sebulan lepas, hari ini baru nak ungkit?. Saya nak tolong keluarga-keluarga Muar yang susah sahaja. Yang ada rumah banglo besar, duit berjuta, mana video?. Jangan tuding jari, cermin diri sendiri.
I'm no criminal lawyer but I think its a big fucking deal if you've been charged, as it means that the police found enough evidence to proceed with this case, instead of nfa-ing the matter. So this is very serious, & who the hell does Paul Yong think he is? Disgusting.
Perak exco member, Paul Yong, who was charged with raping an Indonesian woman today, says he will continue to carry out his duty. The DAP lawmaker says there is no reason for him to take leave despite the Mentri Besar advising him to do so until his rape trial is completed.
Rap is not part of our culture is a fact, tapi ok la dah semakin berkembang maju. Rappers ni mmg kena be salty with everything ke, and tak penah dgr pun ppl go all YO RAP NI LUPA DARATAN. Cam syok sendiri je statement, takde org cari gaduh tapi kau fefeeling.
Last2 yang bawak elemen traditional kat #AJL33 ni budak2 rap jugak. Ingat tak bila korang kata kami lupa warisan sendiri? 🤷🏽♂️ well, kami ingat.
@ayuniayoub Hi, saya sebagai seorang peguam menasihatkan anda utk tidak takut memberikan pendapat kerana jika nak menyaman, kena ada asas. Dlm kes ni, awk memberi pendapat sebagai pembeli tanpa ada unsur fitnah. Jgn gentar pada mereka yg dgn mudah melontarkan perkataan "saman" :).
At least org tu ada 13 franchise kedai donut, dan jco being a franchise has got nothing to do with the halal issue u questioned earlier. Hodoh takpe bang, jgn bodoh. Pastu nak hina org amik course food management & cgpa 2.3. U uni grad ke? Tweet cam repeat spm 10 kali je.
This👇 is the kind of thread-reply I was hoping pasal isu sijil Halal Jakim. If you give me facts, I’m more than happy to oblige or even change my mind. Tapi kalau tahap reply macam budak Food Management atau Halal Diploma CGPA 2.3, aku gelak je lah.
Tugu "wira jepun" mmg dah ada since 2016, tapi it was never officially acknowledged by the gov cause it was built on private land. Gov can't simply infringe a person's rights to use his land freely, hence they let it be. Yg tetibe make this a ceremonious occasion apahal?.
"TUGU WIRA JEPUN". Najib tak bagitau korang "tugu wira Jepun" ini wujud sejak zaman dia PM. Seperti biasa. Dia cetuskan masalah, PH warisi masalah yg dicetuskannya, kemudian dia tuding jari salahkan PH. Nota: MB Kedah pd Sept 2016 adlh Ahmad Bashah, bkn Mukhriz.
@ainabas_ So arrogant menyampah baca. Melaka memilih mereka yg korup yada yada like has it ever occurred to u that u suck?.Go do some self reflekkk la bak kata king coco.
Funny, for someone who fights against discrimination, u are discriminating as hell.
Ingat 4 nama ini kalau satu hari nanti anak cucu kita mati bergelimpangan sebab pembunuhan etnik dan jenayah perang dan tidak boleh dapat pembelaan dan keadilan daripada masyarakat antarabangsa. RAHMAT MOHAMAD (UITM).SHAMRAHAYU AZIZ (UIA).FAREED HASSAN (USIM).HISHAM HANAPI (UTAR)
@chamomile114 And its not like ure forced to stay at these hotels. All this hate for smtg that doesn't even affect u, i dont get it -.-.
@adlyzulkefly Bersatu tu menang berapa seat je punnn. Lebih kurang je resultnya cam umno. Puiii.
Currently I'm servicing the loan for my house as it was purchased before I got married. Husband takes care of everything else like bills, groceries, household maintenance etc. If u already have this mindset "I only pay for what is mine", I suggest u reconsider marriage.
2) If the roles were reversed where the woman owns the house and we move in to her house now. Does the responsibility to pay for her mortgage now fall onto the men now? . This one should be interesting! Let me know your thoughts!.
@ukhtum_fideen @onikarih Its not your place to tell people that they should not forgive. You're not God, so don't act like one. By telling ppl to boycott her product, after she had apologised, shows how ignorant u are. Islam is a religion of peace. We all make mistakes & can seek for forgiveness.
No one asked the PM from PH to step down.
If Biden wins today, at least the people of USA will know for sure that he will remain the president for the next 4 years. Unlike msia, when all of us went all out and voted for a change in 2018, and yet somehow we’re stuck with the same old dinosaur government.
?????????? .Point is yall still look stupid as hell, ur main fight before last GE literally was about how bad GST was & now ure saying kEheNdAk RakyAt? . Dah pening sgt ni, boleh stop la spin kejap.
Semua rilex please. PM tak kata GST akan diperkenalkan semula, dia kata:. “Kalau itu kehendak rakyat, kita akan kaji sama ada (GST) lebih baik dari SST ataupun tidak.”.
This is why i appreciate @izzatdalphia so much. His price is so affordable (if not, slightly lower than standard market price for custom made baju), but the workmanship is superb. That's talent right there. He made me look good for both my nikah & reception, i love u nokkk 😘.