I just came here to fight! Your problems with me are not my problems, GTFO! Certified trailblazer and proxy, currently on watch list of being hot and gorgeous
My hobbies are playing online games, eat junk food and fighting strangers on the internet. So viewers and visitors discretion is advised, be aware and cautious when approaching me teehee xoxo
Akak install life360 kat hp akak dgn dia, ckp la utk safety ley check masing2 punya location walaupun offline, confirm dia nk ngulor pikir 2 3 kali hehehe
Kak, its a good move to acknowledge the fact akak sokong palestine. Makeup dgn fragrance akak da beli tu better simpan, jgn buang, bazir duit je klu buang. The next move is to not give ur money to yg associates dgn israel for now and raise awareness, thats the best we can do
Dox him, expose his coordinates, cctvs on him, everything to the lobang cacing cuz this guy needs to be under witness protection programme, cia and fbi asap!!!
Bitch tea is love, tea is life no matter what brand, whether its hot or cold tea, prefered more than coffee especially with bubble tea and boba
The dude got past felony charges, theft charges. He thought he's being smart by being loud and brawn just to be sniffed out by polices through viral video. Kudos to you my friend
"Redha" tu satu kononnya, tipu la klu bini dia x mkn hati dgn pendam perasaan, trust. Tunggu la tetiba si jantan ni bg attention lbih kat bini kedua
Da tu je bahan dia nk berlagak dgn rakyat, klu nk membahan sama taraf dgn dia kang member koyak, kna compare aset bagai so easy target la us hahahaha
Dia ni kwn ayah aq, aq ingat lg time aq bdk2 lg tiap2 tahun pegi umah dia wat birthday party utk anak2 dia, very nice guy. Susah nk ckp once ur into the dark side especially involving the "R" ppl, mmg dia la scapegoat paling senang nk kna setup, mmg kesian gila
Sye rse hutan skrg da bnyk ditebang dan x dijaga, no wonder harimau kluar dari hutan, da x rse selamat utk cari makan dan tmpt berteduh. Kinda sad to think about it tbh
For first job, dont be picky. Choose a career that will get u headstart, from there stick until a year then later shoot for other jobs with ur leverage on working experience and qualification, the demand gaji tinggi2 like i did. Jgn self doubt dgn ur worth, goodluck!
You dont understand, bertahun kucing2 kat rumah aq bela, sama ada kna amek dgn org or worse mati kna langgar kereta or sporo gara2 lpaskn luar sangkar. Too much pain, rather have them safe in a cage with enough space,food and shelter, mlm2 bwk msok rumah kjap later msok blek
"Sye ada problem dgn mak sye,susah nk communicate dgn dia" "Ada masalah dgn mak awk? Meh sye callkn mak awk tanya masalahnya" Fuck the counsellor, never trusted them again!
Jgn layan sgt dieorg ni, janji kita happy. Manusia ni la satu, sume benda x ley dipuaskan lagi2 yg mata sikit2 sakit klu tengok org lain lbih sikit
Org x pandang pointer, org prefer tengok ur soft skill dgn workmanship. Interview bg good impression smpi employer nk hire you with good salary dgn position in my opinion for working almost 2 years after grad
Masa camni la ko suka, bila da kahwin dgn laki org tau la langit tu tinggi rendah jd bini kedua, nk sgt jd bini kedua kan, expect treatment mcm bini kedua ok, apa2 pon first wife still main priority, talking from experience dlm family sendiri, last2 tawar hati lol
Ni da mcm kes oversea bdk2 sephora mcm first time terlepas kandang gi testing rosakkn tester pastu wat perangai. Parents la mostly enabler to these kind of behaviour
Pergh bdk2 ni sedap je ckp mcm ni time skola, ko ingat zaman lpas abis skola nnt keje ikut sedap ko la eh klu bos, staf, gaji x ikut apa ko nk. Kehidupan luar bagai langit dgn bumi klu compare dgn skola, nasihat aq tlg la berpijak pada bumi yg nyata sekian
Wait isn't this person who ask the chubby dude to dm her and dude discovered her side quest for big fat homo that can fight to be her bodyguard for birthday party or some sort lmfao
Name everything Anwar did for the Malaysia? Did he put us on the map like Mahathir did? Did he helped our economy like Mahathir did with sticking our RM value during the crisis? Name them, coz u can't , fact is fact
Start anywhere dude. Ko ingat time pkp dulu lg senang ke banding skrg nk cari keje, aq keje je kilang, retail sume part time job sume buat sambil2 job hunting time pkp, bru org nk amek ko keje klu dia nmpk ko ada effort start dr mne2
Tiber nk deflect pn. Da xde tmpt nk letak muka la tu lpas da vote dpt kabinet mangkuk hayun ehehehe you put your words in your own mouth la gurlll
So far I've met guys like this always down to earth and know how to treat ppl right cuz their past, in my experiences la, never had an issue with them. X tau la this very polar opposite, goodluck la handle them
Gurl, mak aq jumpa photo dlm album lama bapak aq bergambar dgn apparently was his love interest at that time, dia koyak dgn buang ke tong sampah tanpa hesitant dpn bapak aq, dia speechless laa hahahha
Rich privileged ppl. Cannot relate coz they are not suffering and experiencing this. The least you could do is to be silent coz ur opinions always can be used as toilet paper after taking a dump.
Yeah this bug is another level of crazy, i thought it hit harder and tankier than the usual su bosses. Took me 3 times to beat this pest! Luocha and gepard are goat in swarm disaster, my dps all downed many times in the process, screw these flying cockroaches 🤬🤬🤬
Damn, this was my fav exercise books since in primary school, u can write and draw things u want here, and the teacher will give u cute stickers for my pages hehe
Nope, she's saving her face sbb dia ingat org x tau sblum2 ni suara lantang mcm pantat dgn customer aq tengok, bila da kna kecam bru nk lagak ayu konon
Gurl, im so sorry it happened to u T.T... Mmg btul la laki mmg kna ikat dgn something. Ankle monitor pon blum tentu ley kawal husbands nk curang
Sorry to say, are u just genuinely stupid or retarded? Xde common sense eh, we're talking about people's safety in their own home and your concern is their fcking dicks??? Be for real, hang urself dude