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Words are never 'only words'; they matter because they define the contours of what we can do. Slavoj Žižek

Joined July 2024
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2 days
When Salah al-Din reclaimed Jerusalem, he did not rule with vengeance but with mercy. He did not divide the people he united them. He did not let hatred blind him he let justice guide him. Eritrea remember strength is not in destroying each other but in standing together. On the other hand, if he saw a regime hoarding power, starving its own people, chaining their tongues, spying on their every move and calling it unity under a made up man-god - he’d probably siege it too. #Littleras #Eritrea #Asmara #BlueRevolution #RegimechangeinEritrea #TransnationalRepression #EritreanJusticeSeekers #NoMorePFDJPropaganda #NoMorePFDJTerror #NoMorePFDJ #NoMoreDictatorship
16 hours
This is an amazing news! Nonetheless, bills like this scare the wide community because defining a criminal can easily be expanded. I hope it will concretely target PFDJ criminals. One simply has to trace the criminal networks to the enforcers in the Embassy. The criminal org believes it’s untouchable to a point where state terror is celebrated freely all over social media.
Inside Africa
2 days
#BREAKING: Israeli Knesset member Yulia Malinakovsky has submitted a bill calling for the deportation of Eritrean regime supporters in Israel, whom she accuses of committing numerous crimes. Ahead of the preliminary vote on Wednesday, she visited South Tel Aviv to witness the situation firsthand. Speaking about her observations, Malinakovsky stated that she toured the area with local police, who, despite their efforts, lacked the necessary tools to address the problem. She claimed that many businesses operated without licenses, dealt only in cash, and contributed to large-scale tax evasion. She further alleged that illegal construction was widespread and that drug abuse was rampant. According to her, most of the crime stemmed from pro-regime Eritrean migrants, whom she described as a "criminal organization" terrorizing neighborhoods. She criticized past failed attempts to deport such individuals, blaming the High Court of Justice for rejecting previous bills. However, she insisted that her proposal could withstand legal scrutiny and challenged the ruling coalition to support it, questioning whether the government would once again hesitate at the expense of Israeli citizens' security.
2 days
The Revolution devours its children. Here’s the class pic of 2025 where the only personalities are military brutes drunk on impunity and civilians who look like they want to disappear. But who sold their soul first? The civilian leaders, some with relatives in prison, playing puppets? Or the military, granted free rein to plunder and traffic their own people? One thing unites them: pride in expanding the system to the West, ensuring rebellion is crushed before it starts. Where is #Littleras? Too scared to stand next to them, or busy sipping tea with his Japanese geisha? May we live to see politicians dodging eggs instead of these retarded brutes. #Littleras #Eritrea #Asmara #BlueRevolution #RegimechangeinEritrea #TransnationalRepression #EritreanJusticeSeekers #NoMorePFDJPropaganda #NoMorePFDJTerror #NoMorePFDJ #NoMoreDictatorship
ጓል ገበያ
2 days
The 2025 #Fenkil pose remains unchanged from the 2024, excep some left for good & no addtion. Once revolutionary warriors, they seized power only to become oppressors. How can they stand there, recalling comrades who fell 35 years ago for a cause they betrayed? #Eritrea #PFDJ
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4 days
The word retard is a simple word in French which means late. Insults are not to be used to justify hate but to shame someone from hateful actions. In the context of Kanye, he needs love, medicines & to lay off the drugs. The fact that Kanye doesn’t understand this as a black man & is used as a puppet to advance violence towards his own kinds makes him an absolute “R”etard.
4 days
Operation Fenkil was not just a regional battle, it was a masterclass in mobile and conventional warfare, deserving recognition alongside historic battles like the Battle of El Alamein or Dien Bien Phu. This was the result of city youth and farmers who turned a ragtag guerrilla force into a disciplined army. They had no backup, no second chances - only the belief that their sacrifice would set their people free. The whole ecosystem moved in unison. Women Fedayeen, the silent ghosts of this war, infiltrated the highest ranks of the Derg. To feed them lies, they gave up their bodies. To break the enemy, they broke themselves. No history book will write their names. Generals orchestrated a moving war across open land, something even today’s most trained commanders would struggle to replicate. Infantry soldiers marched forward with nothing but the ground beneath them, while death rained from the sky and the sea. The three tanks that now sit as lifeless monuments? Those were the ones that tore through the only road to the island, carrying the weight of a nation’s last hope. It was suicide, but they went knowing they were buying a future they would never live to see. They starved the Derg of its lifeline, believing that in doing so, they were saving millions. Now, Massawa Port is a stage for influencers and TV hosts, its history washed away by vanity and amnesia. But we, the children of the forgotten, will never forget. When our country returns to the people it was stolen from, the love our heroes had for us will not be in vain. We will remember their names. We will honor their stories. The world will know their ballistic abilities. #Littleras #Eritrea #Asmara #BlueRevolution #RegimechangeinEritrea #TransnationalRepression #EritreanJusticeSeekers #NoMorePFDJPropaganda #NoMorePFDJTerror #NoMorePFDJ #NoMoreDictatorship
Yemane G. Meskel 🇪🇷
4 days
On the occasion of the 35th Anniversary of Operation Fenkil and the Liberation of Massawa, President Isaias Afwerki laid a wreath at Thewalet Martyrs Cemetery, in the morning hours today, in tribute to Eritrea's heroes and heroines who paid the ultimate price for the independence of their country
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4 days
Dehay Eritrea has a great discussion on the nature of what’s the role of intellectuals in the Eritrean diaspora. Many legitimate reasons were given to categorise the groups. One that has been ignored is the role of Unionists. These are the groups who are directly or indirectly working with the regime to misinform and polarise the society. The general conversation on Unionist is a discussion the society should be having. No one even knows their proper reasonings. One reoccurrence in totalitarian regimes is the feeling of a prisoner not understanding his crime. In Eritrea, the goal has been widely acknowledged by the contempt Issayas has shown to us in 2018. The puppets who were next to him for more than 50 years also revealed the regime’s intention at a strategic timing they believed the people couldn’t fight back anymore. The “secret party” hiding behind EPLF/PFDJ has targeted the most able in the Eritrean society & promoted a bunch of retards to achieve its goals. I understand the need to ignore retards.
4 days
These shameless hacks have consistently preached “anti-aid dependency” narratives for over 30 years. Now that they swindled Switzerland with fake promises, they show absolute contempt over a 4 pointer letter! 😂 One thing will always fascinate me with PFDJ writers, whether in Tigrinya or English they pull out a unique word. “brook” who even uses that word? Anyway, PFDJ à la poubelle 🤧🗑️
5 days
CHF 6M since 2017 What impact did it have on #Eritreans? @EDA_DFAE, was this project truly for the people, or did it serve the dictatorship? Accountability matters. #TransnationalRepression #BlueRevolution #NoMorePFDJTerror #Switzerland @UN_HRC @UNHumanRights @UNICEF_Board
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5 days
Monsieur l’Ambassadeur, une question pour vous. L’architecture charmante d’Asmara, conçue par des innovateurs lombards, devrait vous sembler familière. Les cafés de style Italien pourraient vous rappeler ceux situés juste au-delà de la frontière Suisse. Mais si l’Érythrée est un paradis de beauté, pourquoi son peuple fuit-il, risquant tout, même à pied, pour atteindre votre pays ? Les Érythréens ne partent pas par ambition, mais sont contraints de fuir un système totalitaire qui a brisé la progression historique de notre société. Le service militaire est devenu un outil de contrôle total, enfermant chaque individu dans l’emprise de l’État. Ceux qui résistent à ce système subissent des conditions de détention inimaginables, certains pendant des décennies. Ceux qui tentent de partir sont abattus ou emprisonnés. Ce n’est pas de la gouvernance, c’est de l’asservissement. L’asservissement à un seul homme. Et pourtant, même ceux qui servent ce système en tirent peu de bénéfices, dominés par la peur et une cupidité dérisoire. Pour préserver son emprise, le régime a construit une illusion quasi-sectaire, exploitant le charme d’Asmara pour masquer l’oppression. Peut-être vous a-t-on conseillé d’ignorer “les détracteurs sur Twitter”. Peut-être vous a-t-on montré des magasins bien approvisionnés et des sourires soigneusement mis en scène. Mais dans une secte, tout est orchestré. Ne soyez pas surpris si chaque rue que vous empruntez a été préparée pour votre visite. Si vous souhaitez une expérience similaire, lisez simplement les deux premiers chapitres du livre @michelawrong “I Didn’t Do It for You.” Alors, je vous pose la question : pourquoi acceptez-vous d’être un instrument de propagande ? En tant que diplomate expérimenté, votre rôle n’est pas d’encourager des calculs politiques à court terme, mais de guider votre pays vers une position juste et fondée sur des principes. La seule décision honorable ici est de soutenir la jeunesse Érythréenne, cette génération expulsée ou réduite en esclavage par un service militaire sans fin, attendant seulement une opportunité de se libérer. Dans les discussions politiques de la diaspora, la jeunesse Érythréenne cite souvent le système régional Suisse comme l’antithèse idéale du régime autoritaire qu’elle a subi. Pourquoi ne pas engager le dialogue avec cette jeunesse et encourager une stabilité à long terme?! La Suisse s’est tenue aux côtés du peuple Érythréen lors de notre lutte pour l’indépendance. Nous espérons maintenant que vous vous tiendrez à nos côtés dans notre combat pour la liberté. @SwissMFA #Littleras #Eritrea #Asmara #BlueRevolution #RegimechangeinEritrea #TransnationalRepression #EritreanJusticeSeekers #NoMorePFDJPropaganda #NoMorePFDJTerror #NoMorePFDJ #NoMoreDictatorship
Amb Sylvain Astier
5 days
I have just concluded a five-day visit in 🇪🇷. I had the opportunity to talk directly with many Eritreans in the streets and cafés of the city. I was deeply moved by their openness, kindness and peaceful spirit. Thank you for your warm welcome! 🇨🇭🇪🇷🕊️
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5 days
RT @alema_kidus: #Eritrea’s national internet gateway was set up with USAID’s help. Asmara Univ got sig support too. During the war, when f…
6 days
@SwissEnvoyHoA Staged smiles won’t make Eritrea ‘stable.’ Cutting aid was right, but deporting people to repression isn’t. Switzerland risks compromising its own values - principled leadership matters.
6 days
RT @Fadaxnadegle: እዚ  ፐቲሽን'ዚ መቀጸልታ ናይ'ቲ ዝሓለፈ ዝገብርናዮ  ግብረ መልሲ ድሕሪ ምርካብና ዝተዳለወ  ሓድሽ ፐቲሽን እዩ። ኣብቲ መወዳዕታ እቲ ፌርማ ከም ኣማራጺ ዘምጽኣልኩም ክፍሊት ከም ምርጫኩም ኮ…
6 days
Appeal to Reconsider Ms. Sophia Tesfamaria’s UNICEF VP Role. - Sign the Petition! via @UKChange
7 days
RT @Aribanob: The #Eritrean regime has strategically used forced migration to disperse its youth, neutralizing potential threats to its opp…
8 days
In hard times, the sole guide should be humanitarian values. The decision to diplomatically engage the regime in Eritrea is a miscalculation fuelled by internal political pressures. The pressure & lack of interest in understanding the nature of the regime has led to this result. African desks, especially Horn experts are either small or non existent per country basis. It is common knowledge, the regime refuses deportees because “their identity can’t be checked.” The expulsion of the youth to the West is central to the regimes survival strategy. By expulsing the youth the regime kills two birds with one stone. Poverty deportation & in turn immigrants fund their families through remittances. The regime is the sole facilitator in the trafficking networks, now it has expanded to the Horn, it has the potential to mess the region to a biblical proportion leading to a new flow of refugees to Europe. The Swiss government should not stop at “cutting off” the childish leader but in targeting its embassies which are a military barracks that target those who sway out of the regime’s lines & its main source of illegal income. Ultimately, it’s a question of values, the realist “neutral” calculations only benefit the regime. #Littleras #Eritrea #Asmara #BlueRevolution #RegimechangeinEritrea #TransnationalRepression #EritreanJusticeSeekers #NoMorePFDJPropaganda #NoMorePFDJTerror #NoMorePFDJ #NoMoreDictatorship
Patrick Heinisch
9 days
#Switzerland ends development aid to #Eritrea, citing frustrations with 🇪🇷 refusal to take back rejected asylum seekers. The aid is to be discontinued at end-May.🇨🇭Federal Council only approved the aid in 2016 to motivate 🇪🇷 to cooperate more on migration.
11 days
@Islablonde Thanks for the advice, I’ll paint my hair blue and send a strongly worded letter to his highness #Littleras.
11 days
@Islablonde What was Mandela up to when peaceful institutional approach was a barrier to his rights?! Hate?! One doesn’t hate a serpent for eating a sheep, you just cut its head off. Maybe you could open a museum for these Kings once the serpent is thrown in one of these plates!
11 days
@AUC_MoussaFaki @_AfricanUnion @shabait The billionaire dictator really nailed the “humble peasant” cosplay, didn’t he? 😂
11 days
@Islablonde So your priory is to offer the #Littleras state funeral because a small bunch of extremists might have some ideas?! 🤣 We’re not cut from the same cloth clearly, we’re more on the young Mandela phase right now. Good luck with your man made hate!
11 days
With all due respect, I am one person and my tweets only represent my thoughts. Once we have a rule of law and 1P1 vote, some might even prefer to put his body in the Afar tectonic plate instead. As for Mandela, he embraced Ghandi to create peace in a multicultural country. He certainly wasn’t spreading love to his enemies when fighting for his rights. Half baked Agazian ideas of pacifying Muslims is what elongated the #Littleras’ life.
11 days
@Kidane09674567 Wurzuy Beyene doesn’t need to dress up to impress. He already has a clean mind & heart. Unlike y’all dirty cunts. 🤡