![Varun Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1188496324859183106/f-_qCti4_x96.jpg)
Social Scientist Quantitative Modeller Small Business Banking, A Kanwariya of Shiv Ji. भोले तेरी बम, बम, बम भोले।
Joined October 2019
Expected better from you @balajis use a better graph check the difference in graphs here
Here’s the thing: Indians are rising. And that is actually why anti-Indian sentiment is rising. Not because Indians are so weak, but because Indians are once again becoming strong. CEOs of companies. Leaders of countries. Founders and investors. Doctors, writers, professors. Not just slumdogs. Millionaires. Now, I know what people will say. Not all Indians are doing well. More than a billion are still poor! And of course that’s true, and will be for a while. But Indians abroad have risen as individuals: And India is now rising as a country: Indeed, India is the fastest growing large economy in the world over the last decade: And I think Indians have a lot of headroom left. Where does it end up? We don’t know, but if even 5% of 1.4B Indian nationals are at the same level as the ~5M strong Indian American diaspora that currently produces ~6% of US tax revenue, that’s ~70M people capable of producing ~72% of current US tax revenue. So I think it’s at least possible that India returns to its historical level of relative prosperity: As a plausibility argument, recall that before America was even a twinkle in anyone’s eye, Marco Polo sought out China and Columbus risked his life to trade with India. So those civilizations were giant economic centers for thousands of years. And are becoming so again. This perspective demands a different approach. Not the victim mindset where Indians mimic Western wokes in whining piteously upon every slight. But a mature, tit-for-tat morality befitting a rising people where you cooperate with those that cooperate, ignore what is best ignored, and (proportionately) punish only when necessary. Because even from a purely realpolitik standpoint, constant cancellation doesn’t work. Recall that wokes tried that for the last decade, and all it got them was epic political defeat. They overused the penicillin called anti-racism, and now we have antibiotic-resistant actual racism. Indians will need different tactics. And that starts with moving from victim mentality to Vedic mentality, if you'll permit the poetic license. Because India isn't just a rising civilization, it's a returning civilization. And wokes are proven losers, but Indians can be winners.
RT @PankajSaxena84: This is one of the most well organized gatherings in human history. The world can't manage 10 lakh at one place well. L…
@kaabharat Make sure to change this attitude
Saif khan got rs25L within minutes in hospital as health insurance Cashless benefit//This is how our society and companies function//For Bollywood names they roll on floor and fall at feet// For ordinary suckers multiple reminders needed by them:! RT
Why not start Garuda Prakashan website in Native Indian Languages @kaabharat can help checkout their website in Hindi ( https://हिन्दी.का.भारत)
The power of a billion+ people learning tech in their native language, plus free high-quality education, + thousand talents program which attracts global talent at competitive packages.
RT @kaabharat: @GabbbarSingh Home schooling in India is evolving! Welcome to We are building India's first languag…
RT @vijaygajera: INDIA is under Psychological subversion!! 1. This thread should be a warning alarm for all the people and authorities. A…
@sankrant Agree Let’s open up Alternative to Govt Build technology to serve Native Language speakers it’s much more doable today than 5 years back Checkout work at @kaabharat