![AEkbrDoan Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1856943295265415168/_aHmQrA6_x96.jpg)
11. Tezin izinde, KHK'lanmış göçebe sosyal araştırmacı "İnsanın alçaltılmış, köleleştirilmş, aşağılık bir varlık olduğu tüm ilişkileri yerlebir etmeliyiz." Marx
Joined March 2022
O kadar yazmaya çağırıp, yazmamak Lenin'e saygısızlık olurdu. O yüzden yazdım. Okuru bol olsun 🌿🌟
Lenin’in tarihsel mirası ve devrimci Marksizmi Ali Ekber Doğan @doan1_a
RT @kepenekevrimm: 11 çocuğu istismardan 149 yıl hapis istemiyle yargılanan müdüre beraat 11 çocuğu istismara maruz bırakmakla suçlanan Mus…
Peter D. Thomas'ın ilk kısmını dört gün önce yayınladığımız makalesinin ikinci kısmını az önce siteye yükledik. Lenin'in en yaratıcı okuyucularından biriyle asıl tartışma da bu kısımda... Ben de ikili iktidar durumunu bir kurucu iktidar momenti olarak görme yanlısıyım.
📎Lenin’in Alternatifi (2) 📝Peter D. Thomas Çeviren: Ali Ekber Doğan @doan1_a
Böyle bir suç lama gerekçesi olur mu? Dikta rejiminde olur.
Yayın Koordinatörleri Uğur Koç ve Berkant Gültekin ile Sorumlu Müdürü Yaşar Gökdemir, Sabah muhabirinin İstanbul Cumhuriyet Başsavcısını ziyaret etmesine ilişkin haber gerekçe gösterilerek gözaltına alındı Çalışma arkadaşlarımız Vatan Emniyet Müdürlüğü'ne götürüldü!
Sendikamız bir de böyle güzel bir video hazırlatmış. Varolsunlar! #KHKlarGitsin ✊
“Bu suça ortak olmayacağız!” adlı bildiriye imza attıkları gerekçesiyle bundan tam 8 yıl önce ihraç edilen barış akademisyenleri hala görevlerine iade edilmemiştir. Anayasa Mahkemesi'nin kararlarını tanımayan mahkemeler ve üniversite yönetimlerinin siyasi talimatlarla yaptıkları itirazlar, imzacı akademisyenler üzerinde eziyete dönüşmüş durumdadır. Tarihsel ve toplumsal sorumlulukla bu suça ortak olmayacağız diyen akademisyenleri asla yalnız bırakmayacağız. Haksız ve hukuksuz ihraç edilen üyelerimizin her biri görevlerine iade edilene kadar mücadelemizi sürdüreceğiz. #KHKlerGidecekBizKalacağız
Anladığım kadarıyla Amerikan altright'ının bir kanadı böylesi argümanlarla konuşuyor. Progresif Clinton-Blinkengillerin emperyalist saldırganlığından niteliksel farkları var mı tartışılır. Gazze planları bu emperyalizmin daha evla olmayacağını gösterdi. Sırada Ukrayna var...
Why does the "Davos Regime" and its "Rules-Based International Order" actually exist? Why did a putative world government - and make no mistake, that's exactly what it is - emerge in the early years of the 21st century? Let's talk about it.⬇️ I posted the other day that the story of the colossal sanctions failure and backfire against Russia is a case study in the benefits of forced reshoring. Russia is not some rentier petrostate that needs foreign contractors to keep its lights on, it is a developed country with a highly educated population and vast latent productive capacity. With Western-facing trade largely cut off except for some high-demand commodities, and domestic demand for goods and services higher than ever thanks to the war, those jobs in productive industries that were brain-drained out of Russia to the West in the 1990s simply returned home. People fled the service industries for higher-paying factory work, and rising wages have fueled an economic boom. The thing is that this domestic growth model, although excellent for the ordinary man on the street, is anathematic to oligarchs. It's inefficient - one of the first economic theories they teach you is how free trade creates greater net prosperity because of the efficiencies of specialization. Of course they leave a couple things out in Economics 101: (1) sufficiently large countries can actually be "good at everything" and have no real need for foreign trade as all efficient specialization can occur between internal trade nodes; and (2) the real world is not an economic supply-demand chart, the benefits from this complex arrangement will be engineered to flow primarily to the people managing it. Paying for Chinese goods with American banking-sector money is very efficient but only economically benefits a small group of transnational elites. Ergo the "Davos Regime" - this highly rarified group of people meet up every year for the World Economic Forum in the city of Davos, Switzerland. So where does the Rules-Based International Order enter into it? Well it's quite simple - you can't have an economic bloc without some level of shared governance to enforce the bloc rules, and these governance structures tend to grow with time. It's why the European Coal and Steel Community* dictates the policy of most ostensibly sovereign European countries now. And with the emergence of a planetary economic bloc after the Cold War - generating astronomical wealth to be creamed off by a new generation of oligarchs sophisticated enough to manage its incredible complexity - a putative world government was going to emerge almost as though by the laws of geopolitical gravity. * now known as the European Union The "Rules-Based Order" is thus simply the domestic policy of the Davos Regime - an entity that has no foreign policy because it purports to govern mankind and has arrogated to itself a monopoly of legitimate force worldwide. The Davos Regime conducts no real diplomacy and recognizes no other sovereigns, only rebels against its rule. This monopoly on violence and diplomatic atrophy, by the way, precisely explains the behavior of Western leaders of late. Brutalizing protesters against their rule at home - or bombing their enemies abroad - is legitimate because they are representatives of a global sovereign with a monopoly on legitimate force. Lesser entities not part of the Davos Regime have no such rights, and any use of force on their part is presumed to be criminal in nature and to be punished severely. Similarly, the institutional collapse of Western diplomacy is easily explained by the fact that these diplomats do not view themselves as dealing with coequal sovereigns but rather with lesser, subject entities to be dictated to, and to whom they lack any real reciprocal obligations. You can see immediately why Russia would drive the Davos Regime absolutely up the wall.
Bize vay efendim Lenin 100 dosyasını zamanında yapmadınız diyenler bunu görüp de mahcup olur mu bilmem. Ne dersin tanınmış tarihçi yazar @ydogancetinkaya ?
We are happy to inform you that the new issue (11.2) of the philosophical journal Crisis and Critique, devoted to “Lenin - A Century After” is now out.