Ecobank charges 50gh for 5000Gh Momo transaction. Access bank charges 5Gh for 5000Gh Momo transaction. GTBank charges 0 for 5000Gh Momo transaction. Make what you will with this information 🤣.
I over think and that might be my worst trait. If you don’t explain or provide clarity to me that means you want my brain to imagine the worst case scenario.
I’m up all night working to get great stuff. When I’m living large let someone come and tell me it was sugar daddy that’s given me a luxury life and they’d see something.
Men Would kill you😂😂.This guy literally dragged my friend out Thursday dawn. Only to get married Saturday and post on WhatsApp. When she asked him he said “hope you fine”😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂.
Had a conversation with my someone close to me today and his marriage is barely 2 months old and he already wants out. Mad thing is he is cheating with another married woman. ????.