Dengan ini gw mengizinkan siapapun buat jadiin kata2 gw diatas sebagai kaus, gantungan kunci, atau poster belakang truk. Hidup omegaverse
perempuan selalu dibilangin, udahlah jgn nyari yg cakep2 amat. Padahal, kt billie eilish, you give ugly guy a chance, he will think he rules the world.
Pantes Monika pernah cerita emaknya belain dia dr komen haters di yutub. Pake nama asli. Sampe monika bilangin emaknya, ga usah dibelain. Bakal capek layanin haters
Sunjae is a person who thinks about the present instead of wht ifs. If he can grab happiness now, why think about the past or the future? Those scenes only show his pysche
Gw kok B aja sih setelah tahu semua sisi mereka. It is what makes them humans. Gw akan tetap ambil pelajarannya dan move on. Tentunya gw ga akan mengikuti sisi gelap mrk. Bkn itu fokus gw.
Nabi Yusuf itu makhluk paling mulia menurut hadis Rasulullah.SAW krn akhlak dan nasabnya. Ya klo lo kesel krn beliau disamain ama yg entu gw ngerti.
Kuncinya tetap konsisten tahajud walau doa2mu belum terkabul. Gw blm nikah & suka tahajud dr sma trs ada sepupu tahajud sebulan lgsg dapat jodoh. Gw smpt nanya kok doa gw lm terkabul? Qadarallah 5 thn kemudian dia cerai
Lo mikir aja kli. Anak 10 thn dibilang seneng seks? Lo ga mikir tuh anak korban ksa? Lo ga mikir itu bikin pedofil, aha, yg seneng seks bocah2 itu kok.
Gw prnh nongkrong ama bocah2 pengemis. Gw liatin di ember mrk adalah duit 50rb. Trs tuh bocah bilang dia kasih semua duit k emaknya & dia dikasih 5 ato 10rb. Pantes pd beranak mulu. Lo karyain anak2 lo
No the point is ur heart chooses what u yearn the most. Come on he can choose any women he wants but he picked her not knowing tht side of her.
Gw ikut konferensi ama refugee Syria. Gw tny org mana yg lbh jahat. Dia blg, u find good ppl there, u find good ppl here. Intinya semua negara pny org baik n buruk
Temen gw pulkam k indo waktu bulan puasa. Abis lebaran dia balik k Inggris. Eh kena tipes. Inggris ga/jarang mengalami tipes ampe temen gw dimasukin karantina selama sebelas hari. Bayangin. Covid 19 aja ga segitunya
Maskulin feminin apaan sih? Mana hasil penelitiannya? Balance energy? My energy is ubur-ubur spongebob. Mau cewek kata lo semaskulin apapun, kalau cowoknya cinta ya pengertian aja. Mau ceweknya sefeminin apapun, kalau cowoknya dah brengsek ya brengsek aja
Why i didnt feel it sad? It is refreshing. Ppl i know chased relationship cause they think they should but law is honest tht he doesnt think it will work for him. Love u law
Who taught u Sunjae? When he is an idol, I thought he got some practices from his dramas. It turned out everything is just his basic instinct
Manusia akan selalu berusaha bertahan hidup, itu insting. When someone is overwhelmed with sadness 2 the point her forgot his instincts, i hope no one will ever experience tht sadness