![ばんきら Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1324891134183706631/naUNIswm_x96.jpg)
ゼンレスゾーンゼロ・リバース1999・ブルーアーカイブ楽しいです(^-^) 嗜好性:縄文時代、弥生土器、銅鐸、SQL、Philadelphia Eagles、House・EDM、ATH-AD2000X・RH-300
Joined May 2010
KCがSB3連覇のリーチを掛けた、そこまで勝ち続けられる強さの源は、Reid流の準備の確かさ、相手戦力を的確に把握し、強みを殺して弱点を突く、そこにあるように思っています なので、なぜ3連覇までの最後の一戦で、コアな部分でミスをしたのか? 上記は個人的な妄想ではありますが、ミステリです(^-^;
PFFグレードでスーパーでの評価を見ると 1. Williams 去年までローテーション2番手 2. DeJean 新人 3. Ojomo ローテーション2番手 4. Burks Deanの代役の元控え だから、やっぱりKCが🦅D#の戦力分析を過小評価して準備してた結果のように見えます・。・ 急成長させたFangioが凄いとも言えそうです
Mooreの後任の難しさは、PHIファンの厳しさ(以上のキチ○イさ(^-^;)にあるように思います(^-^; 5勝2敗を下回ると勝手に戦犯を決めて皆で石を投げ始めるから(^-^; 個人的には連覇は狙わなくていいし、将来性のある若手を1年間は成長前提で起用してほしいけど、それが不可能に近い土地柄(^-^;
The Eagles have been bracing for Kellen Moore to the Saints for the past two weeks. (The big difference between this and J. Gannon leaving two years ago is they were prepared for this pre-Super Bowl.) The top internal candidate to replace Moore is Kevin Patullo, but Eagles have a list of candidates for this situation. They knew of the strong possibility that Moore would be a one-year OC even when hiring him last winter.
Nick Sirianni on an asst. coach (like Kellen Moore) taking staff members with him: "I don't let that happen, usually. But sometimes you can't help it. Just like Frank said to me, 'this is my staff, and you can't have these guys.' It's hard to build the staff and have that continuity in there, but there's sometimes you can't — like the Nick Rallis situation, he had the opportunity to go and be promoted, and that's the way the rules are now. Every situation is a little different. But my general thought on that is, this is my and the Philadelphia Eagles' staff."
MooreがNOのHCに就任オメ!!(^^)/ 3年はいて欲しかったですが1年で昇格 1年目でのリング取得に多大なる貢献、感謝します(^^)/(^^)/ DAL時代を見てた頃からインサイドゾーンランのプレイメイキングに異才を持つ人の印象で、Barkleyと強力OLを得て大爆発した感じでした(^-^) 2000ydsの思い出も感謝!!
#Eagles OC Kellen Moore is finalizing a deal with the #Saints to be their new head coach, per The Insiders. What was expected for more than a week will be official soon. Moore leaves Philly a Super Bowl champion, and now the work begins in New Orleans.
@hideobakun 確かにブランケンシップも映ってた記憶が無いです(^-^) WAS戦でアーツにやられたのは、ちょっとターゲット数も突出してましたし、素人考えですがダニエルスに走られるよりは事故の危険のないところに投げさせたのかな?と思ってます(^-^;
WAS戦の適当な答え合わせ Danielsの足にかき回されるより、適度に投げさせた方が良さそうと思ってましたが、Ertzの11/16はこれ、わざと投げさせてますよね・。・ WRよりTEの方がRACの事故少ないでしょうし、TDも取られなかったし、さっすがFangio翁と(勝手に)思ってます(^-^;
Kelceニキからのメッセージ(^-^) 🦅の優勝への喜びと共に、Travis Kelceへの配慮した労りを感じます(^-^) 普段ははっちゃけてる(ヘイターのスマホを粉々にする)のに、丁寧でデリカシーあるメッセージも出す Kelceニキ、人格者(^^)/(^^)/
Congratulations to the Philadelphia Eagles, my former teammates, and friends on being SB LIX Champions!! There were a lot of emotions last night, and now that I’ve collected my thoughts, I’ll attempt to share them in the longest tweet ever. That game was odd for me to watch if I’m being completely honest. I knew it was going to be mixed emotions before, during, and after, and I now know what my parents had to deal with two years ago. On one hand, I wanted what is best for my brother, and to see his success. And on the other hand, there are so many people, teammates, and coaches, in the Philadelphia Eagles organization that I care deeply about, Many of whom I owe my own success to throughout my career. I am very proud for Jalen Hurts, Nick Sirianni, and this entire team. They have persevered greatly, answered their critics amazingly, and proved themselves to be undoubtedly the best team this season. It is extremely difficult for a team in the NFL to have enough talent, coaching, fortune, and character to win a Super Bowl. The character and swagger of this Eagles team was something truly special to behold. A true representation of the toughness and grit that makes Philadelphia what it is. Well done fellas, well fucking done. As for my brother, There isn’t a person I love or care about more. It has been tough to process these feelings, of course I feel for him and am always rooting for him, but I know he does not need, nor want my pity. He has amassed greatness few on this planet could ever dream of, as has his team, and they should feel pride in their accomplishments this season and in the past. I know right now they are still thinking of last night and the shortcomings in the last game, But in time that will fade, and the greatness they have exhibited as a group will remain as one of the most dominant eras of football ever. Man I love this sport, the people that play it, and the fans that enjoy it. Nothing else like it. Congratulations Philadelphia, I look forward to the speeches and celebrations that will happen in the coming days. I mean who doesn’t love a parade! In the words of Chase Utley “World Fucking Champs”, and to all the haters out there, remember what my man Jay Ajayi said “Fuck Em” Go Birds
@JUVE0824love いやいや、結果40点だっただけで、想定は大ハズレでした(^-^; 序盤にDotoson(とか)を使うチャンス!使おう!くらいですかね?当たったと思うのは(^-^; 伏兵を先に使うのも大勝負でよくあるセオリーだから、当たったと言うのも微妙(^-^;