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Dan Roodt Profile
Dan Roodt



Skrywer. Denker. #Afrikaner #Patriot #Posthumunis #Bittereinder E-pos: [email protected] AF: https://t.co/MFcAFRtwHd EN: https://t.co/h0WgneWqPP

Joined February 2009
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Dan Roodt
10 hours
RT @elonmusk: Reuters was paid millions of dollars by the US government for “large scale social deception”. That is literally what it say…
Dan Roodt
10 hours
RT @WarClandestine: Tulsi confirmed, RFK Jr. expected to be confirmed tomorrow, Kash around the corner, war in Ukraine coming to a close, D…
Dan Roodt
11 hours
RT @DWKrugerIII: "Laat almal duidelik hoor. Amerika het gesê geen Engelse nie!". #Afrikaner
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Dan Roodt
11 hours
South Africa needs a Pax Americana, or Pax Trumpana. 1994 was a Pax Britannica meant to wipe out 400 years of Dutch/Afrikaner presence in SA and unleash a Marxist-led second genocide against us. Either we stay as human beings with rights ON OUR TERMS or we flee as refugees but with compensation from all those countries, Sweden, Netherlands, UK, Germany that caused this mess in the first place with their love of radical-chic terrorist proxies.
Dan Roodt
12 hours
Nou ja, ek het nou die langpad terug SA toe aangepak, hier vanuit die noorde van België. By Brussel-Zuid kry ek 'n ander trein Parys toe, dan nóg 'n trein lughawe toe, daarna Zurich en eers dan volg die laaste vlug Johannesburg toe. Die Trump-kwessie spook steeds by my. Hier is so 'n groot geleentheid vir Afrikaners, maar die Afrikaanse organisasies verkies lyk my die status quo. Hulle wil eintlik sáám met die ANC vir die behoud van AGOA, ens. by Amerika pleit. Ek sê nee! Ons moet van die ANC ontslae raak. Dis 'n terreurorganisasie, totaal korrup, onbekwaam, ens. Die radikale Engelse, Tutu en die res het destyds vir sanksies teen PW Botha se bewind gevra. Nou is dit ons beurt! Totdat die ANC ons soos mense behandel, Afrikaans as gelyk met Engels erken, rassewette afskaf, ens., moet Amerika sanksies instel. Kolombië se president het binne 15 minute voor Trump gekapituleer. Laat Ranaphosa sy staal wys as Trump sanksies instel. As die Groot Vier banke in SA nie meer 'n dollar deur New York mag stuur nie, soos Iran, sal ons sien hoe lank die "progressiewe", linkse, antiblanke, anti-Afrikaanse bewind hou! Dalk langer as 15 minute? 15 dae? 15 maande? Die wiel het gedraai. Daarom: sanksies nou! Asook reisbeperkings op ANC, EFF, MKP en almal wat volksmoord teen ons steun. As die DA en VF Plus nie onmiddellik uit die sg. RNE bedank nie, kan hulle maar net sowel soos Kortbroek se NNP na die ANC toe oorloop! Ons het hulle nie nodig nie, want ons het 100 miljoen Amerikaners en net soveel Europeërs aan ons kant. Alle SA politici is korrup, want hulle vreet uit dieselfde trog.
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Dan Roodt
12 hours
@twigsally @TheCourtesan1 @dihelling I tend to agree. But we need to cut out the leftist, pro-British scum who have undermined us for 200 years.
Dan Roodt
1 day
@realDonaldTrump @elonmusk Dear President Trump, On behalf of the Afrikaner people, I sincerely wish to thank you for your executive order pledging the support of your great country as to our human rights. Not only have you provided assistance in our applying for asylum in the U.S., but you have also bolstered our collective and individual rights in South Africa. In my humble opinion, your order constitutes a watershed moment in our history, akin to the Balfour Declaration of 2 November 1917, acknowledging the rights of Jewish people to a homeland in then British Palestine. For that, we can only be eternally grateful to you. And dare I say it, in a hostile world, you have become our guardian and protector! As your order so eloquently states, there are egregious actions being taken by the current regime in our country. We are being specifically targeted as a language and ethnic group; our right to education, to the enjoyment of our culture, our property rights, our ability to do business, as well as our safety and personal security are being trampled upon. A radicalized British-South-African judge, Raylene Keightley, handed down a court order authorizing genocidal propaganda against our people. She has legalized the odious slogan, “Kill a Boer, kill a farmer”, so that it may even be broadcast via radio, TV and on the internet. In an irony of history, when the rest of the world was freed from communism in 1989, we were soon subjugated by a quasi-communist government that is hostile to us, to America, to the West, to private enterprise and the rule of law. For most of its existence, the ANC has been a front of the South African Communist Party, driven by the ideology of Marx and Lenin. Without the active support of the ex-Soviet Union, Sweden, the Netherlands, East Germany and the British Labour Party, the ANC would never have come to power in South Africa. Those countries provided finance and explosives to effect a sinister regime change in our country and scupper an existing process of reform and democratisation. Through terrorism and propaganda, including terrible atrocities against black South Africans, the Swedish-Soviet alliance and its ANC proxy sapped the resolve of our previous leaders. The new regime acquired unfettered access to the state and all its resources which it soon set out to loot, plunder and strip to the bone. Of course, the mainstream media hailed this as a “miracle”; to them the substance and the detail did not matter. These same media, both in America and South Africa, have attacked and defamed you personally. There is probably no country in the world where people, with the exception of us Afrikaners, are so anti-Trump and, by extension, so anti-American. I have personally suffered for voicing my support and appreciation for your project to save America from wokeness. For me, there is continuity between the British scorched-earth policy of 1900-1902 and the current campaign to ethnically cleanse us from South Africa. In the war on civilians in South Africa, Britain killed 34 000 of our women and children in concentration camps, as well as another 14 000 black children. Currently, this process is simply being reenacted under another name, sanctioned by leftists who hate our patriotism, family values, faith and honesty. Many countries in Europe still maintain cultural and other boycotts against us and have made it clear that they consider us to be interlopers in Africa and South Africa. What arrogance, what mendacity! We have been here for almost 400 years, as long as Americans in America. Through your courageous and benign act, you have reaffirmed our right to exist and to survive, for which we will be forever grateful. But perhaps you could also help us to remind our enemies that more of our men died defending the West than ever perished defending our own freedom and sovreignty during the World Wars and in Korea. We salute you, Mr. President! God bless you and God bless America! Dan Roodt
Dan Roodt
1 day
RT @twatterbaas: Message from a farmers wife in South Africa. Her husband has been killed in front of her and her 6 year old daughter. 2).…
Dan Roodt
1 day
Praagse sneeu.
Dan Roodt
2 days
RT @FDW_VB: In Zuid-Afrika worden blanken vermoord, gediscrimineerd en etnisch gezuiverd… @realDonaldTrump blokkeert terecht iedere vorm va…
Dan Roodt
2 days
RT @IngoDc: Nog een #hellhole blijkbaar... Bij ons al te onbekend.... Schandalig! @danroodt
Dan Roodt
3 days
Gister by die Delvillebosmonument. Ek het 'n YouTubevideo ook daar opgeneem wat vanmiddag sal verskyn. Teken in op praagtv op YouTube. Nou op snelweg op pad lughawe toe vir Praag. Praag in Praag!
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Dan Roodt
4 days
RT @nousienons: @danroodt Soliforum kraai triomfantelik oor hul ‘deal’ met Ramaphosa oor Bela net vir die frogboiler om dit te repudieer. D…
Dan Roodt
4 days
RT @kimbiesenbach: @danroodt Dis nou bietjie te laat om te huil en om rugraatloos in te wees in 'n tyd soos nou gaan dinge net vererger. On…
Dan Roodt
4 days
RT @no_more_liesZA: @danroodt @Zebedeus650014 Ek dink nie President Trump is so dom om dit vir soetoek op te eet nie. Maar, ons moet besef…
Dan Roodt
4 days
Ek woon vanoggend die Katolieke Mis hier in Vlaandere by om my dogter in die koor te hoor sing. Sy is steeds Protestants, maar hou bloot van sing. Sy is ook met ope arms verwelkom - omdat sy musiek kon lees, danksy haar musiekjuffrou aan Hoërskool Randburg waar sy ook tjello geneem het.
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Dan Roodt
5 days
Dus het Afriforum en Solidariteit reeds namens ons almal besluit om Trump se aanbod van die hand te wys - en die BBC, Wapo en al die linkse media kraai daaroor! Nou gaan hulle en die DA en die VF Plus blykbaar Washington toe om die ANC-bewind te red. Trump moenie druk oo die ANC plaas nie, sê die "opposisie".
Dan Roodt
5 days
RT @twigsally: @danroodt The state department clarified it Clear and Concise
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Dan Roodt
5 days
TRUMP SE GESKENK AAN DIE AFRIKANERS. Dan Roodt lewer kommentaar. #Trump #Afrikaners #Afrikaans #SouthAfrica