I saw someone in their 50s saying millenials shouldn’t have dogs bc we can’t take care of ourselves. Like I might eat stale hot Cheetos for lunch but my dogs on premium, grain free, organic kibble 😂
Not to get political but it’s wild to me how I can’t even take my dog to get his nails trimmed w/o a vaccination record but unvaccinated kids aren’t held to the same standard
College was such a weird time because one friend would be like sorry “I’m broke” with 8k in their bank account & rent paid by their parents while your friend with $11.50 is out here buying everyone shots 😂
I’m not anti police but I keep seeing posts saying “who are you gonna call if you get robbed?” we’ve been robbed 4x in cbus & the CPD told me I was SOL lmao
*random girl adds me on instagram* omg you’re so pretty!! Would you like to be my 90 day client!? You would get an amazing discount!!
1. All I do is post pics of my dog 2. I’m ugly af 3. I’m poor 4. Bye
You can call the governor irrational but the death rate in Italy is close to 7%. This could mean 22 MILLION Americans dead. This is now far more serious than the flu.
The guy who hit us going 80 in a 45 had prior tickets for going 110, 100, & 94 in a 65... I feel like the city of Columbus shouldn’t let him have a license??
Me: you don’t know any details about the wedding.
Him: ya huh! I know the venue, the food, the photographer and the flowers cost $487 lol
Poor little soul doesn’t realize that was just the deposit 😂😅
I couldn’t imagine dying from covid or from a run in with the law just for someone on Facebook to be like “well she did have asthma and 2 prior tickets.” I will literally haunt you
If you’re ever having a bad day just remember
helped me move 3x, haul 3,000 lbs of flooring, & took me shopping when I was on crutches. All of this and I married his friend
Unless you are immunocompromised do not wear an N95 to the grocery store. Because of you we don’t have enough to treat POSITIVE covid patients. Thanks for coming to my ted talk