![bigedko Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1751380735863279616/KCC38F1N_x96.jpg)
I think we should exchange information, the best way to improve this mess..
Joined February 2023
A good meal..? after the loot...? sure comes in handy... You might need an innovative catering service. For stranded, genetically totally invasive "natives", colonizers, occupiers of a land, must say grace to God for the that moment they took you in, when times were dire. We all know freeloaders need nourishment... Our Asian cousins, came up with a matching, cheapskate, lowlife recipe, that covers all your spiritual needs as well. What you get, is what you deserve nutrition... I must conclude with : Free Palestine !! Bon appétit !
RT @Spotlight_Abby: @elonmusk President Elon Trump has spoken. 😂 I'll leave this here. "When an idol becomes too powerful and arrogant w…
@Kahlissee I cannot fathom, how we the gentiles do not acknowledge this reality. Our forsaken existence is on the line... Is might be true then, we gentiles are stupid...?
@Nightranger441 @Zlatti_71 @PeteHegseth Many more die on at least weekly basis, check my feed, or Borzzikman youtube.
@Resist_05 Business is booming for the merchants of death... I am fed up with this, I want Judgement Day, right now!
Russia Attends 'Nuclear Five' Meeting in Dubai The US, Russia, UK, France and China discussed nuclear doctrines. "It was agreed that such a discussion is timely in order to better understand each other's nuclear doctrines and prevent misunderstandings and miscalculations," the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in a statement. Russia handed over the chairmanship of the "nuclear five" to China in August. The previous meeting was held in New York on October 10.
EUROPE'S HOPES, PAVLOV'S DOGS ✍️ Written by kitaro-Radoslaw (Radek) ✍️ ✍️ Edited by Hikaru Kitabayashi ✍️ Societies in the West are trained like Pavlov's dogs, to bark and wag their tails on cue while on taking a walk with their leashes on, meaning that hope for change is the mother of ignorance. It's an illusion. Animals know how to face reality. Humans aren't so good at it. Hope is about not understanding truth. Humans, being given hope, can be made to do anything. Clever thinking is not about hope, but about the possibility of finding solutions to problems and applying those solutions in one way or another. Hope, on the other hand, is waiting. Hope is not realizing what's going on. But, can somebody change something through hope? Not by my conception of the word. To change things, we need people who don't know fear, people who are ready to leave everything behind. People with hope, with belief, with positive thinking and trust, don't change anything. Western society teaches us to value possessions and accept what we can't change. It teaches us to have hope and to get our beauty sleep, assuming that tomorrow will be different. Nothing, though, nothing happens without sacrifice and determination. People must realize that the world's various Christian, Islamic, and Judaic Zionist elites do not care about them. The legal systems, monetary systems, tax systems, military systems, food production systems, education systems, information transfer systems, medical systems, none of these systems care about them. None of these work for the sake of ordinary people and never will. Instead, they all work together to steal from ordinary people, to use them, to kill them when not needed and use their blood when necessary. The elites of the world see themselves as your owners and your value as a human being means nothing to them. Consequently, the responsibility is yours to leave the system, to realize yourself as a human being, to find similar people like yourselves, and to live without oppression from government, from medical terror, and military made danger. It is a right of all humankind to have work that will provide enough income for a place to live and to have enough food to eat. It's not a blessing that a country honors you with. A true blessing is living, working, and dying together with people you love and who love you. In the Western world, its rulers don't even want to give this to their people. People's fear of loss is big. Think about yourself, and how your governments make of you what they will. A society focused on self empowers criminal governments everywhere. Wake up. Don't wait for somebody else to change things. Take good actions in your own lives by opening up your hearts to others. Take a look at what has happened to your brothers and sisters around the world. Non-stop cruelty. Don't play shit government games. Refuse to live for the sake of those you don't know or like, instead of for those you do. No matter how small, doing whatever you can against shit governments will never be insignificant. And, they know it. That's why they don't push society even more extremely than they do now. They don't want to wake you up. They don't want you to try to realize your ambitions. It's control without control. But, make no mistake, Western governments like involvement in every aspect of human life. It's not about care. It's about control. It's about slavery and keeping rulers on top. 📱 Join GLOBAL DEPTH ( to boost your TG Feed
RT @ClaytonMorris: Hey @elonmusk, will DOGE investigate AIPAC to see if any U.S. taxpayer monies are funneled there? Or is that one off-lim…
( Caption ) "Whitney web continues to challenge mainstream narratives exposing the connections between Financial Elites government policies and surveillance agendas from operation warp speed's hidden motives. Aid driven Financial control and political hypocracy web lays out why these stories matter let's break down some of her latest tweets grandson of the mob uped Lou Wasserman if you think organized crime disappeared and didn't just Rebrand as philanthropy and merge with private capital I have some books I can recommend web suggests organized crime never disappeared but evolved into philanthropy and private Capital pointing to Casey wasserman's background sorry but operation warp speed was not an extraordinary accomplishment Mr Kennedy it was a military operation to normalize Mass use of Gene therapies that previously couldn't make it through clinical trials and get them onto the market via an emergency deregulatory Paradigm give CIA front volunteer access to American Health Data and mass welfare for corrupt big Pharma firms at the Public's expense Whitney web argues operation warp speed was a military-backed gene therapy push benefiting CIA surveillance and big Pharma at public cost here's a primer on what top National Security officials mean when they say continuity of government attached a post Tweet about a Blackhawk crash being part of a continuity of government training Mission well web highlights government continuity programs that are often tied to covert military operations for people saying Elon is trustworthy and USA ID is bad you guys remember elon's we will coup whoever we want deal with it statement over the 2019 coup in lithium Rich Bolivia that he was poised to benefit from even if usaid is completely dismantled that certainly does not mean that regime change Ops will stop oligarchs can just fund them directly they largely control the controversial NOS that usaid funded anyway sorry for reigning on the parade but handing over major government Ops to intelligence and Military linked oligarchs is unlikely to be the win against the Deep State you think it is it is ultimately a deeper centralization of power and historically that doesn't end well attached Whitney web's own previous tweet reiterating usaid's intelligence connections and its restructuring under the Rubio Leed State Department web warns that dismantling USA ID won't stop regime change operations as oligarchs will continue funding them leading to even greater power centralization. While it is true that usaid is an intelligence cutout that has engaged in financing regime change and other terrible things I feel that the Independent Media focus on usaid being dismantled it is actually just going to be rehoused at the Rubio Run State Department is distracting us from the fact that musk who is trying to turn X into the everything app that he wants to run more than half of the US Financial system and which is launching payment rails this year just gained access to Americans private banking information via the treasury payment system the everything app model embodied by the infamous WeChat is effectively a public private app used to surveil people's Communications and financial activity with often orwellian consequences. USAID absolutely sucks but we also need to keep our eye on the ball as big Tech oligarchs beget techno tyranny and will do so very easily if we fail to scrutinize them and pay attention to the things they are openly building musk in his new role does not have to divest from any business interests including X and can easily use Doge or other means to fulfill his everything app desires and King make companies which he owns controls or in which he is deeply invested. Webb warns musk's everything app will control Financial transactions and enable mass surveillance under a public private model amazing how many people think I am sing for usaid no I am saying that usaid which I believe should be dismantled is the focus of hype around current Doge activities and that we should also pay attention to the recent news that they just obtained practically every American's banking info at a time when the man leading doge is trying to turn one of his companies which he is not required to devest from into a core component of the US Financial system Nuance really has become a dirty word over the past year Whitney web dismisses claim she supports usaid and urges focus on how musk's Financial moves intersect with government power. I tend to want to scrutinize the world's richest man whose family tried to implement technocracy decades ago and who is a major military intelligence contractor I don't personally put him in the regular person who happens to have money category web question musk deeper ties to intelligence and technocracy rather than seeing him as just a billionaire team Tulsi and team McCain LOL wait what attached a tweet about Megan McCain supporting Tulsi gabbard's confirmation web sarcastically reacts to the unexpected political alliance between McCain and gabard until Doge or any other aspect of the Trump Administration meaningfully addresses fasab s56 which literally allows the US government to cook its own books to enable Secret /black budget projects I will remain skeptical that it truly intends to reign in runaway spending and the misuse of taxpayer funds for more on fasab s56 see this article or the work of at solar web criticizes fasab b56 a law allowing the government to hide black budget spending putting a regime change cheerleading neocon like Rubio in charge doesn't mean the corruption at usaid ends now quit being taken for a ride attached a tweet announcing Trump appointed Marco Rubio as acting director of usaid web warns Trump's appointment of Rubio won't end usaid corruption it's just a reshuffle."