benwaxman (not a parody)
Husband to Rachel, Abba to Tiferet. All the rest is commentary. Write about Israel, Jewish religious matters, stuff that piques my interest
Ariel and Petach Tikva Israel
Joined November 2008
عدد لا نهائي من الحسابات المؤيدة لفلسطين تشارك صورة هذا الرجل وكأنه تعرّض للتعذيب على يد إسرائيل، في حين أنه في الواقع مريض بالسرطان. أنتم جميعًا دجالون مثيرون للغثيان تنشرون الأكاذيب لأنكم تقفون على بيت من ورق. #غزة
ENDLESS amounts of Pro Palestinian accounts are sharing this guy as though he was tortured by Israel when in fact he is a cancer patient. You are all nauseating charlatans who spew lies because you stand on a house of cards.
Note: Rebbi Yermiyah saw something that may have been problematic. Before doing anything, he asked a question.
Rebbi Yermiyah went to the Golan. He saw in one beit knesset that they stored objects in the aron haqodesh. He asked Rebbi Eimi about this. RE said that since they made this condition when they inaugurated the aron, it is permitted.
People w/ extremely deep connections to their homes have fled wars since time immemorial. Others, those with a sense of morality, helped them find new homes. There's an incredible cruelty when people living in comfortable homes tell Arabs: Continue to suffer. @HilzFuld
@eliesheva There's that but there's also a good dose of people looking to slam him no matter what he does.
While I don't agree with every point, he is correct in his basic idea: Believing that "if only we were more friendly, if only we'd sit down over coffee and knafe, then we could settle this "dispute"" is simple lunacy.
The Palestinians of Gaza have collectively communicated beyond any reasonable doubt that they despise Jews and would like to exterminate us all For the longest time, Jews online would express a kind of sadness that things are the way they are and would lament that they have nothing against the Palestinians I believe this was a fawning impulse to try and ingratiate yourself to non-Jews by trying to appear like the most reasonable people on earth But you don’t appear reasonable trying to express a desire to be friends with murderers and rapists You appear like someone who is prepared to eat shit and who advertises it to the world There is nothing decent about someone wanting to be friends with Islamist Nazis who want to take over the world and exterminate us This has to change Until this Nazi Palestinian society changes it can fuck itself and no one should be ashamed or embarrassed about saying so