![Baneironhand Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1567662815313559552/PQRog-tC_x96.jpg)
Joined September 2022
Can't say I'm terribly happy with the way @ArrowheadGS chose to handle the people bitching about the ultimatum. But it is their game so they can run it how they want. That being said I'm now going to pile all of my two cents into the following pseudo rant. The only valid criticism I saw of the Ultimatum was that it made stratagem jammers (one objective on one front) slightly easier. The solution imo was to make the Jammer have more health so is takes two shots. Not nerf armour perks and boosters so only the people running those items are affected. The reason you take a booster is to get a boost. if the boosters and armour perks are going to be different for a bunch of different weapons they are going to have to put a list on the armour and booster descriptions. Which seems unnecessarily complicated. If the extra ammo for sidearms and stratagems was a bug maybe fix it before the big anniversary warbond not after everyone starts to use it. I ran several operations today and I can tell you the only reason I got to use the ultimatum more than a couple times a mission to hit illuminate ships was because there is ammo all over the city that I could pick up as I traveled. I can't see having the time to run around looking for spare ammo on any of the other fronts. I don't think it needed to be able to do as many ship as you could with the grenade pistol. But if I'm going to take it instead I should be able to shoot more than a couple a drop. Maybe In a week or two I'll get so good with the weapon that I won't miss 50% of the time either. Of course I won't get as much practice with it because I'm off looking for ammo instead of shooting it. I don't care how easy it makes the game for other people, I don't care how you have fun with the game. I really don't care if the game is easier or harder for you. The only thing about other players I care about is that they are reasonably polite and don't get in the shuttle when I'm not there yet. Oh and stop whining so much about how easy for other people something makes a game that is not (by design) a competition so will affect you not at all.
RT @RosieRocks29: Canadian liberals are on social media today, ready to take up arms to fight the Americans. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Fucking idiots spent the…
@LibertarianG0th Horrible toxic males you mean. Should be grateful they aren't bothering you anymore. Thought that was the goal.
@MadamSavvy So one of your plushies went on a bender ate your chocolate and passed out on the floor knowing you would blame the husband.
Massive fight? looks like a half nekkid chick tugged a hoodie and then a noddle armed somebody took a poke at her. Even by definition of fight this is lame and the opposite of massive. At least her feet were warm.
A massive FIGHT broke out between two #Eagles fans last night while celebrating the Super Bowl win. The man clearly did not want to fight her. She should be arrested.
@BonanoAngelo @Helldiversmedia Yes bad diver. Bad. I'd say no cookies for him but he called them down already.
@Jringo1508 @TKratman Yea things are shaping up nicely for Europe to follow Mr. Kratmans plan for...er totally fictional novel about them.