No excuses. Results are fleeting. Focus on the process. Results of one specific trade is not important. Results are a byproduct of respecting your processes daily.
Discretionary Trading is instinctual and emotionally driven trading. Mechanical Trading is discretionary trading based on the conviction given of a specific set of rules repetead multiple times that proves you know how to survive in the markets.
There is no reason to congratulate yourself over a WINNING trade. There is no reason to begrudge yourself after a LOSSING trade. There is just statistics and probabilities in play. Les get these muniez. Man the fuck up.
6.Main Purpose Have a fulfilling goal which is greater than your indifferent ego voice that whispers behind your head. Life is not about possesions/social acceptance or status is about what you leave behind for a long period of time in the minds of the futures and impact created
5. You are still a human Once you got rid of emotions,accepted the risk,detached from the outcome, follow same structured approach daily just know you will still suck dick for a long period of time.We are not in dreamwrld here.Mistakes will cum.Lessons will be learned.Keep it up
4.Process based Oriented Fall in love with the PROCESS.The munies are the BYPRODUCT of your ability to cum in these messy shids every single day and respectfully apply conscious effort to do the same thing you did yday.Apply same rules/same discipline/same patience/same courage.
Think about the fact that you are so afraid of losing a trade in a primed loosers market and still manage yourself into thinking „Why am I keep loosing at this game when everything I am doing it is correct?” corrwat