Dr. Eddy Frank
My favorite two words: Just Believe. Full time clinician. Part time Researcher. 🇳🇬🇺🇲🏴 🇨🇦
Joined December 2013
@cashmereheaded @CutSoapTrader @flyingbeso Of course you're right that fetal viability depends on the quality of sperm and eggs. But that's not the bone of contention here in the first place.
@trustnodique @OluBami1 @greagreenblatt @flyingbeso Dey play. Do you know the number of women who try to get pregnant later in life might be higher than you thought compared to men of the same age? It's a great research area. I'd love to check.
The QUALITY of both sperm and eggs decreases with age, which depends on factors such as genetics, biological composition, diets, and environmental factors such as medications and illnesses. To support the fact that a man's sperm QUANTITY is higher from puberty than a woman's at any age is the following points: A. For Women. a). At birth she has between 1 to 2 million egg cells that she needs throughout her lifetime. How she uses it depends on factors mentioned above and also on how many times she ovulates, gets pregnant, or gets stimulated with medications to produce a dominant follicle. b). At puberty (remember that this varies in age), she now has between 300,000 to 400,000 egg cells to play with. How many times will she be pregnant? How many children will she get? How many menstrual cycles will lead to ovulation? No one knows the answers to these questions. c). Between ages 32 to 37, she now has about 25,000 eggs if all things are equal. Some may have more while others have lesser. d). At menopause (which varies again in age), she has less than 1,000 egg cells. When menopause sets in, she can't even be pregnant even though she has less than a thousand eggs. Some don't even have demonstrable eggs left at this stage. B. For men. a). At birth, there are no sperm cells at all. b). During puberty, he has between 40 to 300 million sperm cells. This is far more than the number of eggs a woman has at birth. Unlike a woman, who never produces NEW eggs after birth; NEW sperm cells are constantly being produced daily (between 100 to 300 million cells are produced daily; which translates to about 1,500 sperm per second.) c). At 50 and beyond (typically called andropause period), a male still produces millions of sperm cells daily. Whether or not these cells are of good quality depends on already mentioned factors.
My response to her was for the following reasons: 1. To correct her that there's absolutely nothing like an "expired milk analogy." Because sperms or eggs aren't produced in the breasts, but in the genitals. Maybe she wanted to say expired "egg". 2. To help her understand that if she thought that men have lesser QUANTITY of sperm cells compared to a woman's eggs of the same age, she's wrong. The argument is about the QUALITY of sperm and eggs, which depends on factors such as genetics, biological composition, diets, and environmental factors such as medications and illnesses. So, you can't just say that all men's sperm decrease in quality compared to a woman's nor should you make the opposite assertions too. It all depends on several factors, and not cast in stone. 3. To support the fact that a man's sperm QUANTITY is higher than a woman's at any age from puberty is the following points: A. For Women. a). At birth she has between 1 to 2 million egg cells that she needs throughout her lifetime. How she uses it depends on factors mentioned above and also on how many times she ovulates, gets pregnant, or gets stimulated with medications to produce a dominant follicle. b). At puberty (remember that this varies in age), she now has between 300,000 to 400,000 egg cells to play with. How many times will she be pregnant? How many children will she get? How many menstrual cycles will lead to ovulation? No one knows the answers to these questions. c). Between ages 32 to 37, she now has about 25,000 eggs if all things are equal. Some may have more while others have lesser. d). At menopause (which varies again in age), she has less than 1,000 egg cells. When menopause sets in, she can't even be pregnant even though she has less than a thousand eggs. Some don't even have demonstrable eggs left at this stage. B. For men. a). At birth, there are no sperm cells at all. b). During puberty, he has between 40 to 300 million sperm cells. This is far more than the number of eggs a woman has at birth. Unlike a woman, who never produces NEW eggs after birth; NEW sperm cells are constantly being produced daily (between 100 to 300 million cells are produced daily; which translates to about 1,500 sperm per second.) c). At 50 and beyond (typically called andropause period), a male still produces millions of sperm cells daily. Whether or not these cells are of good quality depends on already mentioned factors. With these many points of mine, if you still wanna argue, provide contrary proof.
@elonmusk @DOGE @USTreasury Did Trump inherit a government run by unknown cabals??? I thought that happens in Nigeria alone? 😲
1 Corinthians 7 vs 4 and 5 says: "For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. Do not deprive each other of sexual relations, unless you both agree (except by MUTUAL CONSENT) to refrain from sexual intimacy for a limited time so you can give yourselves more completely to prayer. Afterward, you should come together again so that Satan won’t be able to tempt you because of your lack of self-control." This Bible portion shows that marital rape shouldn't even be a thing because none of the couples have the right to deny the other sexual relations whenever they are in need, except it's by MUTUAL CONSENT. And it should only be for a limited time, to avoid adultery, which is a ground for divorce and many other marital challenges. The quoted Nigerian laws probably share the sentiments of these verses.