![btpc Profile](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1833797864784637952/biirC1UM_x96.jpg)
Just another brilliant yet humble mind.
Joined June 2023
Jackson isn't someone to look up to. He had one moment combating SCOTUS, which oddly enough was to illegally deport thousands of people off their lands so that his campaign supporters and oligarchs could dig for gold. Walsh is at best misrepresenting what happened and at worst lying about the decision. Congress, not the executive branch have authority over treaties. The government had signed many treaties with the Cherokee people and their independent governments. This assigned them the status of independent sovereign people. The State of Georgia, Marshall correctly observed, had no constitutional power to declare those treaties null and void, neither did the Executive branch have that authorit, only Congress. Removing them was an unconstitutional act that had nothing to do with "moving west" and everything to do with Jackson's political friends wanting gold claims in the area. The Cherokee did not threaten the state of Georgia and the land wasn't even under the authority of the State of Georgia. It was a failure of Congress to reign in an out of control executive branch from violating the Constitution. The result of Jackson's unconstitutional land handout to his friends was the suffering and deaths of thousands of people who had done nothing more than place their misguided trust in the ability of the United States to honor treaties. I'm no limp wristed leftist and I'm fully aware that the natives committed their fair share of atrocities, but these are simply the facts of what happened. Jackson was wrong. The rest of his administration was built on corruption; funneling funds to his political friends and doing everything he could to increase the power of the executive branch in opposition to the Constitution and separation of powers. He was so corrupt and power hungry, the Whig party, that would eventually become the Republican party, was formed with the goal of halting his power grabs and putting authority back in the hands of elected representatives. His policies resulted in a massive depression and while he fudged the books to "pay off the debt" his poor economic policies resulted in massive deficit spending immediately after he left office resulting in overall negative economic growth. You don't want Trump to be Andrew Jackson.
@NostalgiaFolder Imagine the amount of drugs that went into those 2 short minutes. Probably funded Columbia for a year.
@The_Darth_Shawn @ChayaRaichik10 @JessePetrilla If you need to put sauce on steak, just order something else.
This might be the best comedy @PrimeVideo has ever released. I laughed my ass off for the entire trailer. This is comedy gold.
This is the exact type of teaching warned against in the Bible: Revelation 3:16 "So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth." There is no middle ground when it comes to abortion, child mutilation, destruction of family or destruction of human rights.
John 19:18 “They crucified Jesus with two others-one on each side & Jesus in the middle.” The guys on both sides were thieves. If you’re looking for the #realJesus, not a caricature disfigured by partisan motivations, you’ll find him in the middle, not on either side.
@RickWarren Rev 3 : 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. You'd think someone pretending to be a pastor would be aware of the Bible.
@PrimeVideo Nice, it's about time Amazon had a decent comedy. I couldn't stop laughing when watching the trailer.
It's why it's been delayed. The movie was so bad originally, they had to reshoot huge amounts of it and have cut the run time down considerably in an attempt to make it less of a turd. The costs for this movie including production, reshooting and promotion is probably over 300 million at this point. The movie is going to lose a lot of money.
I really am trying to enjoy #KCD2 I really am. But the combat is so much worse than the already bad combat was in the first game. When it takes 30 minutes to pass the initial combat tutorial to learn the first combo in the game because keyboard and mouse controls just don't work, that's a broken game.