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Wanda Alger



Joined October 2021
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Wanda Alger
1 day
The very first step in getting justice concerning those who have wounded us, is to get free of the enemy's hook...
Wanda Alger
2 days
Thanks for sharing, @blaiseforet. I knew we needed to include that in the interview due to all the misunderstandings floating around. For Rob and Millie, Patricia was a huge answer to prayer since they couldn't find a listening ear anywhere close to home. And she invited them, hosted them, and gave them a platform to speak. But, you're right in that there are still so many questions...I'm praying that she, Cindy Jacobs, and some more of their colleagues will fill in more of the gaps for everyone....
Wanda Alger
2 days
WHY NOW? After all these years of rumors and hearsay…after years of seeming false accusations and stories that have led nowhere…why are all these testimonies of sexual sin in the Church making headway now? Because the Lord is directing the traffic. He’s been preparing us and establishing our steps in this process. This is the hour HE has determined and it is HIS HAND that is directing this. He has determined this time, and NOTHING is going to stop Him from completing this assignment of exposure and cleansing. NOTHING. But that’s not all. He is also releasing GRACE. There is a supernatural grace that is guiding every witness that comes forward and protecting every step. There is a heavenly empowerment upon every advocate that is carrying a burden for this issue. There is a tangible grace that is blowing a wind of the Spirit on these stories and causing them to come into the light and break free of every constraint. It is a grace with unmatched power. There is a grace to pray like never before – and see real change. The Body of Christ is not on the defensive, but the offensive side of truth, and there is a sovereign grace to see our spiritual adversary totally defeated in this area. Where our enemy has sought to destroy the testimony of Jesus and the realities of the Spirit because of these wolves, the Father is waving us through and clearing the way for truth to be told. He is directing us where to go and what to do. He is the One directing this hour of breakthrough and overturning these strongholds of the enemy. This is a WINDOW of opportunity - a fresh WIND of His GRACE leading us through. Pay attention to what He lays on your heart in this hour. Pay attention to that which grips your soul and stirs zeal in your spirit. Pay attention to where He leads you and who He connects you with. Know that YOU have a role in this. YOU have a prayer that can scatter the enemies of God. YOU have a song that can immobilize the hordes of hell. YOU have a word that can shatter strongholds. Take hold of the supernatural GRACE that is here and let us see together what our God can do. FREEDOM is ringing and I hear all of heaven declaring “The bonds are being broken!” “The captives are being set free!” “The enemies of our God are being crushed beneath our feet!” Rejoice, saints. Many tears are being shed as the truth is emerging, but joy and celebration is ahead. That which has held us back and torn us down is now being uprooted, upended, and totally annihilated by the GRACE of our God! Don’t miss this hour and this invitation to step into the grace of His Spirit and the coming winds of refreshing. For the GRACE OF GOD HAS APPEARED, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions…to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession who are zealous for good works. (Titus 2:11-14 ESV)
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Wanda Alger
3 days
@Mich_Mac That's not up to me. They simply follow me and post whatever they feel their audience might appreciate:-).
Wanda Alger
3 days
For those who have been following the exposures of SA in the Church… In my latest interview where a couple shared their unsettling journey of being groomed by a sexual predator over a number of years in ministry, I was shocked by some of the responses to their story. Though many comments were highly encouraging and affirming of this couple’s courage to speak, there were others who were not only insensitive to their plight, but totally unaware of the gravity of the situation. There’s no question that this is new territory for the church at large and many don’t know what to do with the kind of evidence coming forward in some of these exposures. The level of sin being uncovered is not just gross sexual immorality in the secret lives of leaders, but a possible global ring of collaboration among wolves. What is coming to light are not just demonic spirits working through a few compromised leaders, but principalities that are working through major ministries to defile and destroy the very testimony of Jesus. We need to reconsider what response is most appropriate to those who come forward with firsthand testimonies and personal experiences. And I’m not talking about gossip or second hand rumors. The witnesses starting to come forward have been firsthand witnesses and victims of abuse and corruption. They have lived through hell and are finally feeling some courage in going public with their story – at great risk. Given this reality, I would like to offer some suggestions when posting comments. 1.Perhaps your comment, “I knew it!” is personally satisfying in having your suspicions confirmed, but it doesn’t really help the victim or encourage the saints. Unfortunately, it usually only shames the victim even more for not seeing the light like you have. Please reconsider. 2.Please don’t ask anyone to “Name names!” In some of these cases, they have already received both lawsuits and death threats. Most victims have already been mocked, ridiculed, silenced, and threatened when trying to come forward. They have found little support. Some have been falsely accused and lost their jobs, their reputations, and even income, just because they dared speak up. So instead of asking for names, pray for protection and for enough firsthand testimonies to be shared that the wolves can be dealt with properly and permanently. 3.Unless you have lived in a toxic ministry bubble yourself, you have no idea what it’s like to live in one. Many of these victims were young to begin with – both biologically as well as spiritually. And many were vulnerable – looking for a place to belong and feel validated. The perfect prey. They were brought into a fold that became family and everything they were told and taught became their “normal.” To blame someone for not being more discerning is to totally disregard the toxicity of the family they knew. It’s like a battered wife who stays with her abusive husband for a myriad of reasons that don’t make sense. Whether its an unhealthy soul tie, codependency, financial survival, or just plain fear – simply pray for the courage to come out. Give them a word of encouragement that there’s a “new normal” ahead. Let them know there’s life on the outside! Give them hope and a reason to step forward instead of shaming them back into their hole. 4. For all who simply want to decry the spiritual gifts as the reason for all this sin, please read your Bible again. Prophetic words and gifts of healing are not the problem here. Signs and wonders are not at fault. These wolves have hijacked the gifts of Holy Spirit and weaponized them for their own appetites. Let’s recognize the real enemy and pray that these ungodly ties can be cut, the strongholds be broken, and the wounded can be healed. And pray that the person and true works of the Holy Spirit can be embraced and celebrated the way God always intended. It's not only sin in the camp that is being exposed – it’s the measure of care and concern that we have for one another. The reality is – we’ve all been caught in a trap of deception and lies. Let’s help each other find our way out.
Wanda Alger
5 days
@JustinJDean @Paula_White Thank you for clarifying what's been happening behind the scenes. If we're going to judge by the fruit, it appears we've got some - even if some don't like the particular brand.
Wanda Alger
6 days
For those who still question whether or not these ministry exposures are of God or of man, the Lord reminded me of something He said in August of 2022 about the coming exposures: “But for those who are hirelings and have trespassed in My fields, I will remove you. I will strip you of your robe and staff and take the sandals from your feet. No longer will you walk safely among the flock. No longer will you use My sheep to line your own pockets and satisfy your own appetites. You have not defended the flock or confronted the wolves that have broken down the gates and infiltrated My sheepfold. Take heed and prepare to be replaced.” This is from a word He gave me after a significant dream (8/17/2022) illustrating the broken covenants in the Body of Christ because of the wolves in shepherds clothing. He was calling to the true shepherds to rise up and defend the flock. Here is the entire word (link is at the end with my full video released at that time, including the dream, this word, and several directives He gave for us to “prepare for the fallout.”) “If you turn at My reproof, behold, I will pour out My Spirit to you; I will make My words known to you.” (Proverbs 1:23 ESV) Where are My shepherds in the land? Where are those I have anointed to lead My sheep? Where are those I have called to show the way and direct the flock in this nation? You asked for My prophets and I gave them to you. I gave you My servants who have been speaking My words and declaring My purposes in this hour. You asked to know heaven’s will and I have spoken it through My watchmen. Have you recognized My voice and heeded My directives? Though some have understood My servants, there are many who do not yet understand and lack direction. Why, you ask? Because there are no shepherds to lead them! This land is desperate for true shepherds! It is not enough to hear the word of the Lord, for you need shepherds to interpret My words and lead My people to the fulfillment of them. Though there are some in this land who have been faithfully doing this, many fields have been overrun with wild beasts, devouring My sheep for lack of true shepherds. Instead of shepherds, there have been hirelings in My sheep pen with no heart for My sheep. They only care for themselves and the measure of their staffs. These hirelings have little compassion for the sheep and look instead to the size of their field and the recognition of their name. They have allowed personal ambition and pride of ministry to poison their call and lead them to compromise. They have polluted My Bride and infected My Church with apathy and unbelief. These are not the shepherds I have appointed for you! These are not the shepherds to lead you! They have not rightly discerned My voice. They have not recognized the messages I have sent nor represented My heart. Thus, they have turned the sheep away from My voice in favor of their own. This cannot stand! Look past the titles, the labels, and self-indulgent resumes. For a true shepherd is not measured by man’s standards. The shepherds I appoint carry a sovereign grace and authority from on high to take you where I AM. My shepherds have My love embedded in their hearts and carry a righteous zeal for the safety and security of My flock. They cannot help but speak out when the sheep are threatened. They cannot help but speak a better word when a counterfeit voice seeks entrance. My shepherds are not preoccupied with other shepherds in other fields. They are not concerned about the greener pastures of others. They are fixed on the sheep and will do whatever it takes to secure the territory for the sake of My Kingdom. Because of their love for the flock, My shepherds have no fear of the wolves. They do not retreat to the back corner in hopes the wild beasts will leave. No! With the heart of David, they will use whatever they have to challenge the lions and bears and defend their flock at all costs. Without hesitation they will confront those who dare attack and threaten the weak and the vulnerable. They care little about their own safety for they know the authority they carry and the One they will answer to. This is the heart of a true shepherd and the true measure of My leaders in this hour. To those shepherds I have called who are faithfully overseeing your flock, I will enlarge your territory and grant even greater grace and favor on all that you do. For you have answered the call and fought for the sheep at great personal cost. You have loved well and represented My Son. I bless your appointment and crown you with heaven’s joy. I will reward you with peace and overshadow you with My presence. You will see an increase of My blessing and the fruit that you bear will testify to My grace that is upon you. But for those who are hirelings and have trespassed in My fields, I will remove you. I will strip you of your robe and staff and take the sandals from your feet. No longer will you walk safely among the flock. No longer will you use My sheep to line your own pockets and satisfy your own appetites. You have not defended the flock or confronted the wolves that have broken down the gates and infiltrated My sheepfold. Take heed and prepare to be replaced. To My sheep I say this: Cry out for true shepherds. Call out for those with hearts that are pure and a love that is zealous for My bride. Cry out for leaders who will lead with courage and not cower in the fear of man. Demand accountability and integrity from those who claim to follow Me. This is the hour of separation. This is the hour of revealing the sheep from the wolves and My true servants from the hirelings. Watch and pray as this exposure comes. The separation will be painful, but it is a necessary pruning for the glory to come. Idolatry of platforms and personas is coming to an end. That which is of the flesh is making way for a flood of My Spirit. I am the Gatekeeper and only those who know My voice will enter in. “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a robber. But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the gatekeeper opens. The sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.” (John 10:1-3 ESV)
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Wanda Alger
8 days
This is a 3-minute clip from my latest video concerning The Avalanche of Evidence coming out about IHOPKC, Morningstar, Shawn Bolz, and more. In my full message, I share 8 different things I believe we are supposed to be learning during this time of exposure. It’s not the time to debate, deflect, or defend. It’s time for each part of the Body to come forward and do its work – for the sake of the whole…
Wanda Alger
8 days
An avalanche of information was released last night concerning sexual misconduct among ministry leaders. The long awaited 3rd party investigative report on IHOPKC was released with conclusive evidence of criminal behavior from not only its founder, but numerous staff members through the years. The incriminating testimonies of countless victims and witnesses should lay to rest any doubts concerning the serious allegations against Bickle and his organization. At the same time of this report coming out, Bethel released a public statement concerning Shawn Bolz and his questionable behavior. Many who are close to the situation feel like it’s too little, too late. I personally believe there’s much more to the story and am praying that the full truth will eventually come out. It was also reported that Morningstar is being hit with several lawsuits concerning sex abuse. Evidently, they tried to claim religious exemption last year in avoiding these suits, but a judge has determined they can’t get out of it. And then, another lawsuit has come against TD Jakes for soliciting. It should be abundantly clear that this is a time of exposure in the Church and that idols are coming down. Perhaps instead of debating whether or not these things actually happened, we need to make some serious changes. We can no longer judge by appearances or man’s standards. God is a holy God and He will not be mocked. I pray that our first response will be to pray for those hurt and wounded by these predators, and then pray that we the sheep start getting more of a clue in how to rightly judge those we follow. May this information stir up a greater zeal of the Lord among the saints to do what is right, regardless of the cost. (For those who follow me, I will be posting more on YouTube in the next day or two).
Wanda Alger
9 days
LISTEN FOR HIS VOICE IN THE MIDST OF THE MANY “The voice of the Lord flashes forth flames of fire. The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness; the Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh. The voice of the Lord makes the deer give birth and strips the forests bare, and in His temple all cry, ‘Glory!’” (Psalms 29:7-9 ESV) In this day of needed justice and purification of the Body and the Bride, many are trying to find their voice. Many are seeking to give voice to the wrongdoings of others, the abuses and control, the secret sins of hidden places, and long forgotten failures of the past in the House of God. Many are trying to find the courage to speak and to bring light to that which has stained our witness and poisoned our well. But as each one seeks to find their voice, there is only One Voice that can break the curse and set us free. It is this One Voice from which all others must speak. It is this One Voice that must be heard amidst all others in order for the glory of the Lord to be revealed. It is this One Voice that will set things in order and transform all that has been contaminated by unrighteous deeds and fleshly ambition. Listen for the Voice that shatters lies and crushes Leviathan’s grip. Listen for the Voice that melts the hardness of hearts and brings the fire of heaven to burn up the chaff and dross of men. It is the voice of the Lord that speaks into the wilderness and shakes everything that can be shaken. In the shaking of His voice, that which is pure and holy will endure and come forth as gold in the midst of the fire. Listen for the Voice which reflects glory and brings true peace to men’s hearts concerning that which is lasting and eternal. Voices are rising up and stirring the waters. The source from which they speak will be seen, for change will surely come and righteousness will again spring up from those whose waters run pure and whose streams are clean. Yes, many are speaking and giving voice to these many troubles in the House of the Lord. Pray for these who are conduits of this One Voice, for theirs will carry power and a holy fire to burn up the hay and stubble to separate the pure from the profane. But watch for the voices that seek to deflect and defend. The voices of flesh are many and will cause doubts and unrest. Even so, the voice of the Lord is speaking in this hour. For those with ears to hear it, yield your voice to His and allow Him to speak through you. Know that when He speaks, mountains will tremble and oaks will fall. But even in the shaking and the falling, the glory of the Lord will break forth as the waters cover the sea. Do not be concerned with finding your own voice. Speak from His, and all else will fall into place.
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Wanda Alger
14 days
THE UNTAPPED POWER OF GRACE Have you felt unable to move forward and take the next step? Have disappointments of the past immobilized your faith and caused you to get stuck in your tracks? I believe spirits of Fear and Self Protection are whispering into many ears and leading to a dead end. If this is you, God wants to reintroduce you to His Grace as an untapped source of power and strength. For the Grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. (Titus 2:11-13 ESV) Recently, the Lord gave me a revelation about Grace for those longing to shake off the pain of their past and get out of their wilderness. Because of unresolved hurts and traumas, the enemy has caused many to fear discomforts and disappointments even more than to fear the Lord (Matt 10:28-29). And it’s been a trap. If your goal has been to guard and protect yourself from any further unexpected changes, your ability to dream and believe for the impossible has been shut down. In continuing the cycle, you will only chain yourself to your past and shut down any vision for your future. The Lord wants to break those chains and empower you to walk confidently into your next assignment. And He wants Grace to lead the way. The Grace of the Lord is not compelled by fear nor driven by pressure. God’s Grace is content to stop and wait without fearing what’s next. Grace provides the precise measure of inspiration, motivation, and energy to do only that which is assigned for the current hour. It is a very specific allotment of enablement for an immediate role and assignment. Grace does not compare with others or compete for a greater portion. It is not fixed on the past or preoccupied with the future, but rests secure in the present, embracing each moment for the unique treasure that it holds. The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; You hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. (Psalm 16:5) God’s Grace assigns us boundary lines that define our measure of anointing for a particular purpose. These lines surround us with His protection, provision, and power. They act like a charged fence that the enemy cannot cross; a protective blood barrier that keeps us safe. That which we do inside His boundaries of Grace breathes life and bears fruit. It is only when we go outside of God’s grace that we find trouble. It is only when we seek to go beyond God’s grace that we lose our strength and our bearings, opening ourselves up to the enemy’s threats and attacks. Don’t allow your past or your pain to determine your future. Stop listening to the voices of Fear and Self Protection, and determine to trust again. Don’t worry about what others are doing – or what you’re “not” doing. Listen carefully to the voice of Grace that will bring you joy and breathe peace into your soul. You do not have to strive in your flesh for things to happen, for Grace will establish your steps and open the doors. Discover the power of God’s Grace in your life and find where His boundary lines have fallen for you. Those lines will eventually be extended, but not because of anything you try to do. It is His Grace alone that will lead you out of the wilderness, empower your walk, and bring you into a new place of promise and promotion. Now I commit you to God and to the word of His Grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified. (Acts 20:32)
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Wanda Alger
16 days
Words of Knowledge are REAL and they are powerful when coming through pure vessels. Listen to these incredible firsthand testimonies from JonMark Baker. Catch the full interview on YouTube and Rumble ("Sobering Words Concerning the Exposures of Prophetic Sons and Fathers")
Wanda Alger
17 days
NO, HE’S NOT THE ANTICHRIST… This post may stir some feathers, but I’d like to offer some perspective on the national front... I do not believe that President Trump has deceived us all and is the long-awaited Antichrist, nor do I believe that he is setting the stage for The Beast to take over the world. I see a number of posts suggesting this and I’d like to offer an alternative reality. Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour. (1 John 2:18) One doesn’t have to be a prophet to see that our world has already been taken over by a beast. It’s an antichrist spirit that has been at work for generations and seeks to kill us through whatever means are available. Whether it be a mark on the hand, a chip in the forehead, a weaponized virus, a globalist cabal, or something else, we’ve been under constant threat of enemy surveillance, government control, and bioweapons of death – for years. So, what else is new…? Just consider this - if anyone would have told us ten years ago that we would have gone through what we just did these last four years, I guarantee many would have believed it was The Great Tribulation. Was it? I continue to hear endless interpretations of Bible prophecies that are supposed to come to pass in this next year (or next month). But these narratives have been around for decades, and I have yet to see any long-lasting fruit from these ongoing predictions of the hour we are in (and some are still worried about some failed Trump prophecies?) I’m not aiming to attack anyone who has held these views – or even make light of them – but simply asking everyone to take another look. For those who say that there will be one antichrist that will appear so good that it will “deceive even the elect” (Matt 24:24), guess what - it’s already here! Why do you think there are so many woke churches and leftist preachers who have compromised Scripture and called evil good? Why do you think so many ministers are being exposed for their deception, having fallen prey to another gospel? That which has been promised to “bring us peace” is literally burning us to the ground. Yes, the elect have been deceived. Certainly, this latest news about Open AI and planting chips in humans is cause for concern and prayer. There’s no question that it is another means for demonic infiltration and takeover. But this doesn’t make Elon Musk the devil in disguise. There’s a difference between being demonically deceptive and spiritually blind. He may be a genius, but he is an agnostic whose worldview revolves around himself and other humans. This is a guy who loves kids, but doesn’t care if he sires them with ten different women. He’s spiritually lost and without any moral compass to guide his path. He’s living like many of the other “enlightened” intellectuals of our time who are more humanists than devil worshipers. My point is that I wonder if Elon isn’t more a pawn of the enemy than he is a knowing partner. And this is why we need to pray, especially for President Trump. I don’t think he is planning to take us to the abyss through these technological advances as some would believe. I think he’s simply fascinated by Elon’s keen intellect, zeal for innovation, and ability to get things done. And regardless of anyone’s distaste for this man, President Trump’s first week in office should be proof enough that he is keeping his word to the American people and demonstrating what a true leader looks like. No, he’s still not the scripture-quoting, smooth-talking orator that some still hope for, but he’s being a true father to this nation. Maybe a possible conflict with Elon’s ideas will spur this president on in his own spiritual awakening to realize the true demonic powers behind the scenes that are pulling the strings. We must continue to pray for him to be just as zealous for the Lord as he is about innovation and economic recovery. Again, I share these things as an alternative perspective for both prayer and right discernment. We don’t have to agree on our doctrines of The Last Days, but I would hope we can agree that this new administration desperately needs prayer - for the right reasons. The corrupt politicians and failed leaders we see in the national spotlight are not always globalist spies or agents of the underworld. Some of them are just extremely lost and totally blind to spiritual truth. They need an encounter with the Living God! Let’s pray that the Great Awakening continues so that God's light can begin to shine upon all men’s hearts to set them free. Not just from a demonic one world order, but from a sinful heart that will be eternally lost without God.
Wanda Alger
19 days
Here is some encouragement to those who need some added confidence and courage in speaking truth. Whether a whistle blower, a truth teller, a prophetic voice, or just someone who needs more boldness to speak a much-needed word, here are some thoughts to consider…
Wanda Alger
21 days
GET YOUR HAND OFF THE CART! “And when they came to the threshing floor of Nacon, Uzzah put out his hand to the ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen stumbled. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah.” (2 Samuel 6:6-7 ESV) I don’t like releasing these kinds of words. It would be far easier to just encourage the saints and help everyone to feel better about themselves. And yet, there are times when the Spirit of the Lord grips my heart so completely, I cannot shake what the Father is conveying. I cannot shake the deep pain He has for His sons who have fallen into sin and have compromised their call. I cannot shake His anguish over some of the spiritual fathers and mothers He has walked alongside for years, about to lose the fullness of their inheritance due to dangerous presumption and unrecognized pride. And I cannot shake the seriousness of this hour as the fires of purification are sweeping His Church. The Holy Spirit has been stirring the pot of many mega-ministries to bring up unrepentant sins of the past, dishonest ministry practices, and leadership abuses that have been poisoning the Body, little by little, year after year. Whether it be moral depravity, counterfeit gifts, or leaders gone rogue, the Holy Spirit is bringing these serious compromises into the light. And though there may be some testimonies coming out about these abuses that are sensationalized or contrived, there is also overwhelming confirmation from many valid witnesses that are raising legitimate red flags. And these issues are not isolated, but widespread in both evangelical and charismatic circles. The voices that are crying out for justice concerning these abuses are being severely questioned and criticized. But, we must see the Lord’s hand in this. Not only is the Lord separating the wolves from the sheep in this time of exposure, He is calling His leaders to account. With zealous love He is going through His house to call out those who have misused their influence and abused their positions of authority. Whether for ministry reputation, financial profit, or misplaced loyalties to men, He is not only examining the fruit of their ministries, but the condition of their hearts. The fires that have been lit are testing the building materials of both men and ministries. For many of these well-known leaders, they have spent years in establishing their ministries, hoping to fulfill God’s purpose and call. But some of these ministers have ended up building a brand, instead. Whether intentional or not, what may have started out as a genuine move of the Holy Spirit has become an idol to be preserved instead of a work to be built upon. The gifts they were given have become icons of their own history, and what was started in the Spirit is now being driven by the flesh. Thinking they are keepers of His flame, these leaders are now operating in familiar spirits and totally blind to the enemy in their midst. I feel the burden of the Spirit, for the anger of the Lord has been kindled in this hour. I hear His voice clearly say to these ministers, “GET YOUR HAND OFF THE CART.” Just as Uzzah thought it was his job to protect the ark of God’s Presence from slipping and reached out his hand to steady it, some of these leaders believe it is their responsibility to protect their ministries. They are placing their hands where they should not be in hopes of stopping a fall. But in attempting to preserve their houses, they have over extended their reach. Whether from good intentions, misplaced loyalties, or personal ego, it matters not. What is taking place is a holy and sacred work of the Lord and He says, “GET YOUR HAND OFF THE CART.” This is the hour of His holiness and no longer will He allow mixture in His House. No longer will there be any justification for compromising righteousness for the sake of ministry. He will not overlook unrepentant sin to make room for a spiritual gift, nor will He compromise His holiness to maintain someone’s public persona. No one is indispensable in His house. No one. He has raised ministries up, and He can bring them down. It’s the hour of decision for some of these leaders. The fires of sanctification are here and all must pass through them. To those He is speaking to – you know who you are. His words have already pierced your heart. But know that His rebuke is the discipline of a Heavenly Father who greatly loves you. He longs to see you finish well. Let go of your need to control a narrative and defend your history. It is not yours to protect. Do not touch what His glory is revealing - or seek to defend it - for it is His alone. Do not lose your reward for a progeny that is poisoning your well. Your response may determine your legacy. Get your hand off the cart.
Wanda Alger
23 days
Justice Roberts rushed the process. Melania wasn’t even standing next to Trump when he started his oath. Most logical explanation. If he did it on purpose, it wasn’t for the reasons most would think (have you ever seen that many hymns, prayers, and scriptures during an inauguration?) Time will tell:-).
Wanda Alger
23 days
Wanda Alger
23 days
With every order signed, it was as if President Trump was taking another link off the chains that have been holding this nation hostage. With every stroke of his pen, a founding father of this nation is bringing freedom from our oppressors. For he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword (pen!) in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer. (Romans 13:4)
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